XA Music Player
Requirements - FFmpeg (Latest)
- NodeJS nodesource.com (NodeJS 17+)
- Python (3.10+)
- PyTgCalls (Lastest)
- MongoDB (3.12.1)
- 2nd Telegram Account (needed for userbot)
Commands For all in group
- reply to youtube url or song file to play song/vplay
- reply to youtube url or song file to play song/song
- download songs you want quickly/search
- search videos on youtube with details/lyrics
- search lyrics from web
Admins only
- pause song play/resume
- resume song play/skip
- play next song/end
- stop music play/vstop
- stop video stream/vpause
- pause video stream/vresume
- resume video stream/vskip
- skip video stream
Commands for Sudo Users /userbotleaveall
- remove assistant from all chats/broadcast
- globally brodcast replied message to all chats/pmpermit [on/off]
- enable/disable pmpermit message
String Session :
The easy way to host this bot, deploy to Heroku, Change the app country to Europe (it will help to make the bot stable).
Support & Updates
- DaisyXMusic
- callmusic
- VCPlayerBot
- Veez
- Yukki
- PyTgCalls
Spesial Thanks to
- Kyy: Nasty Owner
- Kyy: Nasty Owner
- KenKan: Contributor
- xD_ShaShank: Yukki Dev
- VegetaxD: Yukki Owner
- Laky: PyTgCalls Developer
- Dan: Pyrogram Developer
- NotReallyShikhar : Dev Yukki
Special Credits
- Roj Serbest: Callsmusic Developer
- VegetaxD: Video Stream Developer
- Laky: PyTgCalls Developer
- Dan: Pyrogram Developer
This bot is based on the original work done by Rojserbest. Without his hardwork YukkiMusicPlayer won t exist. YukkiMusicPlayer is a modified version of Callsmusic for fit the needs of some users
Open Source codes used in this project
- https://github.com/callsmusic/callsmusic : Source code used here as base
- https://github.com/DevsExpo/FridayUserbot/blob/master/main_startup/helper_func/basic_helpers.py : Functioms from line 275 to 351
- https://github.com/TheHamkerCat/WilliamButcherBot/blob/dev/wbb/modules/music.py : From lines 170 to 178
This project exists thanks to these awesome developers and their codes and contributions. And credits goes to all who supported, all who helped and API & environmental requirement package devs and all projects helped in making this project. Special thanks to you for using bot