Flipper Zero documentation repo


Flipper Zero Docs


To fix a bug or add something new to this repository, you need to open a pull-request. Also, on every page of the site, there is an edit icon (pencil) to the right of the header.

I18N and shared folder

  • Put assets, custom HTMLs, scripts, and stylesheets to shared until they're language-specific
  • Keep the navigation structure the same for all languages* so the language selector can work properly

Creating a new document

After creating a new document, add it to the nav: block in the language-specific mkdocs.yml.


Documents are written in Markdown. Material for Mkdocs and Mkdocs docs might help you showing what blocks are supported.


All images, videos, and other assets must be uploaded to the assets folder.

GIFs, Videos and screenshots

We have some custom macros to embed "gifs" and videos.

To embed a "gif" (autoplayable silent MP4 video), use:

{{ gif("/assets/example-gif-file-name.mp4") }}

To embed a video, use:

{{ video("/assets/example-video-file-name.mp4") }}

To embed a Flipper Zero screenshot, use:

{{ screenshot("/assets/example-screenshot.png") }}

The screenshot should be 128*64 PNG with transparent background.

Building the docs locally

  1. Install additional utilities somehow: yq, rsync.
  2. Install packages:
pip3 install mkdocs-material mkdocs-macros-plugin mkdocs-git-revision-date-localized-plugin
  1. Run python3 ./serve.py being in the root directory
  2. Proceed to http://localhost:8000

P.S. The site might look a bit different to production, because we use mkdocs-material-insiders, which you obviously can't install.

If you want to test docs better and have access to Insiders, install it:

pip3 install git+https://${GH_TOKEN}@github.com/squidfunk/mkdocs-material-insiders.git
  • Ресайз картинок в markdown

    Ресайз картинок в markdown

    Ебучий markdown не поддерживает ресайз картинок. Хочу как здесь https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14675913/changing-image-size-in-markdown

    ![](./pic/pic1_50.png =100x20)
    ![](./pic/pic1s.png =250x)
    opened by zhovner 1
  • #27 Hompage layout template with images and languages support

    #27 Hompage layout template with images and languages support

    This is an update to previous approach.

    In shared/mkdocs.yml you can find extra: home. It is the data that is used in templates to generate home page.

    opened by sbrin 0
  • Introduced shared folder & Fix 404 & Rollback Google Analytics

    Introduced shared folder & Fix 404 & Rollback Google Analytics

    There is no need to duplicate assets and config if they're same for both languages, they're now copied from shared/ folder.

    mkdocs.yml from shared/ and language-specific folders are merged using yq.

    I've also reverted Google Analytics part of #4, cause we have no plans on adding Analytics now, and if we do we'll need a workaround to use env vars.

    opened by aprosvetova 0
  • Added empty homepage template

    Added empty homepage template

    • Homepage template was created for future changes
    • README file was created to describe how to build docs
    • Updated mkdocs config file:
      • Added tag_manager key
      • Updated google analytics code (v4 now)
      • GitHub icon was changed
    • Default page template was updated
      • Added TagManager code
      • Analytics (GA or Tag Manager) loads in the footer now
    opened by Alaladdin 0
  • Main page layout

    Main page layout

    Финальный лейаут главной страницы кроме хедера. Нужно сделать верстку резиновой, чтобы при уменьшении страницы блоки вставали вертикально в один ряд.

    Temp (1)

    Originally posted by @zhovner in https://github.com/Flipper-Zero/docs/issues/1#issuecomment-848048865

    opened by sbrin 2
  • [HTML+CSS] Flipper site theme

    [HTML+CSS] Flipper site theme

    opened by zhovner 9
Flipper Zero (All Repositories will be public soon)
Flipper Zero/One project sources. Repository will be open in public soon.
Flipper Zero (All Repositories will be public soon)
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