This repository allows the user to automatically scale a 3D model/mesh/point cloud on Agisoft Metashape, given a set of 2D coordinates (in a local coordinate reference system - CRS) of N markers collimated onto one (or M) plane(s).
The number of markers N and planes M is arbitrary.
The coordinates must be stored into a .yaml
file like the example pars.yaml
Starting from the provided set of markers, the script
generates all the possible scale bars per plane, and subdivides them into two equally numerous subsets of control and check bars.
Because of this, in the same .yaml
parameter file, the user must also provide the accuracy of the scale bars, and the chunk id of the 3D model/mesh/point cloud to scale.
After the 3D model/mesh/point is scaled, the RMSE of the control and check bars is saved into a Statistics_scalebars.txt
To run the script
, the user must launch Metashape, press CTRL + R
, and write the path of the script
as Script and the path of the .yaml
file as Argument.
The script
, instead, allows the user to assess the relationship between RMSE and number of scale bars; to investigate this relationship from a statistically relevant point of view, the test is repeated I times, where I is the number of iterations (which is a parameter to set in the .yaml
The values of RMSE are then saved to a .csv
file, whose path must be defined in the .yaml
Finally, a plot of the relationship is produced.
To launch the script
, the same instructions as
can be followed.