[CVPR2021] The source code for our paper 《Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning》.

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Deep Learning BE


The source code for our paper "Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning" [arxiv] [code][Project Website]



  title={Removing the Background by Adding the Background: Towards Background Robust Self-supervised Video Representation Learning},
  author={Wang, Jinpeng and Gao, Yuting and Li, Ke and Lin, Yiqi and Ma, Andy J and Cheng, Hao and Peng, Pai and Ji, Rongrong and Sun, Xing},


[2020.3.7] The first version of TBE are released!

0. Motivation

  • In camera-fixed situation, the static background in most frames remain similar in pixel-distribution.

  • We ask the model to be temporal sensitive rather than static sensitive.

  • We ask model to filter the additive Background Noise, which means to erasing background in each frame of the video.

Activation Map Visualization of BE


More hard example

2. Plug BE into any self-supervised learning method in two steps

The impementaion of BE is very simple, you can implement it in two lines by python:

rand_index = random.randint(t)
mixed_x[j] = (1-prob) * x + prob * x[rand_index]

Then, just need define a loss function like MSE:

loss = MSE(F(mixed_x),F(x))

2. Installation

Dataset Prepare

Please refer to [dataset.md] for details.


  • Python3
  • pytorch1.1+
  • PIL
  • Intel (on the fly decode)
  • Skvideo.io
  • Matplotlib (gradient_check)

As Kinetics dataset is time-consuming for IO, we decode the avi/mpeg on the fly. Please refer to data/video_dataset.py for details.

3. Structure

  • datasets
    • list
      • hmdb51: the train/val lists of HMDB51/Actor-HMDB51
      • hmdb51_sta: the train/val lists of HMDB51_STA
      • ucf101: the train/val lists of UCF101
      • kinetics-400: the train/val lists of kinetics-400
      • diving48: the train/val lists of diving48
  • experiments
    • logs: experiments record in detials, include logs and trained models
    • gradientes:
    • visualization:
    • pretrained_model:
  • src
    • Contrastive
      • data: load data
      • loss: the loss evaluate in this paper
      • model: network architectures
      • scripts: train/eval scripts
      • augmentation: detail implementation of BE augmentation
      • utils
      • feature_extract.py: feature extractor given pretrained model
      • main.py: the main function of pretrain / finetune
      • trainer.py
      • option.py
      • pt.py: BE pretrain
      • ft.py: BE finetune
    • Pretext
      • main.py the main function of pretrain / finetune
      • loss: the loss include classification loss

4. Run

(1). Download dataset lists and pretrained model

A copy of both dataset lists is provided in anonymous. The Kinetics-pretrained models are provided in anonymous.

cd .. && mkdir datasets
mv [path_to_lists] to datasets
mkdir experiments && cd experiments
mkdir pretrained_models && logs
mv [path_to_pretrained_model] to ../experiments/pretrained_model

Download and extract frames of Actor-HMDB51.

wget -c  anonymous
python utils/data_process/gen_hmdb51_dir.py
python utils/data_process/gen_hmdb51_frames.py

(2). Network Architecture

The network is in the folder src/model/[].py

Method #logits_channel
C3D 512
R2P1D 2048
I3D 1024
R3D 2048

All the logits_channel are feed into a fc layer with 128-D output.

For simply, we divide the source into Contrastive and Pretext, "--method pt_and_ft" means pretrain and finetune in once.

Action Recognition

Random Initialization

For random initialization baseline. Just comment --weights in line 11 of ft.sh. Like below:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
python main.py \
--method ft --arch i3d \
--ft_train_list ../datasets/lists/diving48/diving48_v2_train_no_front.txt \
--ft_val_list ../datasets/lists/diving48/diving48_v2_test_no_front.txt \
--ft_root /data1/DataSet/Diving48/rgb_frames/ \
--ft_dataset diving48 --ft_mode rgb \
--ft_lr 0.001 --ft_lr_steps 10 20 25 30 35 40 --ft_epochs 45 --ft_batch_size 4 \
--ft_data_length 64 --ft_spatial_size 224 --ft_workers 4 --ft_stride 1 --ft_dropout 0.5 \
--ft_print-freq 100 --ft_fixed 0 # \
# --ft_weights ../experiments/kinetics_contrastive.pth


bash scripts/kinetics/pt_and_ft.sh
bash scripts/ucf101/ucf101.sh
bash scripts/Diving48/diving48.sh

For Triplet loss optimization and moco baseline, just modify --pt_method

BE (Triplet)

--pt_method be_triplet


bash scripts/hmdb51/i3d_pt_and_ft_flip_cls.sh


bash scripts/hmdb51/c3d_pt_and_ft_flip.sh

Notice: More Training Options and ablation study can be find in scripts

Video Retrieve and other visualization

(1). Feature Extractor

As STCR can be easily extend to other video representation task, we offer the scripts to perform feature extract.

python feature_extractor.py

The feature will be saved as a single numpy file in the format [video_nums,features_dim] for further visualization.

(2). Reterival Evaluation

modify line60-line62 in reterival.py.

python reterival.py


Action Recognition

Kinetics Pretrained (I3D)

Method UCF101 HMDB51 Diving48
Random Initialization 57.9 29.6 17.4
MoCo Baseline 70.4 36.3 47.9
BE 86.5 56.2 62.6

Video Retrieve (HMDB51-C3D)

Method @1 @5 @10 @20 @50
BE 10.2 27.6 40.5 56.2 76.6

More Visualization


please refer to utils/visualization/t_SNE_Visualization.py for details.


please refer to utils/visualization/confusion_matrix.py for details.


This work is partly based on UEL and MoCo.


The code are released under the CC-BY-NC 4.0 LICENSE.

  • About the setting

    About the setting

    Hi, the default setting in the code is different from the paper, lr for example. So which setting should I apply? I tried the default setting in the code. And I get the fine-tune-best_prec1 result around 0.456 on ucf101. I want to know what causes this result, something wrong I made or just the setting problem?

    opened by gazelxu 3
  • Question about model assessment

    Question about model assessment

    In section 4.5 How does Background Erasing Work, the author first trained an I3D model with static video generated from HMDB51 and draws classification top-1 acc of each class. But in our experiments, we found the validation acc of each class is similar due to the small amount of validation set.

    Thus, we doubt whether the classification top-1 acc results in fig.4 are reported from the train set or validation set? They are evenly distributed on the horizontal axis. It is appreciated if more information about the experiment in section 4.5 is provided.

    • Here is our experiment result, where the average top-1 acc is 15.82.
    class          val acc  train acc
    0	===>	0.00,	97.14
    47	===>	0.00,	93.55
    43	===>	0.00,	100.00
    38	===>	0.00,	91.89
    37	===>	0.00,	76.47
    36	===>	0.00,	92.50
    27	===>	0.00,	69.70
    20	===>	0.00,	94.12
    19	===>	0.00,	97.06
    14	===>	0.00,	81.08
    13	===>	0.00,	96.88
    12	===>	0.00,	65.71
    50	===>	0.00,	84.21
    1	===>	0.00,	83.87
    4	===>	0.00,	94.59
    11	===>	0.00,	84.38
    31	===>	6.67,	87.80
    33	===>	6.67,	91.67
    39	===>	6.67,	85.71
    24	===>	6.67,	94.74
    5	===>	6.67,	93.33
    21	===>	6.67,	93.33
    8	===>	6.67,	85.37
    41	===>	6.67,	96.15
    17	===>	6.67,	78.38
    16	===>	6.67,	83.33
    48	===>	6.67,	84.09
    7	===>	6.67,	94.29
    45	===>	6.67,	90.00
    42	===>	13.33,	81.58
    26	===>	13.33,	100.00
    28	===>	13.33,	91.18
    49	===>	13.33,	88.89
    46	===>	13.33,	81.82
    40	===>	13.33,	85.71
    32	===>	20.00,	83.33
    6	===>	20.00,	93.94
    34	===>	20.00,	94.74
    23	===>	20.00,	90.62
    22	===>	20.00,	80.00
    29	===>	20.00,	100.00
    25	===>	26.67,	94.87
    9	===>	40.00,	93.94
    3	===>	40.00,	93.55
    10	===>	40.00,	85.71
    2	===>	46.67,	93.55
    44	===>	46.67,	83.78
    35	===>	53.33,	94.59
    18	===>	53.33,	93.94
    15	===>	53.33,	100.00
    30	===>	66.67,	93.55
    opened by XinyuSun 3
  • Question about the motivation of BE

    Question about the motivation of BE

    Hi jinpeng,

    I noticed that the "pt_spatial_size"(i.e., cropping size) for the anchor and the postive is large (112/128 or 224/256) in the code of train transform, which means that they will overlap greatly after cropping. Since the motivation of BE is to force the model to focus on the dynamic motion information by creating a distracting anchor for the postive , while large overlapping will naturally make the distance of their representations close. Because the model could easily pulls the anchor and the postive by only focusing on the shared appearance/background information in the overlapped area and does not need to capture the dynamic motion information. What do you think of this?


    Best, Licai

    opened by youcaiSUN 3
  • About the package 'bk'

    About the package 'bk'

           Hi , when i train this project , the error 'No module named bk.inpainting_src.spatial_inpainting' still occours although i have already used the command 'pip install bk' in advance. So , could you please tell me that how can i find the package bk ?
           Thank you very much ! And i am looking forward to your reply.
    opened by zhenweibao 1
  • About computational cost

    About computational cost

    Hi, thanks for share your code. Could you please tell me how long it takes to train a I3D pre-training model on K400 dataset for 50 epochs. What and how many gpu did you train on. Thank you.

    opened by ZMHH-H 1
  • Where can i find package

    Where can i find package "bk" ?

    I try to run "scripts/ucf101/pt_and_tf.sh", but i got the following error message.

    [Error Messeage]: " from bk.inpainting_src.spatial_inpainting import PatchDis, PatchPaint ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'bk.inpainting_src' " I couldn't find the "bk" package in your code. Can you help me figure out this problem ?

    opened by idealwei 1
  • About the I3D backbone

    About the I3D backbone

    Hi all, I am quite interested about your work. When I dive into the code, I am questioned about the setting (https://github.com/FingerRec/BE/blob/632c3aa0eaa3acc24a545ec05a9a36f96592cb2c/src/Contrastive/model/i3d.py#L293) in i3d.py. The kernel here is set as (7,1,1), but the dimension of pretrained feature is already B * C * 1 * 1 * 1. What's the purpose here? Looking forward to your reply.


    opened by Mark12Ding 1
  • Where can I find the code of augment.optical_flow?

    Where can I find the code of augment.optical_flow?

    https://github.com/FingerRec/BE/blob/632c3aa0eaa3acc24a545ec05a9a36f96592cb2c/src/Contrastive/data/dataset.py#L10 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'augment.optical_flow' This code is missing?

    opened by 0HaNC 1
  • Could you provide R3D backbone performance in (MoCo)?

    Could you provide R3D backbone performance in (MoCo)?

    Thank you for your great research, it's so interesting. In table1, i can see MoCo's performance in various backbone model. but i can't find MoCo method's UCF101 pretrained R3D performance. could you provide MoCo, R3D, UCF101 pretrained model's performance in UCF101, HMDB51 fine tuning?


    opened by youwantsy 0
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