First version! API documented below:
Main function
- plot - Plots high dimensional data in 1, 2, or 3 dimensions as static image, 3d interactive plot or animated plot.
Sub functions
- tools.align - align multidimensional data (See [here]( for details)
- tools.reduce - implements PCA to reduce dimensionality of data
- tools.cluster - runs k-means clustering and returns cluster labels
- tools.describe_pca - plotting tool to evaluate how well the principle components describe the data
- tools.missing_inds - returns indices of missing data (nans)
- tools.normalize - z-scores the columns/rows of a matrix or list of matrices
- tools.procrustes - projects from one space to another using Procrustean
transformation (shift + scaling + rotation) (Adapted from [pyMVPA]( implementation)
- tools.df2mat - converts single-level pandas dataframe to numpy matrix

A numpy array, list of arrays, or pandas dataframe or list of dataframes
NOTE: HyperTools currently only supports single-level indexing for pandas dataframes, but we plan to support multi-level indices in the future. Additionally, be aware that if columns containing text are passed to HyperTools, those columns will be automatically converted into dummy variables (see pandas.get_dummies for details).
Format strings can be passed as a string, or tuple/list of length x.
See matplotlib API for more styling options
Keyword arguments:
color(s) (list): A list of colors for each line to be plotted. Can be named colors, RGB values (e.g. (.3, .4, .1)) or hex codes. If defined, overrides palette. See for list of named colors. Note: must be the same length as X.
group (list of str, floats or ints): A list of group labels. Length must match the number of rows in your dataset. If the data type is numerical, the values will be mapped to rgb values in the specified palette. If the data type is strings, the points will be labeled categorically. To label a subset of points, use None
(i.e. ['a', None, 'b','a']
linestyle(s) (list): a list of line styles
marker(s) (list): a list of marker types
palette (str): A matplotlib or seaborn color palette
labels (list): A list of labels for each point. Must be dimensionality of data (X). If no label is wanted for a particular point, input None
legend (list): A list of string labels to be plotted in a legend (one for each list item)
ndims (int): an int representing the number of dims to plot in. Must be 1,2, or 3. NOTE: Currently only works with static plots.
normalize (str or False) - If set to 'across', the columns of the input data will be z-scored across lists (default). If set to 'within', the columns will be z-scored within each list that is passed. If set to 'row', each row of the input data will be z-scored. If set to False, the input data will be returned (default is False).
n_clusters (int): If n_clusters is passed, HyperTools will perform k-means clustering with the k parameter set to n_clusters. The resulting clusters will be plotted in different colors according to the color palette.
animate (bool): If True, plots the data as an animated trajectory (default: False)
show (bool): If set to False, the figure will not be displayed, but the figure, axis and data objects will still be returned (see Outputs) (default: True).
save_path (str): Path to save the image/movie. Must include the file extension in the save path (i.e. save_path='/path/to/file/image.png'
). NOTE: If saving an animation, FFMPEG must be installed (this is a matplotlib req). FFMPEG can be easily installed on a mac via homebrew brew install ffmpeg
or linux via apt-get apt-get install ffmpeg
. If you don't have homebrew (mac only), you can install it like this: /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
explore (bool): Displays user defined labels will appear on hover. If no labels are passed, The point index and coordinate will be plotted. To use, set explore=True
Note: Explore more is currently only supported for 3D static plots.
Animation-specific keyword arguments:
duration (int): Length of the animation in seconds (default: 30 seconds)
tail_duration (int): Sets the length of the tail of the data (default: 2 seconds)
rotations (int): Number of rotations around the box (default: 2)
zoom (int): Zoom, positive numbers will zoom in (default: 0)
chem_trails (bool): Added trail with change in opacity (default: False)
-By default, the plot function outputs a figure handle (matplotlib.figure.Figure), axis handle (matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes) and data (list of numpy arrays), e.g. fig,axis,data = hyp.plot(x)
-If animate=True
, the plot function additionally outputs an animation handle (matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation) e.g. fig,axis,data,line_ani = hyp.plot(x, animate=True)
Example uses:
Please see the examples folder for many more implementation examples.
Import the library: import hypertools as hyp
Plot with default color palette: hyp.plot(data)
Plot as movie: hyp.plot(data, animate=True)
Change color palette: hyp.plot(data,palette='Reds')
Specify colors using unlabeled list of format strings: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1]],['r:','b--'])
Plot data as points: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1]],'o')
Specify colors using keyword list of colors (color codes, rgb values, hex codes or a mix): hyp.plot([data[0],data[1],[data[2]],color=['r', (.5,.2,.9), '#101010'])
Specify linestyles using keyword list: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1],[data[2]],linestyle=[':','--','-'])
Specify markers using keyword list: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1],[data[2]],marker=['o','*','^'])
Specify markers with format string and colors with keyword argument: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1],[data[2]], 'o', color=['r','g','b'])
Specify labels:
# Label first point of each list
for idx,i in enumerate(data):
for iidx,ii in enumerate(i):
if iidx==0:
tmp.append('Point ' + str(idx))
hyp.plot(data, 'o', labels=labels)
Specify group:
# Label first point of each list
for idx,i in enumerate(data):
for iidx,ii in enumerate(i):
hyp.plot(data, 'o', group=group)
Plot in 2d: hyp.plot(data, ndims=2)
Group clusters by color: hyp.plot(data, n_clusters=10)
Create a legend: hyp.plot([data[0],data[1]], legend=['Group A', 'Group B'])
Turn on explore mode (experimental): hyp.plot(data, 'o', explore=True)


A list of numpy arrays
An aligned list of numpy arrays
Example use:
align a list of arrays: aligned_data =
A numpy array or list of numpy arrays
Keyword arguments:
- ndims - dimensionality of output data
- normalize (str or False) - If set to 'across', the columns of the input data will be z-scored across lists. If set to 'within', the columns will be z-scored within each list that is passed. If set to 'row', each row of the input data will be z-scored. If set to False, the input data will be returned. (default is 'across').
An array or list of arrays with reduced dimensionality
Example uses
Reduce n-dimensional array to 3d: reduced_data =, ndims=3)
A numpy array or list of numpy arrays
Keyword arguments:
- n_clusters (int) - number of clusters to fit (default=8)
- ndims (int) - reduce data to ndims before running k-means (optional)
A list of cluster labels corresponding to each data point. NOTE: During the cluster fitting, the data are stacked across lists, so if multiple lists are passed, the returned list of cluster labels will need to be reshaped.
Example use:
cluster_labels =, n_clusters=10)
hyp.plot(data, 'o', group = cluster_labels)

Describe PCA
A numpy array or list of numpy arrays
Keyword arguments:
- show (bool) - if true, returns figure handle, axis handle and dictionary containing the plotted data. If false, the function just returns a dictionary containing the data
A plot summarizing the correlation of the covariance matrixes for the raw input data and PCA reduced data
Example use:

Missing inds
A numpy array or list of numpy arrays
A list of indices representing rows with missing data. If a list of numpy arrays is passed, a list of lists will be returned.
Example use:
missing_data_inds =
A numpy array or list of numpy arrays
Keyword arguments:
- normalize (str or False) - If set to 'across', the columns of the input data will be z-scored across lists. If set to 'within', the columns will be z-scored within each list that is passed. If set to 'row', each row of the input data will be z-scored. If set to False, the input data will be returned. Note: you MUST set the normalize flag equal to 'across', 'within' or 'row or else you will get the same data back that you put in!
An array or list of normalized data
Example use:
normalized_data =, normalize='within')
- source - a numpy array to be transformed
- target - a numpy array to serve as template
A (shifted + scaled + rotated) version of source that best matches target
Example use:
source_aligned_to_target =, target)
- a single-level pandas dataframe
A numpy matrix built from the dataframe with text columns replaced with dummy variables (see
Example use:
matrix =
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