Eval Bot
A small discord bot to interface with python-discord's snekbox.
This bot simply extracts the relevant functionality from Python Discord's bot.
To use this bot, you need to set up the following environment variables (you can use .env):
Token | Value | Description |
BOT_TOKEN | str | The discord token for your bot. |
ADMINS | int | The ID of the "admins" role, which is used in certain permission checks. |
MODS | int | The ID of the "mods" role, which is used in certain permission checks. |
CHANNELS | [int] | A comma separated list of IDs for channel in which commands are enabled. |
SNEKBOX_URL | str | The URL to use for API requests to snekbox. Should include the /eval portion of the URL. |
PASTEBIN_URL | str | The URL to use for pastebin. Of the shape: "/{key}" ({key} is a constant) |
TRASHCAN | str | An emoji to use as the "trashcan". Of the shape: <:trashcan:637136429717389331> |
The following variables can optionally be set:
Token | Value | Description |
BOT_SENTRY_DSN | str | To be used when logging in to sentry. |
LOG_FILTER | str | |
BOT_PREFIX | str | An optional prefix to use for the bot. By default, only mentions will invoke it. |