Kotti is a high-level, Pythonic web application framework based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It includes an extensible Content Management System called the Kotti CMS.

Related tags

CMS Kotti


pypi license

build_status_stable_postgresql build_status_stable_mysql build_status_stable_sqlite

Kotti is a high-level, Pythonic web application framework based on Pyramid and SQLAlchemy. It includes an extensible Content Management System called the Kotti CMS (see below).

Kotti is most useful when you are developing applications that

  • have complex security requirements,
  • use workflows, and/or
  • work with hierarchical data.

Built on top of a number of best-of-breed software components, most notably Pyramid and SQLAlchemy, Kotti introduces only a few concepts of its own, thus hopefully keeping the learning curve flat for the developer.

Kotti CMS

Kotti CMS is a content management system that's heavily inspired by Plone. Its main features are:

  • User-friendliness: editors can edit content where it appears; thus the edit interface is contextual and intuitive
  • WYSIWYG editor: includes a rich text editor
  • Responsive design: Kotti builds on Bootstrap, which looks good both on desktop and mobile
  • Templating: you can extend the CMS with your own look & feel with almost no programming required
  • Add-ons: install a variety of add-ons and customize them as well as many aspects of the built-in CMS by use of an INI configuration file
  • Security: the advanced user and permissions management is intuitive and scales to fit the requirements of large organizations
  • Internationalized: the user interface is fully translatable, Unicode is used everywhere to store data


Kotti is offered under the BSD-derived Repoze Public License.


See installation instructions.

Support and Documentation

Read Kotti's extensive documentation on Read the Docs.

If you have questions or need help, you can post on our mailing list / forum or join us on IRC: #kotti on irc.freenode.net.

If you think you found a bug, open an issue on our Github bugtracker.


build_status_master_postgresql build_status_master_mysql build_status_master_sqlite

coveralls codacy codeclimate scrutinizer requires.io

gh_forks gh_stars

Kotti is actively developed and maintained. We adhere to high quality coding standards, have an extensive test suite with high coverage and use continuous integration.

Contributions are always welcome, read our contribution guidelines and visit our Github repository.

  • Support Python 3

    Support Python 3

    Title says it all.

    A quick check of requirements.txt with caniusepython3 claims these dependencies needed to be Python 3 compatible first:

    • js.jquery (which is blocking js.bootstrap)
    • js.chosen
    • js.jquery_form (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.jquery_maskedinput (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.jquery_maskmoney (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.jquery_sortable (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.jquery_timepicker_addon (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.jqueryui (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.modernizr (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.tinymce (which is blocking js.deform)
    • js.fineuploader
    • js.html5shiv
    • js.jquery_tablednd
    • js.jqueryui_tagit
    • kotti_tinymce
    • plone.scale
    • pytz
    • repoze.zcml (which is blocking repoze.workflow)
    • shutilwhich
    • yurl

    Some (most?) of them are false positives, because they do officially support Python 3 and are just lacking the corresponding trove classifiers. All they js.* should work with no or very little modification. shutilwhich is a Python 2 backport of a module from the Python 3 standard library.

    This might change until we start working on this ourselves, but even if it won't and we'd need to add Python 3 support to some dependencies ourselves, this seems absolutely doable.

    Python New Feature 
    opened by disko 24
  • Provide basic not found view

    Provide basic not found view

    What do you think about providing by default a simple but nice not found view for Kotti instead of the standard NotFound white page? I'd like to hear your opinion

    opened by davidemoro 21
  • Filedepot: store file data as storage-configured blobs

    Filedepot: store file data as storage-configured blobs

    @tiberiuichim writes: Open issues:

    • [x] No work done on UploadedFile.public_url integration, this means that filedepot's middleware is not usable right now - because no links are generated that would use it. I have created the UploadedFileResponse class which can be used to stream files to the browser. I don't think that we should make the middleware a default for Kotti, that would mean all files are openly available, without any security. An option would be to use the UploadedFileResponse to send a redirection to the public_url, where it is set by the depot that stores the files. The problem is, the proper filedepot way to get a file's url is to call DepotManager.url_for(path), which calls DepotManager.get_middleware().url_for(path) where path is 'depotname/file_id'.
    • [x] We need a kotti.depot_default configuration option. I'm not sattisfied with the way things are now: we're adding the default 'fs0' depot, but once in use, you can't change its backend (or those files would stop working without a migration). Because I've added that option to kotti's conf_defaults, you can't really get rid of it anyway - you can only change its backend class by adding another kotti.depot.fs0.backend option in the .ini file. I have assumed that the default for multiple configured backends could be controlled by the order in which they are specified in the .ini files, but it seems that pyramid likes to sort the settings, so that can't be relied.
    • [x] Maybe the File.data column should be renamed to File._data. This way we can have a setter for it and do the conversion to cgi.FieldStorage for the incoming data
    • The following documentation sections need changes and updates:
    • [x] Configuration http://diskotti.readthedocs.org/en/feature-rtd_theme_339/developing/basic/configuration.html
    • [x] Blob-Storage http://diskotti.readthedocs.org/en/feature-rtd_theme_339/developing/advanced/blobstorage.html
    • [x] Maybe a separate entry in the Developer manual, detailing how to create and serve new blob fields.
    opened by tiberiuichim 18
  • Convert all Kotti tests to use funcargs

    Convert all Kotti tests to use funcargs

    We need to get rid off deprecation warnings; Kotti needs to use pytest funcargs everywhere. Currently, a lot of deprecation warnings appear when we run tests.

    We also need to allow add-ons to use funcargs. Also, docs need to be written on what funcargs exist with Kotti and how to use them. A link to these docs should be added to the deprecation warning.

    • [x] stop using unittest.TestCase derived test classes from kotti.testing
    • [x] fix all deprecation warning regarding the above
    • [x] expose Kotti's custom pytest fixtures so add-on can reuse them
    • [x] add doc strings to all fixtures
    • [ ] add documentation about recommended test style
    • [ ] add link to documentation to deprecation warnings
    opened by dnouri 16
  • Can't run two Kotti apps in the same Python process

    Can't run two Kotti apps in the same Python process

    Kotti is apparently not thread safe. For example, if two kotti instances run in the same Python process, things get really messed up:

    use = egg:kotti
    use = egg:kotti
    ---different DB, configuration, ...---
    use = egg:fanstatic#fanstatic
    use = egg:waitress#main
    host = localhost
    port = 5000
    use = egg:Paste#urlmap
    /one = kotti2
    /two = kotti

    The problem seems to be the use of globals in Kotti, e,g, kotti.views.events uses globals to register event listeners. A solution could be to use thread-local data structures. Or don't use the globals at all but pass them around, maybe using pyramid's registry in some way?

    IMHO kotti should be thread safe. It is some extra work, but worth it.

    opened by chrneumann 16
  • Allow class File to store contents onto external providers

    Allow class File to store contents onto external providers

    At the moment, class File stores contents in the database. This does not scale well and makes database backups a burden in case there are a large number of files stored. Ideally, File should allow contents to be stored externally to the database, via pluggable storage providers, making it possible to store data in the filesystem or in the cloud, for example.

    Implementation Overview

    The idea would be create an additional field in the database which contains information specific to external storage providers. In case this field is left blank, the current behaviour is not altered, and File contents are kept in the database. In case this field is filled with some sort of URL, an external provider will be selected accordingly, allowing File contents to be stored and retrieved accordingly.

    Current test cases must continue to pass. Additional test cases need to be created so that the additional field (let's call it storage) is employed.

    Implementation Alternatives

    At first glance, SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach ( http://sqlalchemy-imageattach.readthedocs.org/ ) appears to be an excellent candidate for speeding up the implementation of this new feature. Unfortunately, the API proposed by SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach is specifically designed with images in mind, as opposed to any kind of attachment. Browsing the source code of SQLAlchemy-ImageAttach it becomes apparent that this dependency appears in several places, which does not seem to be convenient to us.

    A second alternative would be employing OFS ( https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ofs ), which is BLOB oriented and presents a generic API "documented" here: https://github.com/okfn/ofs/blob/master/ofs/base.py . There are concrete implementations employing local data storage in this directory ( https://github.com/okfn/ofs/tree/master/ofs/local ) and remote implementations employing S3 among others in this directory ( https://github.com/okfn/ofs/tree/master/ofs/remote ). Despite OFS documentation is far from great, browsing the source code demonstrated to be simple and clean enough.

    Despite OFS looks sufficiently simple, extensible and mature, i would like to allow even more flexibility, namely: do not depend explicitly of OFS, since OFS maybe sometimes tightly dependent on CKAN... and I had already my fair share of frustration with CKAN. Anyway, the idea is allowing OFS to be one (and possibly the most important and popular) alternative for external data storage in Kotti, but not the only one. More details about this topic are discussed later below.

    Proposal of implementation

    When Kotti starts, a singleton class called Storage is instantiated and stored in settings. This singleton class retrieves information from the configuration and initializes itself accordingly to the OFS implementation chosen, either local or remote. There's also possibility that nothing is specified in the configuration which, in this case, means that Storage is None, which means that the database should be employed by File as it is at the moment. Everytime a File is stored or retrieved, the [singleton] Storage is obtained from settings and employed accordingly, in case it is not None.

    When a File is constructed, it's __init__ method should accept an optional argument storage which, in case it is specified, allows that specific instance of File to employ a specific instance of Storage. This is helpful in case storage migration or data reorganization is needed, allowing multiple "Storages" and not the only one provided by the singleton Storage. More details about this are presented later below.

    When a File record is stored in the database, an additional field called storage is also persisted, making it possible to select an appropriate storage provider later, when that File requires data retrieval which, by the way, must be deferred in the same way it is deferred at the moment when internal data storage in the database is employed.

    Details of Implementation

    At the moment, I have an implementation "already working" but not integrated to File as proposed here. So, the next step would exactly this sort of integration we are talking about here.

    I'm revealing some ideas below in order to allow more experient Kotti developers have their voice as soon as possible, so that we can speed up the implementation as fast as we can.

    Below we have a draft of specification which eventually could be reorganized to a better formalized thing by someone, if desired.


    1. class Storage implements a marking interface IStorage.

    2. At the moment, Storage recognizes configuration entries started by storage.ofs, which makes OFS a first class citizen for external data storage, but not the only one. In future, other libraries or implementation would be possible to be plugged in, not only OFS.

    3. A system-wide (singleton) Storage instance is saved into settings. In case no configuration items are found, a null Storage reference is created and saved into settings.

    4. OFS itself permits several storage implementations, all of them having their own specific details in regards to initialization. For PTOFS ( https://github.com/okfn/ofs/blob/master/ofs/local/pairtreestore.py ), for example, it would be enough these two configuration entries:

      storage.ofs.class=ofs.local.PTOFS storage.ofs.ptofs.directory=/path/to/storage/directory

    5. At this point, I'm supporting solely PTOFS. In future Storage would be able to recognize several configuration settings, being able to initialize not only PTOFS, but also other specific OFS implementations. NOTE (5.a) : This is only a limitation of scope for this initial implementation, since I have very limited time for dedicate for it.

    6. At this point, our IStorage interface allows operations: store, retrieve and remove. NOTE (6.a) We are not supporting changes in the metadata at this point. See "Example Usage" at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ofs for more clarification about this.


    This is a very brief example about how it look like:

        storage = settings['storage']
        url = storage.store('This is some data', filename='test.txt')
        with storage.retrieve(url) as f:
            for line in f:
                data += line
        assert(data == 'This is some data')


    1. StoredFile extends File
    2. StoredFile does not implement any additional interfaces, but it employs composition, emplying the already mentioned [singleton] Storage mentioned above.
    3. StoredFile also allows an optional initialization parameter called storage which permits that a specific instance of StoredFile employs a distinct Storage instance from the system-wide [singleton] Storage. NOTE (3.a): Now it becomes clear that Storage is a singleton only in general. Certain applications, like storage reorganization or storage migration would employ multiple Storage instances, but this would be exceptions to the general rule.
    opened by frgomes 15
  • py.test fails when using latest pytest-pep8

    py.test fails when using latest pytest-pep8

    When using pytest-pep8-1.0.3 we get the following error

    local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytest_pep8-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/pytest_pep8.py:37: in pytest_collect_file
    >               return Pep8Item(path, parent, pep8ignore, config._max_line_length)
    local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytest_pep8-1.0.3-py2.7.egg/pytest_pep8.py:54: in __init__
    >       self.keywords["pep8"] = pytest.mark.pep8
    local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytest-2.3.2-py2.7.egg/_pytest/mark.py:122: in __getattr__
    >           self._check(name)
    local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pytest-2.3.2-py2.7.egg/_pytest/mark.py:137: in _check
    >           raise AttributeError("%r not a registered marker" % (name,))
    E           AttributeError: 'pep8' not a registered marker
    opened by teixas 15
  • SAWarning: Usage of the 'Session.add()' not supported within the execution stage of the flush process

    SAWarning: Usage of the 'Session.add()' not supported within the execution stage of the flush process

    When running tests against SQLAlchemy 0.8 (as opposed to the currently pinned 0.7.9), we get these warnings from SQLA:

    SAWarning: Usage of the 'collection append' operation is not currently
    supported within the execution stage of the flush process. Results may
    not be consistent.  Consider using alternative event listeners or
    connection-level operations instead.
      sess._flush_warning("collection append")
    SAWarning: Usage of the 'Session.add()' operation is not currently
    supported within the execution stage of the flush process. Results may
    not be consistent.  Consider using alternative event listeners or
    connection-level operations instead.

    See this thread for details.

    Python Bug 
    opened by dnouri 13
  • Update Installation docs to match the tutorial.

    Update Installation docs to match the tutorial.

    Hey Disko,

    This branch removes your |version| variable in the Installation docs, and uses the github master branch instead. This allows someone to follow the Installation and Tutorial together.

    I'm not sure if you want/need this right now. We need to figure out what to do long-term though.

    Do with it what you wish :)


    opened by cullerton 12
  • Delete user

    Delete user

    Currently it is not possible to delete a user. The easiest way to provide this is IMHO adding a button to the setup-user view. E.g. like this:

    diff --git a/kotti/views/users.py b/kotti/views/users.py
    index 884670c..eeb814f 100644s/--- a/kotti/views/users.py
    +++ b/kotti/views/users.py
    @@ -404,6 +404,10 @@ def users_manage(context, request):
     class UserEditFormView(EditFormView):
    +    buttons = (Button('save', _(u'Save')),
    +               Button('cancel', _(u'Cancel')),
    +               Button('delete', _(u'Delete')))
         def success_url(self):
             return self.request.url
    @@ -411,6 +415,17 @@ class UserEditFormView(EditFormView):
         def schema_factory(self):
             return user_schema(PrincipalBasic())
    +    def delete_success(self, appstruct):
    +        principals = get_principals()
    +        user = principals.search(email=appstruct['email']).first()
    +        if user is not None:
    +            principals.__delitem__(user.name)
    +            self.request.session.flash(_(u'User deleted.'), 'info')
    +        else:
    +            self.request.session.flash(_(u"Can't delete user."), 'error')
    +        location = "%s/@@setup-users" % self.request.application_url
    +        return HTTPFound(location=location)

    What I don't like is the that it not feel really comfortable to have the buttons Save, Cancel and Delete in one row. Any likes or other ideas for an implementation?

    opened by j23d 12
  • "NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type" for kotti:locale/

    Don't know if it is a kotti specific compatibility issue (full logs here https://pastebin.com/i6nPDH3Y):

    -> return self.pkg_resources.resource_isdir(self.pkg_name, self.path)
      (Pdb) self.pkg_name
      (Pdb) self.path
      (Pdb) self.pkg_resources.resource_isdir(self.pkg_name, self.path)
      *** NotImplementedError: Can't perform this operation for unregistered loader type


    • https://pastebin.com/nawCcEbj

    Python version:

    • 3.6.8

    Anyone already saw a similar failure in kotti? Any hint about some compatibility issues in my dependencies versions?

    Thanks in advance

    opened by davidemoro 11
  • Bump mako from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2

    Bump mako from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2

    Bumps mako from 1.2.0 to 1.2.2.

    Release notes

    Sourced from mako's releases.


    Released: Mon Aug 29 2022


    • [bug] [lexer] Fixed issue in lexer where the regexp used to match tags would not correctly interpret quoted sections individually. While this parsing issue still produced the same expected tag structure later on, the mis-handling of quoted sections was also subject to a regexp crash if a tag had a large number of quotes within its quoted sections.

      References: #366


    Released: Thu Jun 30 2022


    • [bug] [tests] Various fixes to the test suite in the area of exception message rendering to accommodate for variability in Python versions as well as Pygments.

      References: #360


    • [performance] Optimized some codepaths within the lexer/Python code generation process, improving performance for generation of templates prior to their being cached. Pull request courtesy Takuto Ikuta.

      References: #361


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
    • @dependabot recreate will recreate this PR, overwriting any edits that have been made to it
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    • @dependabot squash and merge will squash and merge this PR after your CI passes on it
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    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • kotti_media add-on is out of date: documentation should reflect that.

    kotti_media add-on is out of date: documentation should reflect that.

    https://github.com/disko/kotti_media is not being maintained, and I have requested to be a maintainer myself now.

    I strongly suspect that the code is no longer viable, and so I may use the vlc media player instead.

    opened by ardref 0
  • Bump waitress from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2

    Bump waitress from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2

    Bumps waitress from 2.1.1 to 2.1.2.


    Sourced from waitress's changelog.



    - When expose_tracebacks is enabled waitress would fail to properly encode
      unicode thereby causing another error during error handling. See
    • Header length checking had a calculation that was done incorrectly when the data was received across multple socket reads. This calculation has been corrected, and no longer will Waitress send back a 413 Request Entity Too Large. See Pylons/waitress#376

    Security Bugfix

    • in 2.1.0 a new feature was introduced that allowed the WSGI thread to start sending data to the socket. However this introduced a race condition whereby a socket may be closed in the sending thread while the main thread is about to call select() therey causing the entire application to be taken down. Waitress will no longer close the socket in the WSGI thread, instead waking up the main thread to cleanup. See Pylons/waitress#377
    • 0aa4879 Remove change of default for clear_untrusted_proxy_headers
    • 2784628 Revert "Merge pull request #370 from Yourun-proger/del_warnings"
    • 479df63 Prep 2.1.2
    • 4f6789b Merge pull request #377 from Pylons/bugfix/select-closed-socket-race
    • 1952050 Merge pull request #379 from Pylons/enhancement/pyupgrade-3.7
    • 8f5b473 pyupgrade 3.7
    • c7a3d7e Only close socket in the main thread
    • 7c3739b Merge pull request #376 from Pylons/bugfix/header-calculation
    • 3066fdd Merge pull request #378 from Pylons/bugfix/expose_tracebacks-encode-error
    • 4467d76 Fix tests to assume body is bytes
    • Additional commits viewable in compare view

    Dependabot compatibility score

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    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Optimize Node.path updates

    Optimize Node.path updates

    When a node's name or parent changes, Node.path needs to be recalculated recursively for all children of that node. The current implementation (a SQLAlchemy event handler) is very expensive and should be replaced by a pure SQL operation.

    A CTE that could be used instead exists as a comment in https://github.com/Kotti/Kotti/blob/master/kotti/traversal.py#L183.

    Also see:

    • http://www.jeffwidman.com/blog/847/using-sqlalchemy-to-create-and-manage-postgresql-materialized-views/

    • http://www.jeffwidman.com/blog/827/traversing-a-tree-stored-as-an-adjacency-list-using-a-recursive-cte-built-in-sqlalchemy/

    New Feature Postgres 
    opened by disko 0
  • Collapse multiple flash messages

    Collapse multiple flash messages

    This PR should be merged after a Kotti release, as it introduces changes to .po files.

    I've introduced a kotti.util.translate_pluralize, maybe we should rename that to pluralize ?

    opened by tiberiuichim 1
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About Plone Plone is a mature, secure and user-friendly Content Management System (CMS). Plone - and the Open Source community behind it - aggregates

Plone Foundation 200 Jan 8, 2023
Random tarot card generator + rudimentary Django CMS

TAROT JUICER This is a rudimentary Django-based CMS which dynamically presents tarot-related content placed onto unconventional but familiar contexts

Kyle Rafa Lazaro 7 Apr 26, 2022
A python open source CMS scanner that automates the process of detecting security flaws of the most popular CMSs

CMSmap CMSmap is a python open source CMS scanner that automates the process of detecting security flaws of the most popular CMSs. The main purpose of

RazzorBack 1 Oct 31, 2021
Django CMS Project for quicksetup with minimal installation process.

Django CMS Project for quicksetup with minimal installation process.

Dipankar Chowdhury 3 Mar 24, 2022
A plugin for Wagtail CMS, to have Icon Blocks (Fontawesome support)

WAGTAIL ICONIFY Library developed for Wagtail CMS, its purpose is to provide icon blocks from various libraries Special thanks to Alex Gleason, as wel

null 2 Jun 7, 2022
Library Management system designed for managing and operating various aspects of a library

Proposal This proposal is written to clarify the project work of Information Systems, assigned to us as an individual task in order to tackle the case

Prawal 1 Oct 27, 2021
CSM: Construction Safety Management system

CSM: Construction Safety Management system 1. 서비스 소개 개요: 공사현장에서의 최적의 안전진단기술을 통한 고도화된 시스템으로 개선하고자 함 목표: 안전 관련 주요 시각데이터를 Cross-Domain으로 활용하여 통합 안전 관리기술의

null 5 Jul 29, 2022