─ 3.57
Git repo maker Planned for v4:
Parameter -y to skip animations
* Only GNU Linux and MacOS (or WSL WindowsSubsystemLinux)
This tool automatically generates the most
common github files like in the right image
Install and use
git clone https://github.com/NwRq/gitinit
cd gitinit
chmod +x setup.sh
cd ..
rm -rf git-repo-maker
# arg1 = ext name, arg2 = lang name, arg3 = license
gitinit arg1 arg2 arg3
# examples:
# gitinit py python -l
# gitinit js javascript
Click the button to download it 
After download the font, extract it
and move the folder to ~/.fonts
Nerd Fonts is required to render the icons Changelog
v2 ─ less time.sleep(), cleaner, nicer colors and fixed "reequires.txt" "no-license-file in{files}" & output bugs.
v3 ─ more less time.sleep(), smoother animation and more efficiency, windows fork canceled and a setup.sh, no bug fixes.