Monthly Reading Requirement Auto A tool to help you do the monthly reading requirements
Important - Some words can't be translated
- Links:
- Synonym / Explaination
- Sentence
- googletrans
- I used the version 3.1.0a0 (the other libraries work fine)
pip install googletrans==3.1.0a0
Usage How to use it:
paste your words in the in.txt file
!please! make sure to format it like this:
word1 word2 word3 word4 ...
the final product will be in the
, it will be formated in a markdown table like this:word sentence explanation german
How it's done! Basically the word will be translated via the googletrans API, really easy to use and for the sentence and explanation I didn't find a API, so scrapped it from the Web via BeatifulSoup4.