DShell, a tool that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to present to you, shell channels.

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Discord shell or dshell for short is a Python package that combines with discord.py and Jishaku to transform an ordinary Discord channel into one capable of running bash commands using a Discord bot.

Typical usage

When would I use this?

  • When you want to use shell commands on your virtual machine without logging into it
  • When you want a collaborative terminal with other developers of your team
  • When you're simply too lazy to open your shell and would rather do it in an open Discord app
  • When you want to run shell commands from your Discord bot's directory easily
  • When you want to run shell commands on something that simply looks better than your shell

Main Features

  • - Customizable
  • - Easy to use
  • - Asynchronous
  • - Doesn't favor a particular fork, written in raw archived discord.py (as a result it is compatible with all forks that use the discord import)
  • - Lightweight
  • - Regularly maintained


Installation and upgrades

pip install discordshell

for the stable version (recommended).

pip install -U discordshell

to update your stable version.

pip install git+https://github.com/ImNimboss/dshell

to install it straight off of GitHub (you need git installed for this).

pip install -U git+https://github.com/ImNimboss/dshell

to upgrade your version that you got from GitHub.

How to use

Check Documentation/Basics.md


Check Documentation/Examples.md

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  • Refactor code

    Refactor code


    Refactoring code and optimize imgs


    • [] - All code changes have been tested, if any
    • [] - The documentation has been updated accordingly for any code changes
    • [] - This PR fixes an already existing issue
    • [] - This PR adds a new feature (new functions, methods, classes, parameters, etc.)
    • [] - This PR fixes a bug
    • [x] - This PR changes the main DShell cog
    • [] - This PR is a breaking change (removes/renames functions, parameters etc.)
    • [] - This PR is NOT a code change (changes Documentation files, README.md, CONTRIBUTING.md etc.)

    Additional context

    opened by Jerry-py 5
  • Sourcery Starbot ⭐ refactored ImNimboss/dshell

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    Thanks for starring sourcery-ai/sourcery ✨ 🌟 ✨

    Here's your pull request refactoring your most popular Python repo.

    If you want Sourcery to refactor all your Python repos and incoming pull requests install our bot.

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    To manually merge these changes, make sure you're on the main branch, then run:

    git fetch https://github.com/sourcery-ai-bot/dshell main
    git merge --ff-only FETCH_HEAD
    git reset HEAD^
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