This automation protect against subdomain takeover on AWS env which also send alerts on slack.




The purpose of this automation is to detect misconfigured Route53 entries which are vulnerable to subdomain takeover.

Deployment Options

  • AWS Lambda, Rundeck or any cron


  • IAM role with a permission of route53("ListHostedZones", "ListResourceRecordSets", "ListDomains").

Configuration Steps

  • Configure IAM role with permission mention above in prerequisites.
  • Deploy it on any of the cron Lambda/rundeck.
  • In slack_alert() please put the incoming webhook url of slack channel.

Scans Amazon Route53 to identify:

  • Check alias records for CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin, ElasticBeanstalk vulnerable aliaa record and S3 vulnerable Alias record.
  • Check CNAME records for CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin, S3 vulnerable CNAME and ElasticBeanstalk vulnerable CNAME.
  • Check for NS subdomain takeover.


  • Slack Integration ---------> Done
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