Deep Learning Interviews book: Hundreds of fully solved job interview questions from a wide range of key topics in AI.


Deep Learning Interviews book: Hundreds of fully solved job interview questions from a wide range of key topics in AI.

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This book ( was written for you: an aspiring data scientist with a quantitative background, facing down the gauntlet of the interview process in an increasingly competitive field. For most of you, the interview process is the most significant hurdle between you and a dream job. Even though you have the ability, the background, and the motivation to excel in your target position, you might need some guidance on how to get your foot in the door.


In AI, an elite group of researches such as the ones at Google DeepMind, are breaking scientific frontiers time and again. In quantitative algorithms, for instance, a handful of researchers who are at the top of the field can crack challenges that seem otherwise out of reach, developing models that drive future trading.

Those experts rely on years of experience and thorough understanding, and they’re fueled by their love of complex problems. Hedge funds do everything they can to attract top number crunchers longing to crack intractable challenges. If you are an aspiring data scientist, with a quantitative background and the gauntlet of the interviewing process dead ahead, you probably know that process is the most significant hurdle between you and a dream job somewhere in a startup or a branch of the big five. You have the ability, but you could use some guidance and preparation

What can it do for me?

The book’s contents is a large inventory of numerous topics relevant to DL job interviews and graduate-level exams. That places this work at the forefront of the growing trend in science to teach a core set of practical mathematical and computational skills. It is widely accepted that the training of every computer scientist must include the fundamental theorems of ML, and AI appears in the curriculum of nearly every university. This volume is designed as an excellent reference for graduates of such programs:

  •  Hundreds of fully-solved problems
  • Problems from numerous areas of deep learning
  •  Clear diagrams and illustrations
  •  A comprehensive index
  •  Step-by-step solutions to problems
  •  Not just the answers given, but the work shown
  •  Not just the work shown, but reasoning given where appropriate

Core subject areas

Your curiosity will pull you through the book’s problem sets, formulas, and instructions, and as you progress, you’ll deepen your understanding of deep learning. The connections between calculus, logistic regression, entropy, and deep learning theory are intricate: work through the book, and those connections will feel intuitive. VOLUME-I of the book focuses on statistical perspectives and blends background fundamentals with core ideas and practical knowledge. There are dedicated chapters on:

  •  Information Theory
  •  Calculus & Algorithmic Differentiation
  •  Bayesian Deep Learning & Probabilistic Programming
  •  Logistic Regression
  •  Ensemble Learning
  •  Feature Extraction
  •  Deep Learning: Expanded Chapter (100+ pages)

These chapters appear alongside numerous in-depth treatments of topics in Deep Learning with code examples in PyTorch, Python and C++.


@Book{Kashani2019, title = {Deep learning Interviews}, 
   author = {Shlomo Kashani}, 
   publisher = {Shlomo Kashani}, 
   year = {2020}, 
   edition = {1st}, 
   note = {ISBN 13: 978-1-9162435-4-5 }, 
   url = {}, 


  • "PyTorch" is a trademark of Facebook.



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  • Facing

    Facing "Password Protected" Lock when trying to read the pdf on the iBook application

    First of all, Thank You Very Much for open sourcing this amazing book.

    As per the issue, I downloaded the the book through which I managed to get a copy of the book which was a pdf file named "deep-learning-interviews.pdf".

    But when I tried to read the pdf on the iBook my iPad mini, it came up as PDF password protected and I was not able to access the pdf.

    Is there a way to alleviate this issue?

    Thank in advance.

    opened by imr555 2
  • Solutions for SOL-208  CH.SOL- 8.32: 2nd Edition

    Solutions for SOL-208  CH.SOL- 8.32: 2nd Edition

    Wanted to flag this in case it hasn't been seen yet. I think the solutions for SOL-208  CH.SOL- 8.32 should be -0.165 and for 8.51, -0.164. I may be wrong but wanted to run it by you.

    Mathematical mistake 
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  • SOL-140  #2 Incorrect Answer

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    The answer in SOL-140 Number 2 should be "Sampling with replacement". If you sample with replacement the samples should be independent and have zero covariance. This is backed up by the content at this page.

    Mathematical mistake 
    opened by holopoj 0
  • Multiple questions inside a single problem

    Multiple questions inside a single problem

    From a reader: Because solutions are not immediately below the questions there was a lot of tab switching on my laptop. I would also prefer multiple questions inside a single problem to be rewritten as separate problems. In general, I prefer reading textbooks like this in the following order: question1 -> answer1 -> question2 -> answer2 -> question3 -> pausing and thinking on answer -> answer3 -> ...

    opened by BoltzmannEntropy 1
  • Typo page 267

    Typo page 267

    Hi, Very interesting book indeed, so thanks for the hard work!

    I noticed a quick typo while skimming through the book:

    • page 267: Hi realized two consecutive layers in PyTorch [20], declared as follows (8.3):
      • Hi should probably be He


    Spelling mistake 
    opened by cpcdoy 1
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