
Query Selector

Here you can find code and data loaders for the paper https://arxiv.org/pdf/2107.08687v1.pdf . Query Selector is a novel approach to sparse attention Transformer algorithm that is especially suitable for long term time series forecasting


Python            3.7.9
deepspeed         0.4.0
numpy             1.20.3
pandas            1.2.4
scipy             1.6.3
tensorboardX      1.8
torch             1.7.1
torchaudio        0.7.2
torchvision       0.8.2
tqdm              4.61.0

Results on ETT dataset


Data Prediction len Informer MSE Informer MAE Trans former MSE Trans former MAE Query Selector MSE Query Selector MAE MSE ratio
ETTh1 24 0.0980 0.2470 0.0548 0.1830 0.0436 0.1616 0.445
ETTh1 48 0.1580 0.3190 0.0740 0.2144 0.0721 0.2118 0.456
ETTh1 168 0.1830 0.3460 0.1049 0.2539 0.0935 0.2371 0.511
ETTh1 336 0.2220 0.3870 0.1541 0.3201 0.1267 0.2844 0.571
ETTh1 720 0.2690 0.4350 0.2501 0.4213 0.2136 0.3730 0.794
ETTh2 24 0.0930 0.2400 0.0999 0.2479 0.0843 0.2239 0.906
ETTh2 48 0.1550 0.3140 0.1218 0.2763 0.1117 0.2622 0.721
ETTh2 168 0.2320 0.3890 0.1974 0.3547 0.1753 0.3322 0.756
ETTh2 336 0.2630 0.4170 0.2191 0.3805 0.2088 0.3710 0.794
ETTh2 720 0.2770 0.4310 0.2853 0.4340 0.2585 0.4130 0.933
ETTm1 24 0.0300 0.1370 0.0143 0.0894 0.0139 0.0870 0.463
ETTm1 48 0.0690 0.2030 0.0328 0.1388 0.0342 0.1408 0.475
ETTm1 96 0.1940 0.2030 0.0695 0.2085 0.0702 0.2100 0.358
ETTm1 288 0.4010 0.5540 0.1316 0.2948 0.1548 0.3240 0.328
ETTm1 672 0.5120 0.6440 0.1728 0.3437 0.1735 0.3427 0.338


Data Prediction len Informer MSE Informer MAE Trans former MSE Trans former MAE Query Selector MSE Query Selector MAE MSE ratio
ETTh1 24 0.5770 0.5490 0.4496 0.4788 0.4226 0.4627 0.732
ETTh1 48 0.6850 0.6250 0.4668 0.4968 0.4581 0.4878 0.669
ETTh1 168 0.9310 0.7520 0.7146 0.6325 0.6835 0.6088 0.734
ETTh1 336 1.1280 0.8730 0.8321 0.7041 0.8503 0.7039 0.738
ETTh1 720 1.2150 0.8960 1.1080 0.8399 1.1150 0.8428 0.912
ETTh2 24 0.7200 0.6650 0.4237 0.5013 0.4124 0.4864 0.573
ETTh2 48 1.4570 1.0010 1.5220 0.9488 1.4074 0.9317 0.966
ETTh2 168 3.4890 1.5150 1.6225 0.9726 1.7385 1.0125 0.465
ETTh2 336 2.7230 1.3400 2.6617 1.2189 2.3168 1.1859 0.851
ETTh2 720 3.4670 1.4730 3.1805 1.3668 3.0664 1.3084 0.884
ETTm1 24 0.3230 0.3690 0.3150 0.3886 0.3351 0.3875 0.975
ETTm1 48 0.4940 0.5030 0.4454 0.4620 0.4726 0.4702 0.902
ETTm1 96 0.6780 0.6140 0.4641 0.4823 0.4543 0.4831 0.670
ETTm1 288 1.0560 0.7860 0.6814 0.6312 0.6185 0.5991 0.586
ETTm1 672 1.1920 0.9260 1.1365 0.8572 1.1273 0.8412 0.946

State Of Art












      title={Long-term series forecasting with Query Selector -- efficient model of sparse attention}, 
      author={Jacek Klimek and Jakub Klimek and Witold Kraskiewicz and Mateusz Topolewski},


If you have any questions please contact us by email - [email protected]

  • Dimension Mismatch

    Dimension Mismatch


    I am trying to reproduce the results for ETTh1 dataset.

    When running the following file in Colab: !python -u train.py --data ETTh1 --input_len 240 --output_len 24 --seq_len 48 --dec_seq_len 48 --pred_len 24 --features S --iterations 10 --exps 5 --hidden_size 96 --n_heads 3 --n_encoder_layers 3 --encoder_attention full --n_decoder_layers 3 --decoder_attention full --batch_size 32 --embedding_size 24 --dropout 0.1

    I run into the following error: File "train.py", line 189, in main() File "train.py", line 185, in main preform_experiment(args) File "train.py", line 155, in preform_experiment preds, trues = run_iteration(deepspeed_engine if args.deepspeed else model , train_loader, args, training=True, message=' Run {:>3}, iteration: {:>3}: '.format(args.run_num, iter)) File "train.py", line 109, in run_iteration result = model(batch) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Query/model.py", line 287, in forward e = self.encs0 File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/module.py", line 727, in _call_impl result = self.forward(*input, **kwargs) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/Query/model.py", line 239, in forward return super(Linear, self).forward(x) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/modules/linear.py", line 93, in forward return F.linear(input, self.weight, self.bias) File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/torch/nn/functional.py", line 1692, in linear output = input.matmul(weight.t()) RuntimeError: mat1 dim 1 must match mat2 dim 0

    Can you please help me resolve this issue?, thank you.

    best wishes Janamejaya

    opened by bcjanmay 3
  • InverseTransform only on prediction, to avoid nan loss

    InverseTransform only on prediction, to avoid nan loss

    Hi again, and thanks for the implementation of the 'ms' feature.

    Two questions:

    1. Is it possible to only inversely transform the numbers of a prediction? Running inverse transform or disabling scaling on an entire training explodes the gradient with no effort. In short; is it possible to only do an inverse transformation on the pred_len?

    2. With 'ms' enabled, how would one expand on it to predict three outputs instead of a singular, is it as simple as feeding a list to the target, which is now defined as 'OT' ?

    I hope you can help out, best regards, and again thanks for your contribution!

    opened by simoneliasen 2
  • Enabling 'MS'

    Enabling 'MS'

    Hi i'm trying to implement the code, but with 'MS' feature, which i can see traces of in your code, inspired from the Informer.

    I tried adding a 'multiuni' prediction type, alongside the 'multi' and 'uni' one and have changed my setting accordingly to use 'multiuni':

    elif self.prediction_type == 'multiuni':
                sys.argv.extend(["--features", 'MS'])
                sys.argv.extend(["--input_len", '7', "--output_len", "1"])

    I am however, consistently getting issues, most recently, triggering an assertion in the code:

    File "train.py", line 178, in preform_experiment
        len(train_data.data_y[0]), args.output_len)
    AssertionError: Dataset contains output vectors of length 7 while output_len is set to 1

    Is there anyway that you could guide me to the implementation of MS?

    Best regards

    opened by simoneliasen 1
  • A quick question about the linear layer

    A quick question about the linear layer

    Hi, just a quick question.

    I didnt't have a chance to run the code, so I assume the input data have a shape like B,L,C or B,C,L. Line279: self.enc_input_fc = Linear(input_size, dim_val). I think “input_size” means the length while “dim_val” is somewhat related to embedding dimensions. And the shape of the tensor turned into a square which doesn't make sense to me. Is that a typo or I misunderstand something? Many thanks!

    opened by kpmokpmo 1
  • Connection refused error

    Connection refused error

    Hello, Thank you for releasing the code, I had couple of questions. I am trying to run the code in Google Colab.

    This is my training script !python train.py --data='ETTm1' --seq_len=720 --pred_len=24 --dec_seq_len=24 --hidden_size=128 --batch_size=100 --embedding_size=32 --n_encoder_layers=3 --encoder_attention='full' --n_decoder_layers=3 --decoder_attention='full' --dropout=0.1 --iterations=10 --exps=5 --features='M' --n_heads=3 --input_len=7 --output_len=7

    After 1 iteration I am getting the following error :

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "train.py", line 190, in main() File "train.py", line 186, in main preform_experiment(args) File "train.py", line 159, in preform_experiment ipc.sendPartials(iter, mse, mae) File "/content/drive/MyDrive/query-selector-master/ipc.py", line 59, in sendPartials c.connect(('localhost', PORT)) ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused

    Please do let me know, Thanks.

    Best Regards Niharika

    opened by Niharikajo 0
  • Test train split

    Test train split


    I had a doubt in the data processing step

    1. In ETTm2 dataset in data_loader to split the dataset we use the following code to calculate border and then calculate the number of train and test points. Can you explain this line of code? How is this calculated ? border1s = [0, 12*30*24*4 - self.seq_len, 12*30*24*4+4*30*24*4 - self.seq_len] border2s = [12*30*24*4, 12*30*24*4+4*30*24*4, 12*30*24*4+8*30*24*4]

    2. seq_len is calculated as 24 * 4 * 4 how is this calculated? What does it signify?

    Please let me know

    Thank you Niharika

    opened by Niharikajo 0
  • save predictions

    save predictions

    Hello Jacek,

    I was going through the query selector paper, and I am trying to reproduce your code. I have a few doubts :

    1. Where is the train, test, and validation split on the dataset done?

    2. In train.py we train the model, and then validation is done. Where is testing happening?

    3. If our pred length is 24, we get 24 predictions after the last data point, So how can we save the values predicted by the model? In which part of the code is happening ?

    Please do let me know

    Thank you Regards Niharika Joshi

    opened by Niharikajo 0
  • memory explosion(Not gpu memory)

    memory explosion(Not gpu memory)

    Hello, your work is excellent. However, when I used the electricity dataset (https://github.com/laiguokun/multivariate-time-series-data), a memory explosion problem occurred. I don't know if there is a solution. When running the EETh data set, it is normal. Thank You.

    opened by TruthK 1
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