This app takes an pdf as an input and convert it into audio, and the library text-to-speech starts speaking the preffered page given in the code to start with.
This app takes an pdf as an input and convert it into audio, and the library text-to-speech starts speaking the preffered page given in the code to start with.
Extração de planilhas de diversos arquivos .pdf para .csv O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca
OBS Source Service obs-service-publish_tar obs-service-publish_tar will create a archive.tar[.tar compression] archive containing the published repo
wsa-apktool creates a batch file that uses adb to auto-install apks into the Windows Subsystem for Android and registers it as the default application
BSD 3-Clause License Copyright (c) 2020, Mike Bromberek All rights reserved. ProcessWorkout Exercise data is exported in JSON format to iCloud using
A python script for combining multiple native SU2 format meshes into one mesh file for multi-zone simulations.
A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
python-stand013 python-stand013 is a Python app and library for parsing, writing, and validation of the STAND013 file format. Features The following i
parlaConIO Inviare messaggi tramite app IO a partire da dati contenuti in file .csv -- Nessun obbligo, ma in caso di clonazione o uso del programma c
介绍 本应用程序使用 python 实现,可以通过 USB 连接 iOS 设备进行屏幕共享 高帧率(30〜60fps) 高画质 低延迟(200ms) 非侵入性 支持多设备并行 Mac OSX 安装 python =3.7 brew install libusb pkg-config 如需使用 g
NotionFlash This is an Anki add on in development that will allow automatically convert your Notion study notes into Anki flash cards. The Anki deck c
Informatik-Programmieren Einleitung: Das Programm rechnet Schweizer Noten in das Amerikanische Noten um. Der Benutzer kann seine Note eingeben und der
Showdown-BDSP-Converter Converts a base copy of Pokemon BDSP's masterdatas into a more readable and editable Pokemon Showdown Format. Download the lat
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Py2Folders A partial-transpiler that converts a subset of Python to the Folders esoteric programming language Folders Folders is an esoteric programmi
TURTLEBOT CONTROL APP INDEX: 1. Introduction 2. Environments 2.1. Simulated Envi
SWS Filters App Fun ?? ... Fun ?? Click On photo and see ?? ?? ?? Your Video rec
News-app - This is a news web app for reading news from different sources and topics
rmrl: reMarkable Rendering Library rmrl is a Python library for rendering reMarkable documents to PDF files. It takes the original PDF document and th
About waec-result-analyzer A python script that fetches the grades of a student from a WAEC result in pdf format. Built for federal government college