This is code of book "Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch"



Learn Deep Learning with PyTorch

非常感谢您能够购买此书,这个github repository包含有深度学习入门之PyTorch的实例代码。由于本人水平有限,在写此书的时候参考了一些网上的资料,在这里对他们表示敬意。由于深度学习的技术在飞速的发展,同时PyTorch也在不断更新,且本人在完成此书的时候也有诸多领域没有涉及,所以这个repository会不断更新作为购买次书的一个后续服务,希望我能够在您深度学习的入门道路上提供绵薄之力。







part1: 深度学习基础

part2: 深度学习的应用





我的github repo pytorch-beginner







本书的第二版内容其中一些部分参考了 mxnet gluon 的中文教程,通过MXNet/Gluon来动手学习深度学习

Gluon 是一个和 PyTorch 非常相似的框架,非常简单、易上手,推荐大家去学习一下,也安利一下 gluon 的中文课程,全中文授课,有视频,有代码练习,可以说是最全面的中文深度学习教程。

  • proper acknowledgement

    proper acknowledgement

    It's great to see a new chinese hands-on book for DL. But I noticed several tutorials are very similar It is often recommended to acknowledge the original author. For example, people often put the following sentence at the beginning or end of the tutorial:

    This tutorial is motivated (or adapted) from xxx

    opened by mli 3
  • loss function in

    loss function in "logistic-regression.ipynb "


    def binary_loss(y_pred, y):
        logits = (y * y_pred.clamp(1e-12).log() + (1 - y) * (1 - y_pred).clamp(1e-12).log()).mean()
        return -logits


    logits = (y * y_pred.clamp(1e-12).log().mean() + (1 - y) * (1 - y_pred).clamp(1e-12).log()).mean()
    opened by wanpiqiu123 2
  • fcn模型结构


    你好, 我在看您博客上介绍fcn的那篇文章,有个地方不太懂,特来讨教: 最简单的 fcn 前面是一个去掉全连接层的预训练网络,然后将去掉的全连接变为 1x1 的卷积,输出和类别数目相同的通道数,比如 voc 数据集是 21 分类,那么输出的通道数就是 21,然后最后接一个转置卷积将结果变成输入的形状大小,最后在每个 pixel 上做一个分类问题,使用交叉熵作为损失函数就可以了。


    opened by kingofoz 2
  • 你好,我用你的代码时,报错了,如何解决啊?


    fcn语义分割的代码。 python train Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 21, in from data import VocSegDataset, img_transforms, COLORMAP

    ImportError: cannot import name 'VocSegDataset'

    opened by codes-kzhan 1
  • problem in autograd

    problem in autograd

    Anser of the exercise is wrong, the second column of j is wrong due to wrong variable name reference in the code: " # 归零之前求得的梯度", change "m" to "x" to fix it.

    opened by rexjoe 1
  • fix one plot problem in nn-sequential-model

    fix one plot problem in nn-sequential-model

    under MacOS X 10.13, conda, python 3.6 Matplotlib 2.1.2

    1. in plot_decision_boundary: change "plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y," to "plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y.reshape(-1),"
    2. change "plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y, s=40," to "plt.scatter(x[:, 0], x[:, 1], c=y.reshape(-1), s=40,"
    opened by rexjoe 1
  • 权重衰减可以通过 torch.optim.lr_scheduler 的相关类完成,从而使权重衰减和训练逻辑分离

    权重衰减可以通过 torch.optim.lr_scheduler 的相关类完成,从而使权重衰减和训练逻辑分离



    权重衰减可以通过 torch.optim.lr_scheduler 的相关类如 ExponentialLR完成,从而使权重衰减和训练逻辑分离。作权重衰减相关介绍的时候可以这么来介绍(实际使用也是这么使用比较广泛)。

    opened by xiaoyuan0203 0
  • 关于cat vs dog中的维度问题

    关于cat vs dog中的维度问题

    net.py文件中的这段: vgg = models.vgg19(pretrained=True) self.feature = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.children())[:-1]) self.feature.add_module('global average', nn.AvgPool2d(9))

    前两行代码的输出尺寸是7*7,而第三行平均池化的卷积核是9,运行后会出现这样的错误:Given input size: (512x7x7). Calculated output size: (512x0x0). Output size is too small


    opened by IIIgnac 0
  • 第三章逻辑斯蒂回归的代码问题



    w0 = w[0].data[0] w1 = w[1].data[0] b0 =[0]

    plot_x = np.arange(0.2, 1, 0.01) plot_y = (-w0 * plot_x - b0) / w1 # 上面会导致乘法不能正常操作, 应该讲w0,w1,w2转换成numpy array 才能调通

    opened by mengwei-wang 0
  • Chapter_3_logisticRegression_'plot_y = (-w0 * plot_x - b0) / w1'

    Chapter_3_logisticRegression_'plot_y = (-w0 * plot_x - b0) / w1'

    In[10]:# 画出参数更新之前的结果 w0 = w[0].data[0] w1 = w[1].data[0] b0 =[0]

    plot_x = np.arange(0.2, 1, 0.01) plot_y = (-w0 * plot_x - b0) / w1 TypeError TypeError: mul() received an invalid combination of arguments - got (numpy.ndarray), but expected one of:

    • (Tensor other) didn't match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (numpy.ndarray)
    • (Number other) didn't match because some of the arguments have invalid types: (numpy.ndarray)
    opened by cuijia1247 0
Xingyu Liao
Research Engineer
Xingyu Liao
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