The purpose of this automation is to detect misconfigured Route53 entries which are vulnerable to subdomain takeover.
Deployment Options
- AWS Lambda, Rundeck or any cron
- IAM role with a permission of route53("ListHostedZones", "ListResourceRecordSets", "ListDomains").
Configuration Steps
- Configure IAM role with permission mention above in prerequisites.
- Deploy it on any of the cron Lambda/rundeck.
- In slack_alert() please put the incoming webhook url of slack channel.
Scans Amazon Route53 to identify:
- Check alias records for CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin, ElasticBeanstalk vulnerable aliaa record and S3 vulnerable Alias record.
- Check CNAME records for CloudFront distributions with missing S3 origin, S3 vulnerable CNAME and ElasticBeanstalk vulnerable CNAME.
- Check for NS subdomain takeover.
- Slack Integration ---------> Done