The official GitHub mirror of



Flake8 is a wrapper around these tools:

  • PyFlakes
  • pycodestyle
  • Ned Batchelder's McCabe script

Flake8 runs all the tools by launching the single flake8 command. It displays the warnings in a per-file, merged output.

It also adds a few features:

  • files that contain this line are skipped:

    # flake8: noqa
  • lines that contain a # noqa comment at the end will not issue warnings.

  • you can ignore specific errors on a line with # noqa: <error>, e.g., # noqa: E234. Multiple codes can be given, separated by comma. The noqa token is case insensitive, the colon before the list of codes is required otherwise the part after noqa is ignored

  • Git and Mercurial hooks

  • extendable through flake8.extension and flake8.formatting entry points


See our quickstart documentation for how to install and get started with Flake8.

Frequently Asked Questions

Flake8 maintains an FAQ in its documentation.

Questions or Feedback

If you have questions you'd like to ask the developers, or feedback you'd like to provide, feel free to use the mailing list: [email protected]

We would love to hear from you. Additionally, if you have a feature you'd like to suggest, the mailing list would be the best place for it.



Flake8 was created by Tarek Ziadé and is currently maintained by Ian Cordasco

  • Proposed Flake8 3.0 - [merged]

    Proposed Flake8 3.0 - [merged]

    In GitLab by @sigmavirus24 on Mar 15, 2016, 15:15

    Merges proposed/3.0 -> master

    Description of changes

    • Rewrite flake8's internals to be independent of pep8
    • Rework flake8's handling of options parsed from config files in a unified way that's better tested than pep8's handling was
    • Add proper logging to flake8 to allow more informative verbose information to be shown to the user
    • Internalize some of pep8's check handling and token generation

    Related to:

    • #117
    • #111
    • #106
    • #105
    • #100
    • #90
    • Option 2 from #89
    • #84
    • #74
    • #69
    • #66
    • #54
    • #21
    • #14

    And more that I'll update this with later

    Note that this is a merge in from which still has some open issues which will be fixed in this branch.

    gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 97
  • Version 3.0.x hangs with PicklingError on

    Version 3.0.x hangs with PicklingError on

    In GitLab by @tuxlife on Jul 8, 2016, 04:55

    We use flake8 on travic-ci for your builds and currently all build return an error.

    See here the travis-ci output

    • Version of Python which has Flake8 installed (e.g., python -V): 3.4.2
    • How you installed Flake8 (e.g., pip, apt, yum, etc.): pip
      • If you used pip, the version of pip installed (e.g., pip --version): 6.0.7
    • Version of setuptools installed (e.g., python -c 'import setuptools; print(setuptools.__version__)'): i don't know
    • Version of Flake8 installed (i.e., copy and paste all of the output from flake8 --version): 3.0.0b2

    thank you

    help wanted bug:confirmed component:multiprocessing component:setuptools-integration fix:committed fix:released priority:high 
    opened by asottile 63
  • Version 3.0.x hangs with PicklingError on [REPLACEMENT ISSUE]

    Version 3.0.x hangs with PicklingError on [REPLACEMENT ISSUE]

    The original issue

    Id: 164
    Title: Version 3.0.x hangs with PicklingError on

    could not be created. This is a dummy issue, replacing the original one. It contains everything but the original issue description. In case the gitlab repository is still existing, visit the following link to show the original issue:


    opened by asottile 63
  • Simplify and speed up multiprocessing - [merged]

    Simplify and speed up multiprocessing - [merged]

    In GitLab by @asottile on Nov 22, 2016, 15:45

    Merges faster -> master

    This is a bit of a WIP, I moved away from Queue (since it seems to be the bottleneck)

    From #265 the same test finishes (still slower) but in reasonable time:

    $ time flake8 -j8 bar
    real	0m17.583s
    user	0m26.312s
    sys	0m2.288s
    component:multiprocessing component:performance gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 60
  • Allow ignoring specific errors in files

    Allow ignoring specific errors in files

    In GitLab by @bittner on Sep 8, 2015, 09:28

    At the moment it's only possible to ignore

    • either a complete file (# flake8: noqa on a single line),
    • a single line (# noqa at the end of a line),
    • or specific errors in all files being checked (ignore = F403,E501 in a [flake8] section of setup.cfg or tox.ini)

    See also the Configuration chapter in the docs.

    Enhancement Proposal

    1.) Allow ignoring only specific errors in a single file:

    # flake8: ignore=F403,E501

    While I think this only would be a valuable, almost necessary addition to flake8 already the very same concept could be taken further in addition.

    Apply the Same Idea to Lines

    2.) Allow ignoring only specific errors on a single line:

    # noqa: ignore=F403,E501

    Taking the Proposal Further

    3.) Allow configuration within certain scopes of code:

    Following this syntax it could be used to apply certain (flake8) rules to a code block (e.g. a function). For example, this would allow complexity 12 within the scope of the function my_func:

    def my_func():
        # noqa: max-complexity=12
        for i in range(99):
            for j in range(99):
                for k in range(99):
                    for m in range(99):
    opened by asottile 46
  • Allow ignoring specific errors in files [REPLACEMENT ISSUE]

    Allow ignoring specific errors in files [REPLACEMENT ISSUE]

    The original issue

    Id: 89
    Title: Allow ignoring specific errors in files

    could not be created. This is a dummy issue, replacing the original one. It contains everything but the original issue description. In case the gitlab repository is still existing, visit the following link to show the original issue:


    opened by asottile 45
  • Support linting when missing sem_open syscall - [merged]

    Support linting when missing sem_open syscall - [merged]

    In GitLab by @nekokatt on Aug 27, 2020, 05:18

    Merges bugfix/cpython-3770-semopen-missing -> master

    Platforms such as Termux on Android, and other exotic devices do not provide a sem_open implementation on the OS level. This is problematic, as the error resulting from this occurs when calling multiprocessing.Pool, throwing an unhandled ImportError.

    The issue itself is outlined in

    This change allows devices missing this system call to respond to the missing feature by falling back to synchronous execution, which appears to be the default behaviour if the multiprocessing module is not found.

    This change also adds a potential fix for developers working on platforms where multiprocessing itself cannot be imported. The existing code would set the name referencing the import to None, but there are no clear checks to ensure this does not result in an AttributeError later when multiprocessing.Pool has accession attempts.

    Existing users should see no difference in functionality, as they will assumably already be able to use flake8, so will not be missing this sem_open call.

    Users on devices without the sem_open call will now be able to use flake8 where they would be unable to before due to unhandled ImportErrors.

    gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 40
  • Fix Issue #40  Include fixed - [closed]

    Fix Issue #40 Include fixed - [closed]

    In GitLab by @tyrelsouza on Apr 29, 2015, 20:43

    Merges fix_includes -> master

    Fix parsing ignore #40 at

    Adding an ignore option in [flake8] wasn't working because pep8.StyleGuide turned the string sent in into a tuple, which the option parser needs to receive as an iterable that isn't a string. Split on spaces, commas, or semicolons using re.findall in order to get a list of error/warnings to pass to StyleGuide properly.

    Also fixes a typo I found.

    gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 39
  • Allow physical checks to return multiple results - [merged]

    Allow physical checks to return multiple results - [merged]

    In GitLab by @tommilligan on Dec 4, 2018, 13:46

    Merges physical-line-multiple -> master

    flake8 is currently inconsistent in how it handles the return results of checks. This PR amends run_physical_checks in a backwards compatible way, so that multiple results can be returned by a single physical check.

    Currently in run_logical_checks, multiple results can be returned.

    Currently in run_physical_checks, only a single result can be returned.

    My current use case is writing a plugin that runs one complex regex over each physical line. Depending on what matches, I'd like to return different error codes and descriptions. There may be more than one match per line; at the moment, I have to split this out into multiple plugin entrypoints, one for each possible return type.

    feature:proposed gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 38
  • add a colon_prefixed_map option to Option to handle the per-file-ignores - [closed]

    add a colon_prefixed_map option to Option to handle the per-file-ignores - [closed]

    In GitLab by @demosdemon on Nov 6, 2018, 14:41

    Merges per-file-ignores -> master

    Add a configuration option to Option for colon_prefixed_map. The accepted value is a YAML-style mapping but with only one depth. When True, the normalize method will return a Mapping.

    gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 36
  • Issue 8 in progress - [merged]

    Issue 8 in progress - [merged]

    In GitLab by @christianmlong on Feb 14, 2015, 24:55

    Merges issue8 -> master

    I added warnings for cases where the --jobs option is given but is invalid.

    • running on Windows
    • the multiprocessing module is not available
    • the user passed the --diff option
    • the user wants to pull from stdin

    I got the tests working on linux and windows, with two exceptions.

    Look at test_windows_disables_jobs and test_stdin_disables_jobs in They mock is_windows, and stdin, but they don't seem to mock --jobs. So, they are not issuing the warnings I expect them to issue.

    I'm not sure how to add the --jobs option to those tests. Ideas?

    Once I get those two tests working, I will add a --verbose flag, and hide the warnings behind it.

    gitlab merge request 
    opened by asottile 33
  • --output-file with end of argument (--) worked in 3.7.9 but no longer works in 6.0.0

    --output-file with end of argument (--) worked in 3.7.9 but no longer works in 6.0.0

    how did you install flake8?

    $ cat requirements_hash.txt
    GitPython==3.1.29 --hash=sha256:41eea0deec2deea139b459ac03656f0dd28fc4a3387240ec1d3c259a2c47850f2
    PyYAML==6.0 --hash=sha256:68fb519c14306fec9720a2a5b45bc9f0c8d1b9c72adf45c37baedfcd949c35a23
    bandit==1.7.4 --hash=sha256:412d3f259dab4077d0e7f0c11f50f650cc7d10db905d98f6520a95a18049658a4
    coverage==7.0.0 --hash=sha256:b8f7cd942dda3795fc9eadf303cc53a422ac057e3b70c2ad6d4276ec6a83a5415
    entrypoints==0.4 --hash=sha256:f174b5ff827504fd3cd97cc3f8649f3693f51538c7e4bdf3ef002c8429d42f9f6
    flake8-bandit==4.1.1 --hash=sha256:4c8a53eb48f23d4ef1e59293657181a3c989d0077c9952717e98a0eace43e06d7
    flake8-junit-report==2.1.0 --hash=sha256:f8890c1ebe0acb516fefacddec4b802bca9f89bb07db933e4ee3cd11ceaa1e8b8
    flake8-polyfill==1.0.2 --hash=sha256:12be6a34ee3ab795b19ca73505e7b55826d5f6ad7230d31b18e106400169b9e99
    flake8==6.0.0 --hash=sha256:3833794e27ff64ea4e9cf5d410082a8b97ff1a06c16aa3d2027339cd0f1195c710
    gitdb==4.0.10 --hash=sha256:c286cf298426064079ed96a9e4a9d39e7f3e9bf15ba60701e95f5492f28415c711
    mccabe==0.7.0 --hash=sha256:6c2d30ab6be0e4a46919781807b4f0d834ebdd6c6e3dca0bda5a15f863427b6e12
    pbr==5.11.0 --hash=sha256:db2317ff07c84c4c63648c9064a79fe9d9f5c7ce85a9099d4b6258b3db83225a13
    pycodestyle==2.10.0 --hash=sha256:8a4eaf0d0495c7395bdab3589ac2db602797d76207242c17d47018681570661014
    pyflakes==3.0.1 --hash=sha256:ec55bf7fe21fff7f1ad2f7da62363d749e2a470500eab1b555334b67aa1ef8cf15
    six==1.16.0 --hash=sha256:8abb2f1d86890a2dfb989f9a77cfcfd3e47c2a354b01111771326f8aa26e025416
    smmap==5.0.0 --hash=sha256:2aba19d6a040e78d8b09de5c57e96207b09ed71d8e55ce0959eeee6c8e190d9417
    stevedore==4.1.1 --hash=sha256:aa6436565c069b2946fe4ebff07f5041e0c8bf18c7376dd29edf80cf7d524e4e18
    typing-extensions==4.4.0 --hash=sha256:16fa4864408f655d35ec496218b85f79b3437c829e93320c7c9215ccfd92489e
    $ PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 PYTHONHASHSEED=0 SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH=946702800 pip install --no-build-isolation --no-cache-dir --no-compile --require-hashes --requirement requirements_hash.txt
    # Note: identical behavior with `pip install flake8` as the installation method.

    unmodified output of flake8 --bug-report

      "platform": {
        "python_implementation": "CPython",
        "python_version": "3.11.1",
        "system": "Linux"
      "plugins": [
          "plugin": "flake8-bandit",
          "version": "4.1.1"
          "plugin": "mccabe",
          "version": "0.7.0"
          "plugin": "pycodestyle",
          "version": "2.10.0"
          "plugin": "pyflakes",
          "version": "3.0.1"
      "version": "6.0.0"

    describe the problem

    I've been using flake8 in a CI environment called with something like:

    find . -name '*.py' -print0 | xargs -0 flake --output-file output.txt --tee --

    When upgrading to v6.0.0 I got errors from the above command. It appears to be some interaction between --output-file and --tee.

    This sequence sums up the issue pretty well. If you use the -- which indicates no further arguments it fails to operate properly. I expected the last two commands to behave the same.

    $ touch a
    $ flake8 ./a
    $ flake8 --output-file output.txt ./a
    $ flake8 --output-file output.txt -- ./a
    Unable to find qualified name for module: output.txt
    --output-file:0:1: E902 FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '--output-file'
    opened by paisleyrob 13
  • option_manager.add_option ignores action when reading from config

    option_manager.add_option ignores action when reading from config

    how did you install flake8?

    pip install flake8

    also when cloned from github master

    unmodified output of flake8 --bug-report

      "platform": {
        "python_implementation": "CPython",
        "python_version": "3.10.8",
        "system": "Linux"
      "plugins": [
          "plugin": "mccabe",
          "version": "0.7.0"
          "plugin": "pycodestyle",
          "version": "2.10.0"
          "plugin": "pyflakes",
          "version": "3.0.1"
      "version": "6.0.0"

    describe the problem

    what I expected to happen

    my argparse.Action to be called regardless of if the parameter is specified on the command line or in the config

    sample code

    I implemented a test that reproduces the error. The first one passes, the second one doesn't.

    from import Sequence
    from flake8.options import config
    # always sets the value to bar regardless of what `values` is
    class MyAction(argparse.Action):
        def __call__(
            parser: argparse.ArgumentParser,
            namespace: argparse.Namespace,
            values: Sequence[str] | None,
            option_string: str | None = None,
        ) -> None:
            setattr(namespace, self.dest, "bar")
    def test_action_cmdline(optmanager):
        options = optmanager.parse_args(["--my-option", "foo"])
        assert options.my_option == 'bar'
    def test_action_config(tmpdir):
        with tmpdir.as_cwd():
            cfg, cfg_dir = config.load_config(None, [], isolated=False)
        assert cfg.get("flake8", "my-option") == "bar"

    commands ran

    $ pytest -k test_action_ 
    ===================================== test session starts =====================================
    platform linux -- Python 3.10.8, pytest-7.2.0, pluggy-1.0.0
    rootdir: /home/h/Git/flake8, configfile: pytest.ini
    collected 465 items / 463 deselected / 2 selected                                             
    tests/unit/ .F                                                    [100%]
    ========================================== FAILURES ===========================================
    _____________________________________ test_action_config ______________________________________
    tmpdir = local('/tmp/pytest-of-h/pytest-62/test_action_config0')
        def test_action_config(tmpdir):
            with tmpdir.as_cwd():
                cfg, cfg_dir = config.load_config(None, [], isolated=False)
    >       assert cfg.get("flake8", "my-option") == "bar"
    E       AssertionError: assert 'foo' == 'bar'
    E         - bar
    E         + foo
    tests/unit/ AssertionError
    ========================= 1 failed, 1 passed, 463 deselected in 0.26s =========================

    The value is foo, which it would be if there's no action specified, but it completely sidesteps calling the action completely.

    opened by jakkdl 5
  • Document the types of plugins and expected results

    Document the types of plugins and expected results

    What is covered in this PR

    I have recently attempted to write a plugin for Flake8. I found the video tutorial to be a great source of info, but understand it is desirable to move more and more of its contents to written form.

    This PR is my attempt at moving some of that information to the docs.

    Note this is based on my understanding after watching the video tutorial and having read the code to understand the different types of plugins, how they are loaded, how they are called, what parameters they get and what Flake8 expects them to return.

    One notable omission

    When describing the physical line plugins, I have deliberately omitted the fact that it supports receiving a single tuple from the plugin. I am basing this omission on my intuition that this is a special case to deal with legacy, one that Flake8 might not want to promote.

    opened by jdevera 4
  • Remove --benchmark / --statistics / --count ?

    Remove --benchmark / --statistics / --count ?

    describe the request

    did some quick profiling, flake8 -j1 spends about 5% of its time collecting these (even if they're not selected).

    I also feel like these are not that useful and could probably be derived in a separate formatter if desired? I don't think I've ever used them but I've definitely broken them a few times.

    what say to removing these options? (and perhaps providing a third party formatter for them as a middle-ground?)

    this would also "trivially" solve #1458

    opened by asottile 3
  • warn on useless `select` / `extend-select`

    warn on useless `select` / `extend-select`

    describe the request

    there's some cargo cult copy paste of adding select / extend-select to "enable plugins" however this is unnecessary as any installed plugin is enabled by default

    opened by asottile 0
Python Code Quality Authority
Organization for code quality tools (and plugins) for the Python programming language
Python Code Quality Authority
❄️ A flake8 plugin to help you write better list/set/dict comprehensions.

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Adam Johnson 398 Dec 23, 2022
Flake8 plugin that checks import order against various Python Style Guides

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Python Code Quality Authority 270 Nov 24, 2022
Flake8 extension for checking quotes in python

Flake8 Extension to lint for quotes. Major update in 2.0.0 We automatically encourage avoiding escaping quotes as per PEP 8. To disable this, use --no

Zachary Heller 157 Dec 13, 2022
flake8 plugin that integrates isort

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Gil Forcada Codinachs 139 Nov 8, 2022
Flake8 plugin to find commented out or dead code

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Flake8 wrapper to make it nice, legacy-friendly, configurable.

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Life4 232 Dec 16, 2022
flake8 plugin to run black for checking Python coding style

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Peter Cock 146 Dec 15, 2022
Automated security testing using bandit and flake8.

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Tyler Wince 96 Jan 1, 2023
A plugin for flake8 integrating Mypy.

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Łukasz Langa 103 Jun 23, 2022
A plugin for Flake8 that checks pandas code

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Flake8 extension for enforcing trailing commas in python

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Python Code Quality Authority 127 Sep 3, 2022
Tool to automatically fix some issues reported by flake8 (forked from autoflake).

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francisco souza 27 Sep 8, 2022
Utilities for pycharm code formatting (flake8 and black)

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Haim Daniel 13 Nov 3, 2022
flake8 plugin to catch useless `assert` statements

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null 1 Feb 12, 2022
Flake8 extension to provide force-check option

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Kenichi Maehashi 9 Oct 29, 2022
OpenStack Hacking Style Checks. Mirror of code maintained at

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