Hi there!
If you are here because this kind of errors:
C:> diddiscript-console
Welcome to the interactive DiddiParser console.
Parser version: 1.0.0
> load_module("simpleio");
> store_input("Some text: ");
Some text: foo
Error while compiling: Could not identify value: foo
or something else related to "values" or "variables", don't worry.
Why this happened
This is due to the application of DSGP 2 (something we made at #42) combined with the adaptations to DSGP 1. On every input (and probably other interactions), the parser is trying to identify DiddiScript "values", so it fails.
Similar strange issues happened during the DSGP 2 adoption. So we had to move a lot of things on the parser's main operations. But we didn't expect that our moves could lead to a regression.
What to do now
If you find a new error, before this issue gets closed, feel free to report it here. That will help us to identify the side effects faster. Then, just wait. We'll be working hard to fix these issues.
type: bug diddiscript: DSGP application