Get a link to the web version of a git-tracked file or directory



Get a link to the web version of a git-tracked file or directory.

Applies to GitHub and GitLab remotes (and maybe others but those are not tested).


$ gethyperlink [PATH]

(Note the spelling here: get hyperlink).

If PATH is not specified, a link for the current directory is given.


$ cd my-pretty-repo/subdir

$ gethyperlink somefile.jl

You might want to define an alias, for example, in ~/.bashrc:

alias gl="gethyperlink"  # Or maybe 'gurl' (get url) 💅

Direct usage in Python

from githyperlink import get_hyperlink

# →

The argument to get_hyperlink can be a string, as above, or a pathlib.Path.


pip install githyperlink

This will get you the

Latest release on PyPI,

and makes the command-line tool gethyperlink globally available.

To upgrade an existing installation to the version above, use pip install -U githyperlink.

Requires Python ≥ 3.9.


  • git is called directly, in a subprocess: this is faster than the default usage of GitPython, and spares a dependency. (Currently, we only depend on click).

  • Not many features.
    This makes the source code easier to grok, and easier to modify for your own purposes.

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