Construct a neural network frame by Numpy



1. 概览



  • 自定义多层的全连接层,并可定义多种激活函数
    • sigmoid
    • tanh
    • relu
    • softmax
  • 定义dropout
  • 支持多分类任务
  • 支持多种优化器
    • SGD
    • BSGD
    • SGD with Momentum
    • AdaGrad
    • AdaDelta
    • RMSProp
    • Adam
    • AdaMax

2. Todo list

  • 加入validation

  • 支持多分类任务

  • 加入卷积层(CNN)

  • 加入池化层

  • 加入循环网络(RNN)

3. 运行




Epoch 1/100 - loss: 0.19804074649934453 - acc: 0.7462311557788944
Epoch 10/100 - loss: 0.05641219571461576 - acc: 0.9447236180904522
Epoch 20/100 - loss: 0.03296407980222495 - acc: 0.9698492462311558
Epoch 30/100 - loss: 0.024833182907967224 - acc: 0.9798994974874372
Epoch 40/100 - loss: 0.02147093826055232 - acc: 0.9824120603015075
Epoch 50/100 - loss: 0.018468433700412783 - acc: 0.9849246231155779
Epoch 60/100 - loss: 0.017207182621404478 - acc: 0.9849246231155779
Epoch 70/100 - loss: 0.016608808691509016 - acc: 0.9824120603015075
Epoch 80/100 - loss: 0.014850895654103682 - acc: 0.9849246231155779
Epoch 90/100 - loss: 0.014590506876720767 - acc: 0.9824120603015075
Epoch 100/100 - loss: 0.013794675383962845 - acc: 0.9874371859296482
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