Checkers Project Built Using Python



Read this article to know more about the game of Checkers in general.

"Oh my checkers" is a simplified version of checkers made to make everyone enjoy the fun of the game without having to memorize all the boring rules.

Checkers is played on an 8×8 board with twelve pieces for each player, and that is also the settings for OH MY CHECKERS!!!

What the program does

This program simulates a checkers game. The program gets inputs from the players and updates the game board to reflect the movements. Between that process, the inputs are validated. If an input is invalid, that player would have to play again until a valid is made. This program also checks for a winner after each play. When a game has ended, the programs prints the winner.


1. Run the file

2. The first player decides on which piece they want and must keep on with that particular piece till the end of the game.

i.e if a player picks the "x" piece, that player must continue to pick "x" pieces only. Same rule applies if the "o" piece is picked. Whatever piece player 1 decides to choose,player 2 is dealt with the other piece.

3. At this point, the python turtle graphic board loads and displays the actual game board. 

NOTE: This will take time, and so players will be unable to select pieces until the board has loaded. 

NOTE: Please reduce brower zoom size to see the full graphics board.
4. Each piece on the board has both a row index and a column index. The rows run from 0-7 and so does the columns, this implies that the first piece on the board is 0,0 an the last piece is 7,7.

5. As a player, your role is to input the position of a piece (2,1 as example), and then input a valid position on the board (3,2 as example) to move to.

6. Players move their pieces diagonally from one square to another square. When a player jumps over their opponent's (the other player's) piece diagonally, you take that piece from the board.

7. Always move your checker diagonally forward, toward your opponent's side of the gameboard).

8. After each valid play, the python turtle graphic board loads and displays the actual game board. 

NOTE: This will take time, and so players will be unable to select pieces until the board has loaded.

NOTE: Please reduce brower zoom size to see the full graphics board.

9. To play again, please run  


1. All inputs should be in this form: row,column; X,Y respectively. With row being the horizontal index and column being the vertical index.

2. Player 1 makes the first move and should control the pieces they move first. 

3. Player 2 makes the second move and should control the other playing pieces.

4. Only "x" and "o" peices can be moved.

5. For your first move, you can only select from the pieces in front of the board.

6. The object of the game is to capture all your opponents. Checkers or trap your opponent. So no move can be made.

How my program checks for the winner in my OH MY CHECKERS!!!

There are various metrics that goes into getting a winner.

The fist player to get to the other side WINS or If a player has got no pieces left on the board, the opposing player WINS if they've still got pieces.

Current Version of OH MY CHECKERS!!! requires two players to take control of the game.

P.S. Please play with a friend to maximize fun.


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