The first programming langage in latin! (please keep your eyes closed when if you read the source code)
It is pretty useless though.
Roman digits and operations
All numbers must be written in roman digits, operations should be written with minus
and plus
(but -
and +
still work)
example: IV plus I
(returns V
it can show a string or an integer (it can be a variable)
usage: <argument 1> <argument 2>... dicere
(at least one argument)
example: "ave" dicere
Defines a variable
usage: <variable name> <content> est
example: numerum II est
Repeats a command a number of times, this number can be a variable
usage: <arguments> <number of times> repetare
example: ""ave" dicere II repetare
Like normal comments, written with #
usage: <stuff> #<comment>
example: I plus I dicere # outputs 1 + 1