A python library built on the API of the, which helps you to fetch the challenges and more
Installation • Features • Usage • License
This project is a personal effort and CoderHub has nothing to do with the content of this project.
Use pypi to install coderHub.
pip3 install coderHub
- get all challenges or by difficulty
- search for challenges
- get challenge by id
- get all languages info or by language name
- get top 10 leaderboard by programming language
- get user profile info
- get user statistics info
get all challenges or by difficulty:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
# get all challenges
#get by difficulty
Example Result
{"count": 99, "result": [{...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, {...}, ...]}
search for challenges:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
Example Result
"count": 2,
"challenge_tags": [{"name": "Date"}, {"name": "String"}],
"created_by": {"username": "CoderHub"},
"id": "c93a5e09-2578-42ec-95db-88d1e87d6459",
"points": 10,
"title": "تاريخ اليوم",
"type_of_level": {"name": "متوسط"}
"challenge_tags": [{"name": "Date"}, {"name": "String"}],
"created_by": {"username": "CoderHub"},
"id": "a2df08ef-faa1-4aaf-bbd5-66f7e021855a",
"points": 10,
"title": "تعديل صيغة التاريخ",
"type_of_level": {"name": "متوسط"}
get challenge by id:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
Example Result
"id": "3e420f85-f4e9-4e7a-b6bc-f35a8db70cb4",
"title": "طرح عددين",
"description": "### وصف التحدي\r\nقم بكتابة `function` تستقبل عددين، العدد الأول يمثل رقماً صحيحاً `integer` والعدد الثاني يمثل أيضا رقماً صحيحاً `integer`, ثم قم بإرجاع حاصل **طرح** هذين العددين.\r\n\r\n### المخرجات المتوقعة\r\n| Output | b | a |\r\n|----|----|----|\r\n| 5 | 5 | 10 |\r\n| 6 | -3 | 3 |\r\n| -5 | 1 | -4 |\r\n| 1 | -1 | 0 |\r\n| 0 | 0 | 0 |\r\n| -92 | -4 | -96 |",
"points": 5
// and more ...
get languages:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
# all languages
# language by name
Example Result
// all languages
"result": [
{"id": 6, "name": "swift", "version": "swift 4.2.2"},
{"id": 3, "name": "python", "version": "python 3.5.3"},
{"id": 2, "name": "javascript", "version": "SMonkey 68.6.0"},
{"id": 1, "name": "java", "version": "jdk 8u51"},
{"id": 8, "name": "c#", "version": "Mono 4.0.2"}
// language by name
{"id": 3, "name": "python", "version": "python 3.5.3"}
get leaderboard:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
print(coder_hub.get_leaderBoard(language="Python", search_type="ALL"))
Example Result
"leaderboard": [
"points": 835.0,
"user_id": "b45cf6da-c2aa-4347-a3da-fbf951a4183b",
"rank": 1,
"user_info": {"username": "hamoud47", "public": true}
"points": 830.0,
"user_id": "5eb4d6ea-1f0e-4cb9-b365-44518ddf5667",
"rank": 2,
"user_info": {"username": "awiteb", "public": false}
// 8 more
get user profile:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
Example Result
"preferred_language": "JavaScript",
"user_information": {
"id": "eab8c73c-9ae2-4595-a321-3de9faa72721",
"public_profile": true,
"first_name": "حمد",
"last_name": "بنقالي",
"username": "x7md",
"bio": "شاب سعودي، مهتم بالبرمجة، والتصميم الرقمي.",
"country_name": "المملكة العربية السعودية",
"city": "مكة المكرمة",
"social_links": [
{"site": "GITHUB", "handle": "x7md"},
{"site": "TWITTER", "handle": "anb9"}
"education": [
"name": "highSchool",
"major": "",
"institution": "عكرمة بن عمرو",
"start_at": "2019-03-31T00:00:00+00:00",
"end_at": "2021-03-31T00:00:00+00:00"
"certificates": [
"name": "التوعية بمخاطر الأمن السيبراني",
"institution": "دروب - صندوق تنمية الموارد البشرية",
"received_at": "2020-04-23T00:00:00+00:00",
"expires_at": "2020-04-23T00:00:00+00:00",
"expired": false,
"is_training_certificate": false
"programming_languages": [
{"programming_language": "JavaScript", "experience": "1 - 2 سنوات"},
{"programming_language": "Shell", "experience": "أقل من سنة"},
{"programming_language": "SQL", "experience": "أقل من سنة"}
"extra_public_fields": [
"are_you_a_trainer", "looking_for_job_type", "occupation"
"is_looking_for_job": null,
"looking_for_job_type": "training",
"are_you_a_trainer": false,
"occupation": "college student",
"preferred_language": "JavaScript"
"user_badges": []
get user statistics:
from coderHub import CoderHub
coder_hub = CoderHub()
Example Result
"programming_languages": [
{"programming_language_name": "JavaScript", "name": "سهل", "solved_challenges": 59},
{"programming_language_name": "JavaScript", "name": "صعب", "solved_challenges": 11},
{"programming_language_name": "JavaScript", "name": "متوسط", "solved_challenges": 32},
{"programming_language_name": "Java", "name": "سهل", "solved_challenges": 12}
"total_solved_per_programming_language": [
{"programming_language_name": "Java", "total_solved": 12},
{"programming_language_name": "JavaScript", "total_solved": 102}
"total_solved_challenges": 114