City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones Code


City-Scale Multi-Camera Vehicle Tracking Guided by Crossroad Zones


Python 3.8 or later with all requirements.txt dependencies installed, including torch>=1.7. To install run:

$ pip install -r requirements.txt

Data Preparation

If you want to reproduce our results on AI City Challengef, please download the datasets from: ( and put it under the folder datasets. Make sure the data structure is like:


  • datasets
    • AIC21_Track3_MTMC_Tracking
      • unzip
    • detect_provided (Including detection and corresponding Re-ID features)
  • detector
    • yolov5
  • reid
    • reid_model (Pre-trained reid model on Track 2)
      • resnet101_ibn_a_2.pth
      • resnet101_ibn_a_3.pth
      • resnext101_ibn_a_2.pth

Reproduce frome detect_provided

If you just want reproduce our results, you can directly download detect_provided:

mkdir datasets
cd datasets

Then put detect_provided folder under this folder and modify yml config/aic_mcmt.yml:

CHALLENGE_DATA_DIR: '/home/xxx/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/AIC21_Track3_MTMC_Tracking/'
DET_SOURCE_DIR: '/home/xxx/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/'
DATA_DIR: '/home/xxx/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/detect_provided'
REID_SIZE_TEST: [384, 384]
ROI_DIR: '/home/xxx/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/AIC21_Track3_MTMC_Tracking/test/S06/'
CID_BIAS_DIR: '/home/xxx/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/AIC21_Track3_MTMC_Tracking/cam_timestamp/'
USE_FF: True
MCMT_OUTPUT_TXT: 'track3.txt'

Then run:

bash ./

The final results will locate at path ./reid/reid-matching/tools/track3.txt

Reproduce on all pipeline

If you just want reproduce our results on all pipeline, you have to download:


You can refer to Track2 to retrain the reid model.

Then modify yml:


Then run:

bash ./

The final results will locate at path ./reid/reid-matching/tools/track3.txt

  • 关于自己 run sh ${MCMT_CONFIG_FILE}

    关于自己 run sh ${MCMT_CONFIG_FILE}

    出现以下Error: image 1/2001 /home/fish/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c043/img1/img000000.jpg: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 235, in detect() File "", line 95, in detect pred = model(img, augment=opt.augment)[0] File "/home/fish/anaconda3/envs/aic21/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/fish/AIC21-MTMC/detector/yolov5/models/", line 119, in forward return self.forward_once(x, profile) # single-scale inference, train File "/home/fish/AIC21-MTMC/detector/yolov5/models/", line 135, in forward_once x = m(x) # run File "/home/fish/anaconda3/envs/aic21/lib/python3.8/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/home/fish/AIC21-MTMC/detector/yolov5/models/", line 54, in forward y[..., 2:4] = (y[..., 2:4] * 2) ** 2 * self.anchor_grid[i] # wh RuntimeError: The size of tensor a (160) must match the size of tensor b (48) at non-singleton dimension 3


    opened by Fish39171 2
  • Should I run three re-id models or just one?

    Should I run three re-id models or just one?

    I'm reproducing the run_all results and got some questions.

    In the, the re-id feature extraction part is as below, python "aic_reid1.yml" python "aic_reid2.yml" python "aic_reid3.yml"

    Checked that the config files differ in the pretrained re-id model each uses, resnet101 or resnext101. So I wonder should I run all the three re-id feature extraction processes or just one of them?

    Further noticed in reid/, in merge_feat(), ensemble_list = ['detect_reid1', 'detect_reid2', 'detect_reid3']. I guess this ensemble_list should be in accordance with the re-id models selected. If I only use reid1, should I modify the ensemble_list to contain only the 'detect_reid1'?

    Thank you for your patience and regards!

    opened by wanglu362 2
  • Would you please provide a link to download detect_provided?

    Would you please provide a link to download detect_provided?

    As is stated in the README, a detect_provided folder which contains detections and Re-ID features should be put in the dataset path. However there is no link for downloading this. Would you please fix it and provide a link? Thank you very much and regards!

    opened by wanglu362 2
  • Cost is not used in single cam trajectory post association

    Cost is not used in single cam trajectory post association

    In method associate in tracker/MOTBaseline/src/post_processing/, the external C++ program MinCostPerfMatch is called with argument "--max", which solves maximum cardinality matching. The computed cost (similarity) is not used in this step.

    Should it instead be solving min cost perfect matching problem, which calls MinCostPerfMatch with argument --minweight?


    opened by libertyeagle 2
  • Missing resources

    Missing resources

    I did not find any links to access the following resources: "If you just want reproduce our results, you can directly download detect_provided" "If you just want reproduce our results on all pipeline, you have to download:" """ detector/yolov5/ reid/reid_model/resnet101_ibn_a_2.pth reid/reid_model/resnet101_ibn_a_3.pth reid/reid_model/resnext101_ibn_a_2.pth """ how can I get them?

    opened by Qchail 2
  • nan occurs when running

    nan occurs when running

    When I run, the following error occurs. Do you have any suggestions?

    starting re_ranking
    100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 78/78 [00:00<00:00, 6529.14it/s]
    Using totally 0.06S to compute R
    100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 78/78 [00:00<00:00, 7608.45it/s]
    Using totally 0.10S to compute V-1
    Using totally 0.12S to compute V-2
    Using totally 0.12S to compute invIndex
    100%|█████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 39/39 [00:00<00:00, 6944.80it/s]
    [[nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]]
    Using totally 0.15S to compute final_distance
    [[nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]
     [nan nan nan ... nan nan nan]]
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 154, in <module>
        clu = get_labels(cfg,cid_tid_dict,cid_tids,score_thr=cfg.SCORE_THR)
      File "", line 106, in get_labels
        linkage='complete').fit_predict(1 - sim_matrix)
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/cluster/", line 1054, in fit_predict
        return super().fit_predict(X, y)
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 736, in fit_predict
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/cluster/", line 917, in fit
        X = self._validate_data(X, ensure_min_samples=2, estimator=self)
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/", line 566, in _validate_data
        X = check_array(X, **check_params)
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/", line 800, in check_array
        _assert_all_finite(array, allow_nan=force_all_finite == "allow-nan")
      File "/home/ubuntu/anaconda3/envs/torch/lib/python3.7/site-packages/sklearn/utils/", line 116, in _assert_all_finite
        type_err, msg_dtype if msg_dtype is not None else X.dtype
    ValueError: Input contains NaN, infinity or a value too large for dtype('float32').
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 40, in <module>
        map_tid = pickle.load(open('test_cluster.pkl', 'rb'))['cluster']
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test_cluster.pkl'
    opened by kanonjz 1
  • How to config the number of GPUs used in re-id?

    How to config the number of GPUs used in re-id?

    I ran your all pipeline on AIC, but the program crashed when fork eight GPU processes in re-id. I realized there're only two GPUs in my system. How should I configure the number of GPUs to be implemented? Thank you very much and regards!

    opened by wanglu362 1
  • merge_reid_feature


    When trying to run the entire pipeline, I receive the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 57, in main() File "", line 53, in main merge_feat(cfg) File "", line 25, in merge_feat feat_mode_dic = pickle.load(open(feat_pkl_file, 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/----/aic21-mtmc/datasets/detect_reid1/c041/c041_dets_feat.pkl'

    Any thoughts?

    opened by ccfarah 1
  • Visualization error

    Visualization error

    Congratulations and thanks for your great project!

    When I run the visualization for mcmt (, I got the errors as following:

    start cam:41 [ERROR:0] global /tmp/pip-req-build-947ayiyu/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap.cpp (160) open VIDEOIO(CV_IMAGES): raised OpenCV exception: OpenCV(4.5.2) /tmp/pip-req-build-947ayiyu/opencv/modules/videoio/src/cap_images.cpp:253: error: (-5:Bad argument) CAP_IMAGES: can't find starting number (in the name of file): /gpfs/gsfs1/home/tnguyen/coding/reid_all/AIC21-MTMC/datasets/AIC21_Track3_MTMC_Tracking/mcmt/S06/c041/vdo.avi in function 'icvExtractPattern'

    Are there any steps that we need to run before this visualization ?

    opened by elituan 1
  • Where to download the detect_provided folder?

    Where to download the detect_provided folder?

    Thanks for your great project, and I was trying to reproduce the results. It said I can directly download the "detect_provided", but I couldn't find where to download it. I tried to run the, and thought that the folder might be generated after that. However I encountered too many errors, and I am still working on it. image

    opened by xuzhepu1993 1
  • Transformer in reid Model

    Transformer in reid Model

    Congratulations and thanks for your great project!

    I am investigating your code and paper. I see that there are TransReId module in reid model. Did you run the experiment with TransReId feats instead of feats from resnet backbone ? If yes, is the result competitive ? If no, are continue working on that ?

    opened by elituan 1
  • Real time multi-camera tracking

    Real time multi-camera tracking

    How can I use your work to matching local tracklets across multiple cameras to generate global tracks for person tracking? I have tracklets sets from each camera from strongsort tracker, but I want to use them to generate global trajectories, I would appreciate your help.

    opened by faizan1234567 0
  • FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test_cluster.pkl'

    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test_cluster.pkl'

    Thanks for sharing the great project, I am trying to reproduce the results. When I run bash ./, I met a error as follows: dell@DESKTOP-291GB2L MINGW64 /d/THICV/Project/AIC21-MTMC (main) $ bash ./ [Err]: invalid source root Done tracking c041 with aic_mcmt.yml tracking c042 with aic_mcmt.yml tracking c043 with aic_mcmt.yml tracking c044 with aic_mcmt.yml tracking c045 with aic_mcmt.yml tracking c046 with aic_mcmt.yml Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in run( File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in run( seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c046\img1' run( File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info run( File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c043\img1' for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c042\img1' seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c044\img1' Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in run( File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c041\img1' Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 309, in run( File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 175, in run seq_info = gather_sequence_info(sequence_dir, detection_file, max_frame_idx) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\", line 49, in gather_sequence_info for f in os.listdir(image_dir)} FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/detection/images/test/S06/c045\img1' sys args ars: ['', 'c044', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c044/c044_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c044/c044_mot_feat_raw.pkl' sys args ars: ['', 'c045', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c045/c045_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in sys args ars: ['', 'c041', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c041/c041_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c045/c045_mot_feat_raw.pkl' mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c041/c041_mot_feat_raw.pkl' sys args ars: ['', 'c042', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c042/c042_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in sys args ars: ['', 'c046', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c046/c046_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c042/c042_mot_feat_raw.pkl' mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c046/c046_mot_feat_raw.pkl' sys args ars: ['', 'c043', 'pp', 'aic_mcmt.yml'] using post processing loading tracked file D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c043/c043_mot.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 110, in eval_seq(sys.argv[1], pp=sys.argv[2], mcmt_cfg=cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 41, in eval_seq results = load_raw_mot(seq, mcmt_cfg) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\tracker\MOTBaseline\src\post_processing\", line 17, in load_raw_mot mot_feat_dic = pickle.load(open(f'{mcmt_cfg.DATA_DIR}/{seq}/{seq}_mot_feat_raw.pkl', 'rb')) FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datesets/detect_provided/c043/c043_mot_feat_raw.pkl' Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\reid\reid-matching\tools\", line 53, in cid_bias = parse_bias(cfg.CID_BIAS_DIR, scene_name) File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\reid\reid-matching\tools\", line 30, in parse_bias with open(opj(timestamp_dir, sname + '.txt')) as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'D:/THICV/Porject/AIC21_MTMC/datasets/AIC22_Track1_MTMC_Tracking/cam_timestamp/S06.txt' Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\reid\reid-matching\tools\", line 143, in for pkl_path in os.listdir(fea_dir): FileNotFoundError: [WinError 3] ϵͳ▒Ҳ▒▒▒ָ▒▒▒▒·▒▒▒▒: './exp/viz/test/S06/trajectory/' Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:\THICV\Project\AIC21-MTMC\reid\reid-matching\tools\", line 40, in map_tid = pickle.load(open('test_cluster.pkl', 'rb'))['cluster'] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'test_cluster.pkl'

    opened by Hyperjunct 0
  • Instruction on running the model on Training data

    Instruction on running the model on Training data

    Dear authors,

    Thank you very much on your great work!

    I am a phd student from UIUC. Recently I am doing a research project related to traffic cam object tracking. I am wondering whether it's possible to provide instructions on how to run your model on training data S01 please? Specifically, we added or deleted some frames from the original videos from S01 to sync them up. Is there a way to run the model on our modified data of S01?

    Thank you very much!

    opened by ZheYang-sjtu 0
  • Small DataSet just for testing

    Small DataSet just for testing


    Thank you for sharing this code, but I need to test this code and understand how does work for that I need a dataSet, can you give me small subset just for testing i.e understand your idea ?

    thank you in advance

    opened by LamnouarMohamed 0
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Jetsonhacks 25 Dec 26, 2022
Drone-based Joint Density Map Estimation, Localization and Tracking with Space-Time Multi-Scale Attention Network

DroneCrowd Paper Detection, Tracking, and Counting Meets Drones in Crowds: A Benchmark. Introduction This paper proposes a space-time multi-scale atte

VisDrone 98 Nov 16, 2022
FCA: Learning a 3D Full-coverage Vehicle Camouflage for Multi-view Physical Adversarial Attack

FCA: Learning a 3D Full-coverage Vehicle Camouflage for Multi-view Physical Adversarial Attack Case study of the FCA. The code can be find in FCA. Cas

IDRL 21 Dec 15, 2022
PoseViz – Multi-person, multi-camera 3D human pose visualization tool built using Mayavi.

PoseViz – 3D Human Pose Visualizer Multi-person, multi-camera 3D human pose visualization tool built using Mayavi. As used in MeTRAbs visualizations.

István Sárándi 79 Dec 30, 2022
Tracking code for the winner of track 1 in the MMP-Tracking Challenge at ICCV 2021 Workshop.

Tracking Code for the winner of track1 in MMP-Trakcing challenge This repository contains our tracking code for the Multi-camera Multiple People Track

DamoCV 29 Nov 13, 2022
Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos with Graph-Based Multi-Task Modeling

TGraM Multi-Object Tracking in Satellite Videos with Graph-Based Multi-Task Modeling, Qibin He, Xian Sun, Zhiyuan Yan, Beibei Li, Kun Fu Abstract Rece

Qibin He 6 Nov 25, 2022
Code for "FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection", ICRA 2021

FGR This repository contains the python implementation for paper "FGR: Frustum-Aware Geometric Reasoning for Weakly Supervised 3D Vehicle Detection"(I

Yi Wei 31 Dec 8, 2022
Code reproduce for paper "Vehicle Re-identification with Viewpoint-aware Metric Learning"

VANET Code reproduce for paper "Vehicle Re-identification with Viewpoint-aware Metric Learning" Introduction This is the implementation of article VAN

EMDATA-AILAB 23 Dec 26, 2022
Project code for weakly supervised 3D object detectors using wide-baseline multi-view traffic camera data: WIBAM.

WIBAM (Work in progress) Weakly Supervised Training of Monocular 3D Object Detectors Using Wide Baseline Multi-view Traffic Camera Data 3D object dete

Matthew Howe 10 Aug 24, 2022
Joint detection and tracking model named DEFT, or ``Detection Embeddings for Tracking.

DEFT: Detection Embeddings for Tracking DEFT: Detection Embeddings for Tracking, Mohamed Chaabane, Peter Zhang, J. Ross Beveridge, Stephen O'Hara

Mohamed Chaabane 253 Dec 18, 2022
Tracking Pipeline helps you to solve the tracking problem more easily

Tracking_Pipeline Tracking_Pipeline helps you to solve the tracking problem more easily I integrate detection algorithms like: Yolov5, Yolov4, YoloX,

VNOpenAI 32 Dec 21, 2022