On Nonlinear Latent Transformations for GAN-based Image Editing - PyTorch implementation


On Nonlinear Latent Transformations for GAN-based Image Editing - PyTorch implementation

On Nonlinear Latent Transformations for GAN-based Image Editing Valentin Khrulkov, Leyla Mirvakhabova, Ivan Oseledets, Artem Babenko


We replace linear shifts commonly used for image editing with a flow of a trainable Neural ODE in the latent space.

w' = NN(w; \theta)

The RHS of this Neural ODE is trained end-to-end using pre-trained attribute regressors by enforcing

  • change of the desired attribute;
  • invariance of remaining attributes.

Installation and usage


Data required to use the code is available at this dropbox link (2.5Gb).

Path Description
data data hosted on Dropbox
  ├  models pretrained GAN models and attribute regressors
  ├  log pretrained nonlinear edits (Neural ODEs of depth 1) for a variety of attributes on CUB, FFHQ, Places2
  ├  data_to_rectify 100,000 precomputed pairs (w, R[G[w]]); i.e., style vectors and corresponding semantic attributes
  ├  configs parameters of StyleGAN 2 generators for each dataset (n_mlp, channel_width, etc)
    └  inverses precomputed inverses (elements of W-plus) for sample FFHQ images

To download and unpack the data run get_data.sh.


We used torch 1.7 for training; however, the code should work for lower versions as well. An example training script to rectify all the attributes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_ode.py --dataset ffhq \
--nb-iter 5000 \
--alpha 8 \
--depth 1

For selected attributes:

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python train_ode.py --dataset ffhq \
--nb-iter 5000 \
--alpha 8 \
--dir 4 8 15 16 23 32 \
--depth 1

Custom dataset

For training on a custom dataset, you have to provide

  • Generator and attribute regressor weights
  • a dictionary {dataset}_all.pt (stored in data_to_rectify). It has the form {"ws": ws, "labels" : labels} with ws being a torch.Tensor of size N x 512 and labels is a torch.Tensor of size N x D, with D being the number of semantic factors. labels should be constructed by evaluating the corresponding attribute regressor on synthetic images generator(ws[i]). It is used to sample batches for training.


Please see explore.ipynb for example visualizations. lib.utils.py contains a utility wrapper useful for building and loading the Neural ODE models (FlowFactory).

Restoring from checkpoint

= 1 corresponds to an MLP with depth layers odeblock.load_state_dict(...) # some style vector (generator.style(z)) w0 = ... # You can directly call odeint with torch.no_grad(): odeint(odeblock.odefunc, w0, torch.FloatTensor([0, 1]).to(device)) # Or utilize the wrapper flow = LatentFlow(odefunc=odeblock.odefunc, device=device, name="Bald") flow.flow(w=w0, t=1) # To flow real images: w = torch.load("inverses/actors.pt").to(device) flow.flow(w, t=6, truncate_real=6) # truncate_real specifies which portion of a W-plus vector to modify # (e.g., first 6 our of 14 vectors) ">
import torch
from lib.utils import FlowFactory, LatentFlow
from torchdiffeq import odeint_adjoint as odeint
device = torch.device("cuda")
flow_factory = FlowFactory(dataset="ffhq", device=device)
odeblock = flow_factory._build_odeblock(depth=1)
# depth = -1 corresponds to a constant right hand side (w' = c)
# depth >= 1 corresponds to an MLP with depth layers

# some style vector (generator.style(z))
w0 = ...

# You can directly call odeint
with torch.no_grad():
    odeint(odeblock.odefunc, w0, torch.FloatTensor([0, 1]).to(device))

# Or utilize the wrapper 
flow = LatentFlow(odefunc=odeblock.odefunc, device=device, name="Bald")
flow.flow(w=w0, t=1)

# To flow real images:
w = torch.load("inverses/actors.pt").to(device)
flow.flow(w, t=6, truncate_real=6)
# truncate_real specifies which portion of a W-plus vector to modify
# (e.g., first 6 our of 14 vectors)

A sample script to generate a movie is

CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 python make_movie.py --attribute Bald --dataset ffhq



Bald Goatee Wavy_Hair Arched_Eyebrows
Bangs Young Blond_Hair Chubby


lush rugged fog


Coming soon.


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    Thanks for the nice work!

    The notebook is easy to edit images for ffhq, cub, and scenes but does not support isaac3d and mpi3d (no pretrained models provided either). Could you provide the usage for isaac3d and mpi3d?

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