Code for C2-Matching (CVPR2021). Paper: Robust Reference-based Super-Resolution via C2-Matching.


C2-Matching (CVPR2021)

Python 3.7 pytorch 1.4.0

This repository contains the implementation of the following paper:

Robust Reference-based Super-Resolution via C2-Matching
Yuming Jiang, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Xintao Wang, Chen Change Loy, Ziwei Liu
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2021

[Paper] [Project Page] [WR-SR Dataset]



Dependencies and Installation

  • Python >= 3.7
  • PyTorch >= 1.4
  • CUDA 10.0 or CUDA 10.1
  • GCC 5.4.0
  1. Clone Repo

    git clone [email protected]:yumingj/C2-Matching.git
  2. Create Conda Environment

    conda create --name c2_matching python=3.7
    conda activate c2_matching
  3. Install Dependencies

    cd C2-Matching
    conda install pytorch=1.4.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.0 -c pytorch
    pip install mmcv==0.4.4
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. Install MMSR and DCNv2

    python develop
    cd mmsr/models/archs/DCNv2
    python build develop

Dataset Preparation

Please refer to for pre-processing and more details.

Get Started

Pretrained Models

Downloading the pretrained models from this link and put them under experiments/pretrained_models folder.


We provide quick test code with the pretrained model.

  1. Modify the paths to dataset and pretrained model in the following yaml files for configuration.

  2. Run test code for models trained using GAN loss.

    python mmsr/ -opt "options/test/test_C2_matching.yml"

    Check out the results in ./results.

  3. Run test code for models trained using only reconstruction loss.

    python mmsr/ -opt "options/test/test_C2_matching_mse.yml"

    Check out the results in in ./results


All logging files in the training process, e.g., log message, checkpoints, and snapshots, will be saved to ./experiments and ./tb_logger directory.

  1. Modify the paths to dataset in the following yaml files for configuration.

  2. Stage 1: Train teacher contrastive network.

    python mmsr/ -opt "options/train/stage1_teacher_contras_network.yml"
  3. Stage 2: Train student contrastive network.

    # add the path to *pretrain_model_teacher* in the following yaml
    # the path to *pretrain_model_teacher* is the model obtained in stage1
    python mmsr/ -opt "options/train/stage2_student_contras_network.yml"
  4. Stage 3: Train restoration network.

    # add the path to *pretrain_model_feature_extractor* in the following yaml
    # the path to *pretrain_model_feature_extractor* is the model obtained in stage2
    python mmsr/ -opt "options/train/stage3_restoration_gan.yml"
    # if you wish to train the restoration network with only mse loss
    # prepare the dataset path and pretrained model path in the following yaml
    python mmsr/ -opt "options/train/stage3_restoration_mse.yml"

Visual Results

For more results on the benchmarks, you can directly download our C2-Matching results from here.


Webly-Reference SR Dataset

Check out our Webly-Reference (WR-SR) SR Dataset through this link! We also provide the baseline results for a quick comparison in this link.

Webly-Reference SR dataset is a test dataset for evaluating Ref-SR methods. It has the following advantages:

  • Collected in a more realistic way: Reference images are searched using Google Image.
  • More diverse than previous datasets.



If you find our repo useful for your research, please consider citing our paper:

   author = {Yuming Jiang and Kelvin C.K. Chan and Xintao Wang and Chen Change Loy and Ziwei Liu},
   title = {Robust Reference-based Super-Resolution via C2-Matching},
   booktitle={The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)},
   year = {2021}

License and Acknowledgement

This project is open sourced under MIT license. The code framework is mainly modified from BasicSR and MMSR (Now reorganized as MMEditing). Please refer to the original repo for more usage and documents.


If you have any question, please feel free to contact us via [email protected].

  • RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0.

    RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0.

    RuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 0. Got 332 and 375 in dimension 3 at /tmp/pip-req-build-rz55_vgo/aten/src/TH/generic/THTensor.cpp:612

    Hi,I am working on Stage 3: Train Restoration Network in Train. Run into this difficulty,this problem how to solve?

    opened by chenmz430 8
  • Failed to replicate the result reported in the paper.

    Failed to replicate the result reported in the paper.

    Thanks for sharing your great works. It is an innotative step to construct GT correspondences through perspective transformations and enable the explicit supervision. I add some codes to test the performance on Sun80, Urban100 and Manga109。There are no more changes to the released code. The first line is the result reported in the paper. The second line is tested from the released checkpoint. In the third line, we retrain the model on Stage3. CUFED has significant gain but other datasets all drop. image

    opened by wdmwhh 7
  • Restoration Module

    Restoration Module

    where is the code of super-resolution Restoration Module? Which file contains the super-resolution Restoration Module operation? Can I use another network structure for super-resolution? Looking forward to your reply

    opened by cheun726 4
  • Why resample both original and reference images?

    Why resample both original and reference images?

    I was looking through Saw under the dataloader that the code downsamples and upsamples both original and reference images:

            # downsample image using PIL bicubic kernel
            lq_h, lq_w = gt_h // scale, gt_w // scale
            img_in_lq = img_in_pil.resize((lq_w, lq_h), Image.BICUBIC)
            img_ref_lq = img_ref_pil.resize((lq_w, lq_h), Image.BICUBIC)
            # bicubic upsample LR
            img_in_up = img_in_lq.resize((gt_w, gt_h), Image.BICUBIC)
            img_ref_up = img_ref_lq.resize((gt_w, gt_h), Image.BICUBIC)

    I assume we downsample and upsample the images to make them low-resolution, but why do it for the reference image as well? Shouldn't the reference image be high-resolution?

    opened by crameth 4
  • scale


    1. Can scale only be 4? Can it be adjusted to other scales? If so, what codes need to be modified and what should be paid attention to.

    2. In the test phase, can I not sample(down) the input? I adjust the relevant code, but report an error...

    I look forward to your reply!

    opened by hbw945 3
  • Question about Correspondence Network training

    Question about Correspondence Network training

    In ContrasDataset, you resize the input. (opt['gt_size'] is 160 in training config.)

            gt_h, gt_w = self.opt['gt_size'], self.opt['gt_size']
            # in case that some images may not have the same shape as gt_size
            img_in = mmcv.imresize(img_in, (gt_w, gt_h), interpolation='bicubic')

    However, in ContrasValDataset, there is not "resize".

            gt_h, gt_w, _ = img_in.shape
            H_inverse = self.transform_matrices[index]
            img_in_transformed = cv2.warpPerspective(
                src=img_in, M=H_inverse, dsize=(gt_w, gt_h))

    Therefore, I have the question why you don't train the correspondence net from original HR (GT).

    opened by wdmwhh 2
  • No scheduler.step() call

    No scheduler.step() call

    Hi, thanks for your interesting work. I cannot find any scheduler.step() call in your code, even though there are several scheduler setups (In training logs, lr is always constant during the training process). Is this a bug or is it intentional?

    opened by P0lyFish 2
  • Where the experiment folder has been set?

    Where the experiment folder has been set?

    Hi there,

    Thanks for your great work! Where did you set the model checkpoints are saved in the "experiments" folder? May you please direct me to that statement?


    opened by bia006 0
  • training  ContrasValDataset

    training ContrasValDataset

    In training stage1 and stage2, ContrasValDataset why does use low resolution images to generate ref images by resizing instead of reading ref images directly

        img_path  = self . paths [index ]['in_path' ]
        img_bytes  = self . file_client . get ( img_path ,  'in' ) 
        img_in  = mmcv . imfrombytes ( img_bytes ). astype ( np . float32 )  / 255.
        gt_h,  gt_w = self . opt ['gt_size' ],  self . opt ['gt_size' ]
        # in case that some images may not have the same shape as gt_size 
        img_in  = mmcv . imresize ( img_in , ( gt_w,  gt_h),  interpolation ='bicubic' ) 
        # augmentation: flip, rotation 
        img_in  = augment ([ img_in ],  self . opt ['use_flip' ],  self . opt ['use_rot' ]) 
        # image pair generation 
        img_in_transformed ,  H ,  H_inverse  = image_pair_generation ( 
            img_in , ( 0,  10),  160) 
        return  {
            'img_in':  img_in , 
            'img_in_up':  img_in_up , 
            'img_ref' :  img_in_transformed , 
            'img_ref_up' :  img_in_transformed_up , 
            'transformed_coordinate' :  transformed_coordinate 
    opened by Winnie202 0
  • about training setting

    about training setting

    Excuse me, does the gt-size need to change according to the size of the ref image during the training? For example, if my ref image size is 720 * 1280, do I need to change the gt-size to 720? In addition, how many epochs are appropriate for stage1, stage2 and stage3 in the training

    opened by Winnie202 0
  • about input size

    about input size

    Excuse me, I want to train and test my own dataset. If the 180 * 320 super resolution to 720 * 1080, what size should the input and ref image be,thanks

    opened by Winnie202 0
  • Does it support distributed training?

    Does it support distributed training?

    I would like to ask the author if the c2_matching code supports distributed training, and if so, can you share the command,such as<python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2 --launcher pytorch>,thank you!

    opened by ModestTony 1
Yuming Jiang
MMLab@NTU, Ph.D. Student
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