Repo to store back end infrastructure for Message in a Bottle


Message in a Bottle Backend API

RESTful API for Message in a Bottle frontend application consumption.

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About The ProjectTools UsedLocal Set UpInstallationHow To UseDatabase SchemaContributingAcknowledgements

About The Project

Message in a Bottle is an application where users can discover stories about the communities around them. This app was designed as a way to interact with cities, neighborhoods, and the people that inhabit them. The Message in a Bottle backend is built with a Django framework that stores story and user data through PostgreSQL. We expose this data to our frontend team to build out the user interface.

Learning Goals

  • Building a RESTful API with a Python Django backend
  • Collaborating with a Front-End dev team
  • Geolocation calls and tracking
  • Applying best practices learned during Turing to a new language and framework
    • e.g. TDD, OOP, REST, MVC(Rails) <--> MTV(Django)
  • Making use of the git rebase workflow

Tools Used

Development Testing Packages
Python 3.9.7 Pytest-Django Django
Django Pytest-Cov Django CORS Headers
CircleCI Postman Django Heroku
PostgreSQL VCRPY Django REST Framework
Git/Github Gunicorn
Heroku Psycopg2

Local Set Up

  1. To clone and run this application, you'll need Python 3.9.7 and Django 3.2.8. Using the official Python docs, follow instructions to install python3 for your local OS.

  2. You can check for a successful installation using this command:

$ python3 -V
> Python 3.9.7


  1. Fork this repo
  2. Clone your new repo:
git clone
  1. Create and Invoke your virtual environment:
python3 -m virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install dependencies:
(venv) python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Set up the database:
$ psql

CREATE DATABASE <project name>;
CREATE USER <user name> WITH PASSWORD <password>;
ALTER ROLE <user name> SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE <user name> SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE <user name> SET timezone TO 'UTC';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE <project name> TO <user name>;
  1. Add PostgreSQL database info to file:
  'default': {
      'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
      'NAME': '
      'USER': '
      'PASSWORD': '
      'HOST': '
      'PORT': '
  1. Migrate database:
(venv) python makemigrations
(venv) python migrate
  1. Update CORS allowed origins in Domains currently allowed are:
  1. Run the test suite with:
(venv) export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=message_in_a_bottle.settings
(venv) pytest --cov
  1. Run your local Python server with:
(venv) python runserver

How To Use

To experience the front-end UI, please visit the application here. You can also hit our endpoints through an API client, such as Postman or HTTPie.

Endpoint Documentation


Stories Index Endpoint
The GET stories endpoint retrieves stories near you. You must supply valid longitude and latitude coordinates.

Query Params Required? Example Notes
latitude Yes /api/v1/stories?latitude=12.345&longitude=4.5968 requires longitude
longitude Yes /api/v1/stories?latitude=12.345&longitude=4.5968 requires latitude

Request: GET /api/v1/stories?latitude=12.3456&longitude=4.5968


  "data": {
    "input_location": "phoenix,az",
      "id": 1,
      "type": "story",
      "attributes": {
        "title": "my cool story",
        "latitude": 13.201,
        "longitude": 9.2673,
        "distance_in_miles": 1.2,
        "created_at": "2021-10-27T03:45:34.165600Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-10-27T03:45:36.855162Z"
      "id": 2,
      "type": "story",
      "attributes": {
        "title": "story",
        "latitude": 13.563,
        "longitude": 10.2673,
        "distance_in_miles": 3,
        "created_at": "2021-10-27T04:45:34.165600Z",
        "updated_at": "2021-10-27T04:45:36.855162Z"

Story Show Endpoint
Request: GET /api/v1/stories/:id?latitude=12.3456&longitude=-4.5968


  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "type": "story",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "my cool story",
      "message": "This one time I saw a bird",
      "name": "Anonymous",
      "created_at": "2021-10-08T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "updated_at": "2021-10-08T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "latitude": 30.071945143440377,,
      "longitude": 31.225164325479227,
      "distance_in_miles": 1.2,
      "location": "Cairo Governorate, EG"

Directions Endpoint
Request: GET /api/v1/stories/:id/directions?latitude=1230&longitude=1209.3


  "data": [
      "id": null,
      "type": "directions",
      "attributes": {
        "narrative": "Turn left on Bob St.",
        "distance": ".8 miles"
      "id": null,
      "type": "directions",
      "attributes": {
        "narrative": "Turn right on Starry Road",
        "distance": ".2 miles"

Create Story Endpoint
Request: POST /api/v1/stories

Request Body:

  "title": "A new title",
  "message": "I'm coming up",
  "latitude": 27.717311514603534,
  "longitude": 85.32098499247293


  "data": {
    "id": 2,
    "type": "story",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "A new title",
      "message": "I'm coming up",
      "name": "Anonymous",
      "created_at": "2021-10-08T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "updated_at": "2021-10-08T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "latitude": 27.717311514603534,
      "longitude": 85.32098499247293,
      "location": "Kathmandu, NP"

Update Story Endpoint
Request: PATCH /api/v1/stories/:id

Request Body:

  "title": "My Fixed Title",
  "message": "Hello World.",
  "name": "Sally"


  "data": {
    "id": 1,
    "type": "story",
    "attributes": {
      "title": "My Fixed Title",
      "message": "Hello World.",
      "name": "Sally",
      "created_at": "2021-10-08T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "updated_at": "2021-10-18T23:28:51.897746Z",
      "latitude": 40.3830,
      "longitude": 105.5190,
      "location": "Estes Park, CO"

Delete Story Endpoint
Request: DELETE /api/v1/stories/:id

Error Handling
Here are some examples of error messages you could receive if you send an invalid request:

Bad Request URI: GET /api/v1/stories/:id or /api/v1/stories/:id?latitude=&longitude=


    "errors": {
        "messages": [
            "Latitude or longitude can't be blank."
        "code": 1

Bad Request URI: GET /api/v1/stories/:id?latitude=1000&longitude=1000


    "errors": {
        "messages": [
            "Invalid latitude or longitude."
        "code": 1

Bad Request URI: GET /api/v1/stories/:id?latitude=0&longitude=0


    "errors": {
        "messages": [
            "Impossible route."
        "code": 2

POST /api/v1/stories Bad Request Body:

    "title":"Here's Johnny!",
    "message": "allworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboyallworkandnoplaymakesjackadullboy",
    "name":"Jack Torrance",


    "errors": {
        "message": [
            "Ensure this field has no more than 1000 characters."
        "location": [
            "This field may not be blank."

Database Schema

Screen Shot 2021-10-27 at 17 33 14


👤 Marla Schulz

👤 Taylor Varoglu

👤 Matt Kragen

👤 Mae Duphorne

👤 Fara Akhatova

👤 Justin Anthony


  • Reverse geocode

    Reverse geocode

    • Changes Implemented:
      • Minor cleanup of test_services (i.e. noticed some duplicated imports, I suspect again due to merge conflict resolution along the way, and added additional self keywords to maintain consistency in syntax)
      • Abstracted base_urls() and api_key() to separate function calls to dry up code in MapService
      • Added a reverse geocode API call to convert lat/lon into a City, State output for GET /stories (index) and POST /stories endpoints. See example attribute for location within the following response, records are no longer blank (per default field value) Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 16 29 32
        • Note, production and local DBs need to be reseeded to remove records with blank location fields
      • Refactor logic in GET /stories (index) endpoint to troubleshoot bug raised by FE team:
        • For the record, the coordinates submitted with the issue vs the coordinates Justin provided me earlier are not within a 25mi radius.. see outputs below from MapQuest reverse geocode and route API calls. So even after this PR, if we continue to troubleshoot based on these input coordinates, we will not be able to view stories across these distances, unless we expand the radius for MVP
          • Mae's coordinates: Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 14 48 39
          • Justin's coordinates: Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 14 48 59
          • Distance between the two: Screen Shot 2021-10-24 at 14 49 24

    TODO - Discuss the following:

    • Need to agree as a team if we would like to expand this distance radius. 1 degree of latitude is ~70 miles, so users have to be posting stories within <0.33 latitude delta (assuming exact same longitude) to view stories across different locations. I might suggest we expand the distance calc to 50 miles for MVP. We can easily scale back for a more manageable payload later on, but for troubleshooting, a wider distance radius might be easier to work with.

    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Blockers (if applicable):

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

      • [ ] Reseed production DB now that reverse geocoding logic is in place
      • [ ] Double-check bug resolution via Postman suite post-merge and/or expand distance radius based on team consensus
      • [ ] Confirm consistencies in distance calc for stories index vs stories show endpoints.. FE team mentioned inconsistency between the two, but with the changes implemented by this PR, we're now using the exact same API call to return distance_in_miles across all endpoints, so I suspect this bug may be resolved by this PR 🤞🏽
    bug Back-End Endpoint 
    opened by tvaroglu 1
  • Divergence in API Issues

    Divergence in API Issues

    Justin has pulled down main and is able to view all stories that have been added in the last few days, regardless of the mileage from his house. My main (which references the same endpoint) is no longer able to view any of these stories. I am able to post and view my own stories still, but do not have access to any Justin posts. Justin's main does not have access to any stories I post.

    Request: Screen Shot 2021-10-23 at 9 00 54 PM Response: {"data":{"input_location":"This is a temporary location!","stories":[{"id":"91","type":"story","attributes":{"title":"This is a test","distance_in_miles":0,"latitude":40.337408,"longitude":-104.9460736}}]}}

    The response is copy and pasted since the view screenshot on my dev tools cut half of it off. The response is only the story I posted while experimenting with this issue.

    bug Back-End Endpoint 
    opened by maeduphorne 1
  • Response refactor

    Response refactor

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Add endpoint PATCH /api/v1/stories/<int:pk>
      • Remove PUT from CORS_ALLOWED_METHODS in (only doing partial updates from FE for name, title, and message, and do not need a PUT request to update all attributes)
      • Refactor JSON responses for all deployed endpoints to adhere to 1.0 Spec
      • Backfill missing request tests for deployed endpoints, happy and sad path
      • Add function to capture lat/lon validation within POST /api/v1/stories endpoint, to ensure database is clear of stories with invalid coordinates
      • Refactor function call to validate coordinates for GET /stories?latitude=<lat>&longitude=<lon> to use same function call and DRY up code
      • Update Postman collection and environment variables now that DB is reseeded (pk's were reset so the GET request for a single story would produce a 404; already pre-wrote the env var for Prod, so this will all still pass post-merge)
      • Update Circle build commands to run pytest --cov for that fancy schmancy coverage report that is so uber-satisfying to look at
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
        • 99% yo!!!
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
    • Blockers (if applicable): None

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

      • Wrap up GeoLoc logic for index and show endpoints
    bug DevOps Back-End Database Architecture Endpoint 
    opened by tvaroglu 1
  • Stories index logic

    Stories index logic

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Connect stories index endpoint to mapquest radius search call.
      • Add logic to validate longitude and latitude.
      • Add validation errors and flow to views story POST action
      • Testing for all of the above
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Blockers (if applicable):

    • Had to sanitize database to remove invalid longitudes and latitudes.

    • Connecting original serializer to validation flow

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

    • Check work on POST action between branches before merge.

    Back-End Database Endpoint 
    opened by marlitas 1
  • Consume


    • Changes Implemented:

      • Created services file for API endpoint requests.
      • Added logic to Story model to parse stories into dicts.
      • Testing for model methods and service methods.
      • Used dotenv to access environment variables in MapService class
      • Dropped database and removed sessions and static files default Django apps
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Blockers (if applicable):

    • Getting pytest fixtures up and running was tricky, but finally able to get django talking to test database by updating authorization for defaultuser.

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

    • Must update directory structure and settings files to match main for circleCI build pass.

    opened by marlitas 1
  • Post request

    Post request

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Refactor to dry up logic (keep api/v1 namespacing within Django project root vs app module)
      • Refactor to use Class-based views (vs Function-based views in prior implementation)
      • Add the following endpoints with a fully functional Postman suite to test the implementation of the following:
        • [x] GET /api/v1/stories (index of all stories, note, still more work to be done here once geoloc API is integrated)
        • [x] GET /api/v1/stories/<id:pk> (retrieve an individual story)
        • [x] POST /api/v1/stories (create a new story)
        • [x] DEL /api/v1/stories/<id:pk> (delete an individual story)
      • Add Postman environment vars for Dev and Prod into postman dir, so you can import both and toggle between the two, for future testing phases
      • Update PR Template to add check / step to update Postman collection (if any changes made to endpoints that could break tests as currently written).
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
    • Blockers (if applicable): None, but a special thank you to the Django docs for the incorrect tutorial on how to build routes!! 🤦🏽‍♂️

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

      • [x] Complete PATCH / PUT endpoint to update a story
      • [x] Integrate 3rd Party Geoloc API to complete the stories 'index' endpoint implementation
      • [x] Continue to add to Postman suite and write pytest request specs (if they exist). Admittedly, have done zero research on this, and have just been using Postman to get our endpoints tested and deployed as quickly as possible for the FE team.
    DevOps Back-End Architecture Endpoint 
    opened by tvaroglu 1
  • Cors config

    Cors config

    • Changes Implemented: A lot

      • Slim down .circleci/config.yml to remove duplicated requirements.txt install step during builds
      • Rename quickstart across the entire repo to be api for correct namespacing of our urls
        • EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE: You have recreate your default postgres user for the 'new' database. The only commands you have to run are:
          • [x] CREATE DATABASE api;
          • [x] GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE api TO defaultuser;
          • [x] \q
      • Remove all static files that are technically unneeded given that this is an api-only backend that doesn't have traditional rendered views. FYI - I tried just removing the directory entirely, but it kept recreating (empty) each time I re-ran my server, so I think the easiest solution is to just delete all files locally. I am nervous to .gitignore the directory entirely, in case that causes issues with production. I remember in the initial setup this directory was needed for some reason.
        • [x] Please take note and update local directories accordingly, so these files do not re-merge on the next PR(s). I'm probably being overly-cautious here, but this is all uncharted territory after all!
      • Add urls, serializer methods, and view actions for the following endpoints:
        • GET api/v1/stories (index)
        • GET api/v1/stories/<:id> (show)
        • POST api/v1/stories (create)
        • PUT api/v1/stories/<:id> (update)
        • DEL api/v1/stories/<:id> (delete)
      • Add CORS configuration to, and clean up the file a bit (comments, extra empty lines)
      • Refreeze requirements.txt based on additional packages to support CORS configs
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
    • Blockers (if applicable): None, but good golly this was some tricky stuff!!

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

      • Ensure FE team can fetch off the new endpoint, once deployed (will just be an empty array)
      • Create data for FE team to work with (assuming no additional endpoint troubleshooting to complete)
      • Customize serializers to format our data based on our proposed JSON contracts
      • Figure out how we are gonna test all this... if we can't find an rspec-like equivalent for request specs, I would propose we just write a Postman suite. This would be great JavaScript practice (I wrote one for SweaterWeather and had a ton of fun with it actually!!)
    Back-End Architecture Endpoint 
    opened by tvaroglu 1
  • Add additional origin to

    Add additional origin to

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Add additional origin to to test newest front-end build via mars buildpack
      • Shorten conditionals in (remove unnecessary else statements)
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    bug Refactor 
    opened by tvaroglu 0
  • Docs


    • Changes Implemented:

      • Updated endpoint documentation
      • Remove/Correct deprecated syntax
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [ ] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Blockers (if applicable):

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

    documentation Back-End 
    opened by matt-kragen 0
  • Api error handling

    Api error handling

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Refactor MapService function calls to account for MapQuest API rate limit being hit
      • Update Postman collection
      • Swap API keys in Heroku and CircleCI (not reflected in this PR, just noting for team visibility)
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [x] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Additional Notes:

      • New Error Handling implemented as follows:
        • GET /stories (index): Instead of a 500 error, you'll just get back an empty stories array and no city_state (empty string), because we're unable to access MapQuest to retrieve the necessary data to complete this call.
        • GET /stories/<int:pk> and GET /stories/<int:pk>/directions: Instead of a 500 error, you'll get back the impossible route error that we've built in (because literally, it's impossible for us to route you there 🤣)
        • POST /stories: Instead of a 500, you'll get the location can't be blank error (because we're unable to convert lat/long into a city state, which is required to save new stories to the database)
      • All other endpoints are unaffected by this, so this (rare) edge case will now keep the app from erroring out completely, and will leverage the existing error handling for a 'fully functional' app status
    bug Back-End Error Handling 
    opened by tvaroglu 0
  • Vcr config

    Vcr config

    • Changes Implemented:

      • Configure and implement VCR for test suite
      • Update CircleCI configs to delete old cassettes on new build
      • Add additional Postman tests for directions endpoint
      • Fix broken loop in Postman test for Stories Index (use .forEach vs for loop)
      • Refreeze requirements.txt
    • Quality Control Checklist:

      • [x] >= 20% test coverage
      • [x] Postman collection updated (if any changes to endpoints)
      • [x] Last Commit passes CircleCI build
      • [ ] ReadMe updated if any changes to JSON Contracts
    • Blockers (if applicable):

    • Next Steps & Additional Notes:

      • [ ] Remove junk data from DB
      • [ ] Clean up docs
      • [ ] Perform demo for FE team
    DevOps Back-End Refactor Testing 
    opened by matt-kragen 0
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This is a Python 3.10 port of mock, a library for manipulating human-readable message strings.

This is a Python 3.10 port of mock, a library for manipulating human-readable message strings.

Alexander Bartolomey 1 Dec 31, 2021