Code repo for EMNLP21 paper "Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation"

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Deep Learning deepex

Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation

Source code repo for paper Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation, EMNLP 2021.


git clone --recursive [email protected]:cgraywang/deepex.git
cd ./deepex
conda create --name deepex python=3.7 -y
conda activate deepex
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Requires PyTorch version 1.5.1 or above with CUDA. PyTorch 1.7.1 with CUDA 10.1 is tested. Please refer to for installing PyTorch.

Dataset Preparation

Relation Classification


You can add --prepare-rc-dataset argument when running the scripts in this section, which would allow the script to automatically handle the preparation of FewRel dataset.

Or, you could manually download and prepare the FewRel dataset using the following script:

bash scripts/rc/

The processed data will be stored at data/FewRel/data.jsonl.


TACRED is licensed under LDC, please first download TACRED dataset from link. The downloaded file should be named as tacred_LDC2018T24.tgz.

After downloading and correctly naming the tacred .tgz data file, you can add --prepare-rc-dataset argument when running the scripts in this section, which would allow the script to automatically handle the preparation of TACRED dataset.

Or, you could manually download and prepare the TACRED dataset using the following script:

bash scripts/rc/

The processed data will be stored at data/TACRED/data.jsonl.

Scripts for Reproducing Results

This section contains the scripts for running the tasks with default setting (e.g.: using model bert-large-cased, using 8 CUDA devices with per-device batch size equal to 4).

To modify the settings, please checkout this section.

Open Information Extraction

bash tasks/
bash tasks/
bash tasks/
bash tasks/

Relation Classification

bash tasks/
bash tasks/


General script:

python scripts/ --task=<task_name> <other_args>

The default setting is:

python scripts/ --task=<task_name> --model="bert-large-cased" --beam-size=6
                          --max-distance=2048 --batch-size-per-device=4 --stage=0

All tasks are already implemented as above .sh files in tasks/, using the default arguments.

The following are the most important command-line arguments for the scripts/ script:

  • --task: The task to be run, supported tasks are OIE_2016, WEB, NYT, PENN, FewRel and TACRED.
  • --model: The pre-trained model type to be used for generating attention matrices to perform beam search on, supported models are bert-base-cased and bert-large-cased.
  • --beam-size: The beam size during beam search.
  • --batch-size-per-device: The batch size on a single device.
  • --stage: Run task starting from an intermediate stage:
    • --stage=0: data preparation and beam-search
    • --stage=1: post processing
    • --stage=2: ranking
    • --stage=3: evaluation
  • --prepare-rc-dataset: If true, automatically run the relation classification dataset preparation scripts. Notice that this argument should be turned on only for relation classification tasks (i.e.: FewRel and TACRED).
  • --cuda: Specify CUDA gpu devices.

Run python scripts/ -h for the full list.



We are able to obtain improved or same results compared to the paper's results. We will release the code and datasets for factual probe soon!

Related Work

We implement an extended version of the beam search algorithm proposed in Language Models are Open Knowledge Graphs in src/deepex/model/


    title = "Zero-Shot Information Extraction as a Unified Text-to-Triple Translation",
    author = "Chenguang Wang and Xiao Liu and Zui Chen and Haoyun Hong and Jie Tang and Dawn Song",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing",
    year = "2021",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics"

    title = "Language Models are Open Knowledge Graphs",
    author = "Chenguang Wang and Xiao Liu and Dawn Song",
    journal = "arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.11967",
    year = "2020"
  • About the reproduce results of deepex

    About the reproduce results of deepex

    Hi, thank you for your good work in OIE2016, but I use your default parameters with 1 V100 GPU, but I get the following results:


    Did I have some mistakes that I cannot get the 0.72 F1?

    Also, I find that the constractive pretrain deep-ranking-model has not been released and the code is inference code now. It needs about 3 hours to test. Am I right?

    Hope for your reply!

    opened by EternalEep 3
  • Details of output from

    Details of output from

    Hello, thanks for your contribution to Open Information Extraction research.

    I'm currently working on using your repo to create triples from the raw texts in Wikipedia by using your code.

    bash tasks/

    I changed the data_dir to construct triples then executed the above code. Code works fine, and it gave me the output called search_res.json.

    The problem is, I can't find the description for the format of this output. I can't find the keys for each value of this output.

    {"deduplicated:": {"Another Temporary Gallery [SEP] gallery [SEP] The Museum": [8, 0.7081716619431973, [[0, 25], [65, 75]], 27, 0] ...

    For example, the thing I want to know is this list. [8, 0.7081716619431973, [[0, 25], [65, 75]], 27, 0] Coudl you briefly explain what each of this value mean?

    opened by Metalchaos8527 2
  • Help running inference

    Help running inference

    Hi, I am unable to figure out how to run OIE inference using the deepex models. Can you please help answering:

    1. Where is the model
    2. how to run OIE on the model thanks,
    opened by adityakatta 2
  • Unable to run bash tasks/

    Unable to run bash tasks/

    PyTorch 1.7.1 with CUDA 10.1, single GPU.

    After running

    git clone --recursive [email protected]:cgraywang/deepex.git
    cd ./deepex
    conda create --name deepex python=3.7 -y
    conda activate deepex
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    pip install -e .
    bash tasks/

    I am getting

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'result/'

    I suspect that because the output file was not generated, so digging in the trace log I found:

    : RuntimeErrorRuntimeError
    NCCL error in: /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1607370141920/work/torch/lib/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:784, invalid usage, NCCL version 2.7.8: RuntimeError: 
    NCCL error in: /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1607370141920/work/torch/lib/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:784, invalid usage, NCCL version 2.7.8: NCCL error in: /opt/conda/conda-bld/pytorch_1607370141920/work/torch/lib/c10d/ProcessGroupNCCL.cpp:784, invalid usage, NCCL version 2.7.8RuntimeError

    And some other NCCL errors. I am not sure where to start debugging.

    Thank you in advance.

    I am trying to do a simple text-to-triple inference task (openIE) and I thought that this would be the way to start.

    opened by filip-cermak 1
  • Regarding the Task-agnostic Corpus

    Regarding the Task-agnostic Corpus

    Thank you for your great work on zero-shot IE. I am very impressed with the results while I am very curious on what is the 'task agnostic corpus', is it an open dataset?

    opened by tonytan48 1
  • git clone时出现问题

    git clone时出现问题

    使用 ‘git clone --recursive [email protected]:cgraywang/deepex.git’ 进行下载时出现:

    Cloning into 'deepex'... Permission denied (publickey). fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

    Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

    image 请问这个问题的原因是什么,感谢

    opened by panghaoyu 0
  • Poor triple extractor performance (OpenIE)

    Poor triple extractor performance (OpenIE)

    I followed the README and successfully run the OpenIE16 benchmark, then I modified OIE_2016.json file to point to my directory with test.txt file containing just one line Julia owns two cats and one dog. The output is however really poor, the expected triples [Julia, owns, two cats] and [Julia, owns, one dog] have low scores and there are many other (ill-created) triples, sometimes with even higher score values (complete output attached below).

    Is this the normal behavior of the model? Why is the performance so poor? Is there a systematic issue with how I am doing this?

    ['$input_txt:$ Julia owns two cats and one dog',
     {'deduplicated:': {'Julia [SEP] owns two [SEP] One Dog': [2,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] owns two cats [SEP] One Dog': [5,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] cats [SEP] One Dog': [2,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] cats [SEP] One Dog': [2,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] owns two cats and [SEP] One Dog': [6,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] cats and [SEP] Two Cats': [2,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Julia [SEP] two cats [SEP] One Dog': [1,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] one [SEP] Two Cats': [1,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Julia [SEP] owns [SEP] Two Cats': [6,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Julia [SEP] owns [SEP] One Dog': [4,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] two [SEP] One Dog': [3,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] and one [SEP] Two Cats': [5,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] owns [SEP] One Dog': [8,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] and [SEP] One Dog': [1,
        [[0, 5], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] cats and one [SEP] Two Cats': [2,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] one [SEP] One Dog': [2,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] owns two [SEP] One Dog': [8,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
       'Julia [SEP] and [SEP] Two Cats': [3,
        [[0, 5], [11, 19]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] two [SEP] One Dog': [4,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
       'Two Cats [SEP] and [SEP] One Dog': [6,
        [[11, 19], [24, 31]],
    opened by filip-cermak 1
  • Running inference on sentences

    Running inference on sentences

    Hi, I am unable to figure out how to use the deepex model. I want to input a sentence and get the triplets generated from it. Is there any code snippet/script in the repo that can help me do that?


    opened by PratikGarai 3
  • Reproducing results shown in paper

    Reproducing results shown in paper


    Could you described the steps to reproduce the results in your paper for OIE 2016 and the other systems. You used the supervised-oie repo and the benchmark included in there. There is also a related repo from the same author oie-benchmark with the same evaluation. However they are slightly different and have had updates and neither seems to work out of the box when running the script which should produce the PR Curve plots (part of what i was interested in comparing).

    Looking at them its unclear which version of the benchmark corpus is being used and whether you picked test (or dev) split or used the whole dataset. The default script seems to use all the data but when going through the tasks you provide it seems to use the test split.



    opened by antonyscerri 1
  • 测试 Born in Glasgow, Fisher is a graduate of the London Opera Centre 生成三元组结果

    测试 Born in Glasgow, Fisher is a graduate of the London Opera Centre 生成三元组结果

    使用论文中举的例子 ,”Born in Glasgow, Fisher is a graduate of the London Opera Centre. “ ,在第一步generator中抽取的三元组结果比较混乱,不知是否正常(OIE2016结果复现没有问题,top3 f1=72.6)。模型为默认的bert-large-cased。 search_res.json.txt

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