TIANCHI Purchase Redemption Forecast Challenge



My solution of this Aliyun Tianchi challenge (https://tianchi.aliyun.com/competition/entrance/231573/introduction).

Achieved online score: 132.89, Ranking TOP 5% (431/8452, updated on 2022.1.29)


The challenge focuses on forecasting the daily capital inflow and outflow of the “YuEBao” monetary fund in the future. For the monetary fund, capital inflow means purchase, and capital outflow is redemption.

Datasets and its description are available at the official website of this challenge

Repository Structure:

  1. Notebook for exploratory data analysis
  2. Notebook for feature engineering and modeling
  3. A report(Chinese, English version might be available in the future) for impelemental details and analysis for this project


All codes are for reference only and shall not be used for commercial purposes without permission. If you have any questions about the code, please contact: hehaorui11@gmail.com

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