Learning RGB-D Feature Embeddings for Unseen Object Instance Segmentation


Unseen Object Clustering: Learning RGB-D Feature Embeddings for Unseen Object Instance Segmentation


In this work, we propose a new method for unseen object instance segmentation by learning RGB-D feature embeddings from synthetic data. A metric learning loss functionis utilized to learn to produce pixel-wise feature embeddings such that pixels from the same object are close to each other and pixels from different objects are separated in the embedding space. With the learned feature embeddings, a mean shift clustering algorithm can be applied to discover and segment unseen objects. We further improve the segmentation accuracy with a new two-stage clustering algorithm. Our method demonstrates that non-photorealistic synthetic RGB and depth images can be used to learn feature embeddings that transfer well to real-world images for unseen object instance segmentation. arXiv, Talk video


Unseen Object Clustering is released under the NVIDIA Source Code License (refer to the LICENSE file for details).


If you find Unseen Object Clustering useful in your research, please consider citing:

    Author = {Yu Xiang and Christopher Xie and Arsalan Mousavian and Dieter Fox},
    Title = {Learning RGB-D Feature Embeddings for Unseen Object Instance Segmentation},
    booktitle = {Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL)},
    Year = {2020}

Required environment

  • Ubuntu 16.04 or above
  • PyTorch 0.4.1 or above
  • CUDA 9.1 or above


  1. Install PyTorch.

  2. Install python packages

    pip install -r requirement.txt


  • Download our trained checkpoints from here, save to $ROOT/data.

Running the demo

  1. Download our trained checkpoints first.

  2. Run the following script for testing on images under $ROOT/data/demo.


Training and testing on the Tabletop Object Dataset (TOD)

  1. Download the Tabletop Object Dataset (TOD) from here (34G).

  2. Create a symlink for the TOD dataset

    cd $ROOT/data
    ln -s $TOD_DATA tabletop
  3. Training and testing on the TOD dataset

    cd $ROOT
    # multi-gpu training, we used 4 GPUs
    # testing, $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
    ./experiments/scripts/seg_resnet34_8s_embedding_cosine_rgbd_add_test_tabletop.sh $GPU_ID $EPOCH

Testing on the OCID dataset and the OSD dataset

  1. Download the OCID dataset from here, and create a symbol link:

    cd $ROOT/data
    ln -s $OCID_dataset OCID
  2. Download the OSD dataset from here, and create a symbol link:

    cd $ROOT/data
    ln -s $OSD_dataset OSD
  3. Check scripts in experiments/scripts with name test_ocid or test_ocd. Make sure the path of the trained checkpoints exist.


Running with ROS on a Realsense camera for real-world unseen object instance segmentation

  • Python2 is needed for ROS.

  • Make sure our pretrained checkpoints are downloaded.

    # start realsense
    roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth.launch tf_prefix:=measured/camera
    # start rviz
    rosrun rviz rviz -d ./ros/segmentation.rviz
    # run segmentation, $GPU_ID can be 0, 1, etc.
    ./experiments/scripts/ros_seg_rgbd_add_test_segmentation_realsense.sh $GPU_ID

Our example:

  • Run with ROS

    Run with ROS

    Hi, @bearpaw thanks for this great contribution.

    I have created a conda environment with python 2.7 and successfully installed all the requirements and I already have ros noetic. When I try to run the ros node using ./experiments/scripts/ros_seg_rgbd_add_test_segmentation_realsense.sh $GPU_ID

    I get this error:-

    Traceback (most recent call last): File "./ros/test_images_segmentation.py", line 13, in <module> import tf File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/tf/__init__.py", line 30, in <module> from tf2_ros import TransformException as Exception, ConnectivityException, LookupException, ExtrapolationException File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/tf2_ros/__init__.py", line 38, in <module> from tf2_py import * File "/opt/ros/noetic/lib/python3/dist-packages/tf2_py/__init__.py", line 38, in <module> from ._tf2 import * ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (init_tf2)

    I guess this occurs because of the python version that ROS noetic uses(python3). So, how do I run on Ubuntu 20.04 with ROS noetic?

    opened by AmanuelErgogo 1
  • No depth image

    No depth image

    Hi, thanks for your great project!

    When I o run the code, there are some problems I am sure.

    1. For ros example, when I run roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_aligned_depth.launch tf_prefix:=measured/camera, there is no message in topic /camera/aligned_depth_to_color/image_raw. When I change the launch file to roslaunch realsense2_camera rs_camera.launch align_depth:=true tf_prefix:=measured/camera, the topic works fine. (P.S.: I use a intel realsense D435i camera)
    2. Due to the ROS python2 version, there maybe some problems. For the tf import problem, this issue maybe helps. When I run ./experiments/scripts/ros_seg_rgbd_add_test_segmentation_realsense.sh $GPU_ID, I got error like this:
    [ERROR] [1610543855.033907]: bad callback: <bound method Subscriber.callback of <message_filters.Subscriber object at 0x7f8338747dd8>>
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/rospy/topics.py", line 750, in _invoke_callback
      File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/message_filters/__init__.py", line 75, in callback
      File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/message_filters/__init__.py", line 57, in signalMessage
        cb(*(msg + args))
      File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/message_filters/__init__.py", line 282, in add
        for vv in itertools.product(*[zip(*s)[0] for s in stamps]):
      File "/opt/ros/kinetic/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/message_filters/__init__.py", line 282, in <listcomp>
        for vv in itertools.product(*[zip(*s)[0] for s in stamps]):
    TypeError: 'zip' object is not subscriptable

    For now, I only rebuild tf package with python3 env. So could you point out which part runs based on ros python2 or rebuilds with python3? Thanks a lot! 3. I am not sure the camera name here. D415 or D435?

    Thanks a lot!

    opened by wangcongrobot 1
  • Tuning params for different dataset

    Tuning params for different dataset

    Dear all,

    thank you very much for open sourcing this interesting work! I just pulled the code, and while it works perfectly on the provided images, I am having a hard time making it work properly on a different dataset, see the example image below. Is there any parameter I can tune in order to get good results on this kind of images? Thank you very much in advance!

    Screenshot from 2022-05-11 10-25-27

    opened by chisarie 0
  • pyyaml version should be capped at 5.4.1

    pyyaml version should be capped at 5.4.1

    Thought this might be helpful in case anyone comes across this issue. Since version 6.0 of pyyaml, yaml.load requires a Loader argument. This causes an error to be raised in the code. PR linked

    opened by alexander-soare 0
  • Retraining of the Segmentation

    Retraining of the Segmentation

    Is there a possibility to retrain the network on my own generated synthetic dataset without losing the current performance of the network? I would like to just retrain some certain layers to get even better performance on my own dataset, or is the architecture too special for that? I would like to avoid to retrained the network from scratch? For generating the synthetic dataset I used SceneNet RGB-D with custom rooms and objects.

    opened by datboi223 0
  • Get table segmentation in detections

    Get table segmentation in detections

    Thanks for this impressive work. I'm working on a project where I need to segment tables from point clouds as well as objects on the table. Is it possible to use your work to segment the table in addition to objects? Have you tried it?

    Best regards, Mikkel

    opened by mikkeljakobsen 1
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