Amazon Price Alert Bot
A Telegram chatbot that helps you set price alerts for amazon products. The bot checks the price of your watchlisted products every hour and sends you an alert message when it reaches the target price. It is developed using the pyTelegramBotAPI and deployed on Replit.
pip install pyTelegramBotAPI
Google Sheets API
pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client google-auth-httplib2 google-auth-oauthlib
pip install gspread
How it works?
- You send an Amazon URL to the bot
- It checks whether it is a valid Amazon product URL.
- Then it asks you for a price alert.
- Finally using the Google Sheets API it adds the details of your product to an excel sheet.
- The amazon scraper checks every hour if the product has reached the alert price.
- Once it reaches the alert price the bot sends you an alert message.