Meta Language-Specific Layers in Multilingual Language Models


Meta Language-Specific Layers in Multilingual Language Models

This repo contains the source codes for our paper

On Negative Interference in Multilingual Models: Findings and A Meta-Learning Treatment

Zirui Wang, Zachary C. Lipton, Yulia Tsvetkov

EMNLP 2020


This repo contains code to train multilingual language models (XLM) that (1) contain language-specific layers, and (2) meta-learn these layers through gradient of gradient.

Language-specific layers are served as meta parameters, optimized using an iterative procedure. The goal is to remedy negative transfer in multilingual models through a meta training objective. Please see our paper for details.



The code is based on the official implementation of XLM. This repo only contains files that we modified from the original codebase. To train a model, please merge code with the source code of XLM, and then follow the standard preprocessing and training instructions there.

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