Domoticz Hyundai-Kia plugin
Author: Creasol
For any support request, please write email to [email protected] or enter the Telegram DomBus group
This plugin is designed for Domoticz home automation system and provide a way to get status from Hyunday and Kia cars.
It's based on the hyundai-kia-connect-api python library, written by Fuat Akgun.
In this folder you can find the python plugin for Domoticz: you can install the hardware plugin by using Python Plugin Manager, or typing the following commands from the linux shell:
#become root user
sudo su -
#install git, if not already installed
which git
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then sudo apt install git; fi
#change to the domoticz directory / plugins
cd /home/pi/domoticz/plugins
#fetch the Python Plugin Manager (that can be used to install/upgrade other plugins, including domoticz-hyundai-kia)
git clone
#fetch Creasol Plugin
git clone
#install hyundai-kia-connect-api lib
pip3 install hyundai-kia-connect-api
#restart Domoticz daemon
service domoticz restart
Charging the electric car in a smart way
Creasol is developing a cheap and smart DIY EVSE module that can work stand-alone or connected to Domoticz.
Video at
detects plug connection and disconnection
detects when the electric vehicle starts and stops charging
detects alarms from vehicle
interfaces a bidirectional energy meter to know the real time import or export power from grid
operates as stand-alone (no need for a domotic controller) with the possibility to select two charging mode:
- use the maximum power allowed by electricity meter, preventing overloads and disconnections
- use only renewable energy (keep import power around 0W)
operates in a controlled mode, with Domoticz home automation system: in this case it's possible to
- easily set the minimum and maximum battery level
- easily set the maximum charging current
- when battery level is below minimum, charge at the max power permitted by the electricity meter (in Italy, alternates 90 minutes at maximum power + 27% and 90 minutes at maximum power + 10%, it's not possible to charge faster! The electrical system must be checked carefully when using maximum power, to avoid overheating and fires!!)
- when battery level is between minimum and maximum, charge using only power from renewable energy from photovoltaic
More info at