A plugin for Wagtail CMS, to have Icon Blocks (Fontawesome support)

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CMS wagtailiconify



Library developed for Wagtail CMS, its purpose is to provide icon blocks from various libraries

Special thanks to Alex Gleason, as well as for his wagtail-fontawesome library (V4.7), which helped me many times, as well as to support me in part of his code for the configuration of some things


  • FontAwesome V5.15.4


  2. Add to INSTALLED_APPS in settings/base.py
        ... ,


from wagtail.core.models import Page
from wagtail.core.fields import StreamField
from wagtail.admin.edit_handlers import StreamFieldPanel

from wagtailiconify.blocks import FontAwesomeBlock

class HomePage(Page):
    body = StreamField([
        ('icon', FontAwesomeBlock())
    ], null = True, blank = False)

    content_panels = Page.content_panels + [


All support for the library is well accepted, in fact I would appreciate it very much since I am the only one who is giving support

Any questions, comments or suggestions can be made known to me with an "Issue" notification or make a contribution with a pull request.

Any closer attention can write to me at: victorarmenta30@gmail.com


  • Pip package installation
  • Remove js empty generated by npm run build
  • Admin icons support (Fontawesome have troubleshoots with Wagtail svg icons )
  • Support for FeatherIcons
  • More docs for developers
  • A niceeeee logo for this little library... Why not?
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