Unofficial Implementation of RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Long Time Series (AAAI 2019)


RobustSTL: A Robust Seasonal-Trend Decomposition Algorithm for Long Time Series (AAAI 2019)

This repository contains python (3.5.2) implementation of RobustSTL (paper) .

Decomposing complex time series into trend, seasonality, and remainder components is an important task to facilitate time series anomaly detection and forecasting.
RobustSTL extract trend using LAD loss with sparse regularization and non-local seasonal filtering.
Compared to previous approaches (such as traditional STL), RobustSTL has advantages on

  1. Ability to handle seasonality fluctuation and shift, and abrupt change in trend and reminder
  2. robustness of data with anomalies
  3. applicability on time series with long seasonality period.

Requirments & Run

First, install some required libraries using pip.

pip3 install -r requirments.txt

Sample Results

We generate a synthetic sample ( and decompose it into trend, seasonality, and remainder. In run_example.ipynb, I attach the example codes to use RobustSTL and the outputs.


  • : run example code
  • contains RobustSTL algorithm and each process.
  • common utility functions
  • generation codes of synthetic sample.
  • : optimizer of l1 norm approximation (source: cvxopt)

Arugments of RobustSTL

  • input : input series
  • season_len : length of seasonal period
  • reg1 : first order regularization parameter for trend extraction
  • reg2 : second order regularization parameter for trend extraction
  • K : number of past season samples in seasonality extraction
  • H : number of neighborhood in seasonality extraction
  • dn1, dn2 : hyperparameter of bilateral filter in denoising step.
  • ds1, ds2 : hyperparameter of bilarteral filter in seasonality extraction step.

Shape of input sample

Basically, RobustSTL is for univariate time series sample.
However, this codes are available on multi-variate time series sample. (It apply the algorithm to each series, using multiprocessing) Each series have to have same time length.

  • Univariate Time Series: [Time] or [Time,1]
  • Multivariate Time Series: [N, Time] or [N, Time, 1]


The original paper has wrong notation in seasonality extraction.
The difference is log

  • Trend seems to depend on the first value of sample

    Trend seems to depend on the first value of sample

    Hi, I've tried to test your great code with other samples. And I found the trend is always highly dependent on the first value of the samples image Note that since my sample is non-seasonal I manually set seasons_tilda as zeros Do you have any idea?


    opened by junhyk 5
  •  Certificate of primal infeasibility found.

    Certificate of primal infeasibility found.

    hello, I have try to use RobustSTL() function to decompose a time series, but return error:

    return sol['x'][:n]

    TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable.

    Then I found that this error got from "sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fi, h, dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,
    primalstart={'x': x0, 's': s0}, dualstart={'z': z0})" which return the error "Certificate of primal infeasibility found.". If there is any method to solve this problem? I am looking forward to hearing from you, thanks.

    opened by jnuvenus 2
  • Time series reconstruction

    Time series reconstruction

    I am trying to run the reverse pipeline of RobustSTL method. That is, constructing the original time series based on the 3 components (Trend, seaso, Residue). Did you implement this by any chance?

    opened by AbdelouahabKhelifati 1
  • Update the numpy requirement

    Update the numpy requirement

    Today, I installed anaconda and updated all of its packages. I couldn't install with numpy==1.14.1 because of later dependencies caused failures. Changing this to numpy==1.18.1 in requirments.txt fixed the problem.

    OS: MacOS 10.15.4 (19E287)

    opened by chuckcoleman 1
  • Hi,DoYup !Function get_relative_trends  has bug when sum delta_trends

    Hi,DoYup !Function get_relative_trends has bug when sum delta_trends


    def get_relative_trends(delta_trends):
        init_value = np.array([0])
        idxs = np.arange(len(delta_trends))
        relative_trends = np.array(list(map(lambda idx: np.sum(delta_trends[:idx]), idxs)))
        relative_trends = np.concatenate([init_value, relative_trends])
        return relative_trends

    The code:

     relative_trends = np.array(list(map(lambda idx: np.sum(delta_trends[:idx]), idxs)))

    should be


    Because idxs is [0,1,2,3,4,5.....] when idxs = 0 , np.sum(delta_trends[:idx]) will be zeros, and relative_trends must be [0,0,.....]

    The bug would make trend delay one time.

    opened by zhoul14 1
  • Is there any way currently to deal with trendy only signal ?

    Is there any way currently to deal with trendy only signal ?

    Not all signals have necessarily a seasonal component, some might be only trendy and in this case how do we go about setting the <seasonal_length> parameter?

    For example, what are the right settings for the classical airline passengers data set? I tried 12 as the seasonal_length, running the robustSTL confounds trend and seasonality !

    opened by mamadyonline 1
  • issue from --- ValueError: Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n

    issue from --- ValueError: Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n

    I have encounter this issue and I can I can not handle it.

    Run results on Pycharm

     pcost       dcost       gap    pres   dres   k/t

    0: 1.3224e+15 2.7939e+01 8e+14 8e-05 2e+00 1e+00 Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\lib\site-packages\cvxopt\", line 1067, in conelp f3 = kktsolver(W) File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\RobustSTL\", line 25, in Fkkt lapack.potrf(A) ArithmeticError: 100

    During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/RobustSTL/", line 42, in main() File "C:/Users/Admin/PycharmProjects/RobustSTL/", line 23, in main result = RobustSTL(sample_list[0], 50, reg1=10.0, reg2= 0.5, K=2, H=5, dn1=1., dn2=1., ds1=50., ds2=1.) File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\RobustSTL\", line 121, in RobustSTL return _RobustSTL(input, season_len, reg1, reg2, K, H, dn1, dn2, ds1, ds2) File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\RobustSTL\", line 97, in _RobustSTL trend_extraction(denoise_sample, season_len, reg1, reg2) File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\RobustSTL\", line 36, in trend_extraction delta_trends = l1(P,q) File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\RobustSTL\", line 55, in l1 sol = solvers.conelp(c, Fi, h, dims, kktsolver = Fkkt,
    File "C:\Users\Admin\PycharmProjects\pythonProject\venv\lib\site-packages\cvxopt\", line 1080, in conelp raise ValueError("Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n") ValueError: Rank(A) < p or Rank([G; A]) < n

    opened by Minhvt34 0
  • How is RobustSTL used for prediction?

    How is RobustSTL used for prediction?

    The seasonal part of STL is fixed, but the value of the current position of RobustSTL is related to the values of the previous cycles. The current value will be used when calculating the weight, but there will be no current value in the prediction?

    So after the decomposition, how should we make predictions?

    opened by hhh0hwz 0
  • memory error

    memory error

    I got this error when used for other data using RobustSTL function. anyone can help, please MemoryError: Unable to allocate 1.54 GiB for an array with shape (14399, 14399) and data type float64

    opened by salman087 4
  • Any idea about this error?

    Any idea about this error?


    It would be great if you could support.

    C:\XYZ\XYZ\ RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in double_scalars season_value = np.sum(weight_sample * weights)/np.sum(weights) [!] 2 iteration will strat

    Intel MKL ERROR: Parameter 7 was incorrect on entry to DGELS. Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 2, in File "", line 16, in main File "C:\XYZ\XYZ\", line 121, in RobustSTL return _RobustSTL(input, season_len, reg1, reg2, K, H, dn1, dn2, ds1, ds2) File "C:\XYZ\XYZ\", line 97, in _RobustSTL trend_extraction(denoise_sample, season_len, reg1, reg2) File "C:\XYZ\XYZ\", line 36, in trend_extraction delta_trends = l1(P,q) File "C:\XYZ\XYZ\", line 41, in l1 lapack.gels(+P, uls) ValueError: -7

    All the best


    opened by Math9999 8
  • unreachable code

    unreachable code

    I was looking through the code base. I have an issue, can you please tell me whether this line is reachable or not? Since it is working in an infinite loop, so there must be a break statement so that the flow of control can go out of the infinite loop sequence, but I cannot find any such break in the code.

    If I'm missing something, then can you please point it out to me.

    Thanks a lot in advance.

    Manish Devgan

    opened by gabru-md 14
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