OCR Streamlit App is used to extract text from images using python's easyocr, pytorch and streamlit packages



made-with-python python numpy pytorch streamlit terminal vscode

  • OCR Streamlit App is used to extract text from images using python's easyocr, pytorch and streamlit packages
  • OCR app gets an image and detection language from the user using streamlit's file uploader and selectbox functions.
  • If the image is not uploaded then the app will display a info message to the user.
  • If the image is uploaded then the app displays the extracted text to the user.

Installation :-

To install all necessary requirement packages for the app 👇

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, Run the app 👇

streamlit run app.py

Packages Imported :-

import easyocr as ocr
import streamlit as st
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np

Demo GIF Image 👇 :-


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