XGDork² - ViraX Google Dork Scanner
SQLi Google Dork Scanner by ViraX @ 2021
- for Python 2.7 - compatible Android(NoRoot) - Termux
A simple 'naive' python tool to find SQLi Vulnerable websites in the wild.
[!] DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for illegal acts that you would do with this program !, only educational . [!]
- SQL Dork Scanner
- SQL Dumper Module (Basic) - Please wait for the next update
- Simple Tools - Please wait for the next update
--- Setup ---
- install Python 2.7 / on Termux 'pkg install python2'
- pip/pip2 install requests
- pip/pip2 install termcolor
- install git / on Termux 'pkg install git'
- git clone https://github.com/E4rr0r4/XGDork-2.git
- cd XGDork
- chmod XGDork.py (optional)
- python/python2 XGDork.py --help
version: [²] beta-20112021-FreeSoftware
- Contributor(s)/Source(s)
- SQLmap 'agents file' - https://github.com/sqlmapproject/
if you want to buy me a coffee ;)
- Bitcoin 3BbEBY3JTYX9ihpc1BzKkNeZbaVckLENbQ
- Ethereum 0x019aa9b35b3528841d04394c3b3ee2ff730bcfe6
- Tether 3HF6TpDEo1joY7hF3Fe6i3s6nATM37GM5V