Installation Navigate to your directory of choice the proceed as follows;
1 .Clone the git repo and create a virtual environment
Depending on your operating system,make a virtual environment to avoid messing with your machine's primary dependencies
git clone https://github.com/Dev-Elie/GDSC_MUT-WEB-Series.git .
cd your-working-directory
py -3 -m venv venv
git clone https://github.com/Dev-Elie/GDSC_MUT-WEB-Series.git .
cd your-working-directory
py -3 -m venv venv
2 .Activate the virtual environment (venv)
. venv/bin/activate
or source venv/bin/activate
3 .Install the requirements
Applies for windows/macOS/Linux
pip install -r requirements.txt
4. Run the application For linux and macOS Make the run file executable by running the code
chmod 777 run
Then start the application by executing the run file
On windows
set FLASK_APP=main
flask run
1. Create a migration repository
flask db init
Creates a new migrations folder inside your cwd.
2. Generate an initial migration
flask db migrate
Creates a database with the required table.
3. Apply the migration to the database
flask db upgrade
Then, whenever the database models change, run the migrate and upgrade commands again.