Extração de planilhas de diversos arquivos .pdf para .csv
O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca "os" para realizar a conversão e extrair a planilha.
O código inteiro foi desenvolvido em Python. Foi utilizado o pacote "tabula" e a biblioteca "os" para realizar a conversão e extrair a planilha.
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A program made in PYTHON🐍 that automatically performs data insertions into a POSTGRES database 🐘 , using as base a .CSV file 📁 , useful in mass data insertions.
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This code extracts line width of phonons from specular energy density (SED) calculated with LAMMPS.
Source-o-grapher is a tool built with the aim to investigate software resilience aspects of Open Source Software (OSS) projects.
EasyBuild is a software build and installation framework that allows you to manage (scientific) software on High Performance Computing (HPC) systems in an efficient way.
rmrl: reMarkable Rendering Library rmrl is a Python library for rendering reMarkable documents to PDF files. It takes the original PDF document and th
PDF-to-Audio This app takes an pdf as an input and convert it into audio, and the library text-to-speech starts speaking the preffered page given in t
About waec-result-analyzer A python script that fetches the grades of a student from a WAEC result in pdf format. Built for federal government college
parlaConIO Inviare messaggi tramite app IO a partire da dati contenuti in file .csv --> Nessun obbligo, ma in caso di clonazione o uso del programma c
BaT Data Grabber Bring A Trailer(BAT) is a popular online auction website for enthusiast cars. This traverse auction results and saves them as CSV Bri
TestMakerProject A simple program which gets a file(CSV/Excel) with tasks and creates different variants The main program is QTengine.py You only have