Generate random german words / Generiere zufällige deutsche Wörter
Getting Started
Pip install with
pip install zufallsworte
Install the library with
import zufallsworte as zufall
How to use
Return one random word
--> Katze
Return 5 random words
--> ['rot', 'Baum', 'Eichhörnchen', 'Brötchen', 'Auto']
Return 3 random words that start with certain letters
zufall.anfangsbuchstaben('herum', 3)
['herumtragen', 'herumnörgeln', 'Herumtreiber']
Return 3 random words that end with certain letters
zufall.endbuchstaben('legen', 2)
--> ['anlegen', 'hinzulegen']
Return 2 random words that contain the letters "ff"
zufall.enthaelt_buchstaben('ff', 2)
--> ['Schiff', 'Affinität']
Return 3 random words that are exactly 7 characters long
zufall.anzahl_buchstaben(7, 3)
--> ['Biomüll', 'fließen', 'Rotwein']
Current bugs
When you import the library you will see three words as an output. Just ignore them.
Stargazers over time
This project falls under the MIT license.