Version 0.2.0
Version 0.2.0 is a major update that focuses primarily on underground generation and features.
Other notable changes include pickblock, block selection, better particles and profiling.
New blocks
- Bedrock
- Granite
- Diorite
- Andesite
- Coal ore
- Iron ore
- Gold ore
- Lapis ore
- Redstone ore
- Diamond ore
- Emerald ore
- Deepslate
- Cobbled deepslate
- Deepslate coal ore
- Deepslate iron ore
- Deepslate gold ore
- Deepslate lapis ore
- Deepslate redstone ore
- Deepslate diamond ore
- Deepslate emerald ore
- Generated with Perlin Noise
- You will sometimes find grass and dirt getting cut off without any actual cave generating, that is a quirk of cave generation
- Caves will not be able to cut through bedrock

Stone Types
- There are 4 new stone types:
- Granite
- Diorite
- Andesite
- Tuff
- Granite, diorite, and andesite generate anywhere above deepslate level ( < chunk-y 64)
- Tuff only generates below deepslate level ( > chunk-y 64)
- Their shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm
- They will not generate overlapping with ore veins, neither will they replace dirt, ores, nor bedrock
Bedrock + World Height
- Bedrock generates from y 1024+
- There is a blend between stone and bedrock, generated the same as stone -> deepslate
- The player cannot break bedrock
Ore Veins
- Ore vein shapes are determined by a Cellular Automata algorithm.
- They will turn into deepslate variants of the ores if they generate replacing deepslate
- Ores will not replace bedrock or dirt
- They generate underground with the following distribution (all percentages represent the chance of generation per chunk):
- Coal ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating with a 16% chance at the top of the world, decreases until it reaches chunk-y 64, gets more common going down until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 128
- Iron ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at the top of the world rarely, quickly goes to 10% chance at chunk-y 8, then gets rarer as chunk-y goes down to 72
- Lapis ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 32, gets more common until chunk-y 64 with a 6% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 96
- Gold ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 88 with a 7% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120
- Redstone ore (2 attempts per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, gets more common until chunk-y 120, then quickly gets rarer until chunk-y 128
- Diamond ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 96, then gets more common until chunk-y 128 with a 5% chance
- Emerald ore (1 attempt per chunk) starts generating at chunk-y 56, maintains a 1% chance of generating until chunk-y 72, then gets more common until chunk-y 96 with a 3% chance, then gets rarer until chunk-y 120
Ore distribution map:

Best y-level for mining
- The best chunk-y to mine for each ore, the attempts per chunk, and the chance per attempt:
- Coal: 2 (not 1 because a large portion of chunk-y 1 is made up of dirt), 16%, 2
- Iron: 8, 10%, 2
- Lapis: 64, 6%, 1
- Gold: 88, 7%, 1
- Redstone: 120, 15%, 2
- Diamond: 126 (not 128 or 127 because a large portion of them are made up of bedrock), 5%, 1
- Emerald: 96, 3%, 1
Void Fog Particles
- Void fog particles start to spawn below y 896
- The lower down the player is:
- The more particles spawn
- The bigger the particles on average
- Void fog particles will be deleted if they either move behind a block or move outside the screen
Player Fall Particles
- Player fall particles will be spawned when the player falls for more than or equal to 4 blocks and lands
- The longer the player falls for, the most particles are spawned, to a maximum of 15 blocks
- The particles will take the color of a random pixel of the block that the player fell onto
Block Selection Box
- Added a selection box around the block that the crosshair is hovering over
- It is 2 pixels thick, and is offset towards the topleft corner by 2 pixels to fit the selected block entirely within the box
Sky Gradient
- The background colour now has a gradient between the default blue (y = 0-) and black (y = 1024)
- Press the MMB (middle mouse button) to pick the block the crosshair is hovering over
- Some blocks cannot be pick-blocked, like bedrock, tall grass top, and leafed oak log
- Pick-blocking will move the targeted block to the slot that you are selecting, no matter if it is on the hotbar or in the inventory
- Crosshair now fades between colors instead of instantly changing
- Added "Block position" to the debug menu, which shows the coordinates of the block the crosshair is hovering over
- Added "Particles" to the debug menu, which shows the number of particles that is being calculated
- Added a transparent white overlay on the inventory slot that is being hovered over
Bug fixes
- Fixed floating tall grass on chunk borders
- Particles float upwards when inside a block, now they just fall out
- Fixed tall grass being cut off by a tree on chunk borders
Technical changes
Grouped code into different files in the "src" folder
Added comments, docstrings and type annotations explaining the code
Separated collision detection from camera because that is just very bad
Improved particle performance
Greatly improved chunk loading performance considering the new terrain features that have been added
The system by which we create, update and draw particles has been completely reworked.
- We are now using OOP in the inheritance tree:
├── PhysicsParticle
│ ├── BlockParticle
│ └── PlayerFallParticle
└── EnviromentalParticle
- To make a profile for a function, pass the callable into src.utils.profile, along with its parameters
- It will create a .prof file in build/profiles on the function that has been passed when F9 is pressed
- The file will have the time of creation in its file name
In game you can presss F9 and it will generate a profile of <callable>
in build/profiles.
# variable = <callable>(<*args>)
import src.utils as utils
variable = utils.profile(<callable>, <*args>)
For instance, to time the loading of chunks, you could do the following:
# self.rendered_chunks = load_chunks(
import src.utils as utils
self.rendered_chunks = utils.profile(load_chunks,
If you want to generate a profile without you having to press a key (for example,
if you want to time a function if a certain condition is met), you could do the following:
import src.utils as utils
if <condition>:
utils.do_profile = True
profile(<callable>, <*args>)
For instance, to time the loading time of a certain chunk at (x, y), you could do the following:
import src.utils as utils
if chunk == (x, y):
utils.do_profile = True
profile(Chunk, chunk)
Source code(tar.gz)
Source code(zip)
2DMC.v0.2.0.exe(25.93 MB)