On the Adversarial Robustness of Visual Transformer

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Deep Learning paper

On the Adversarial Robustness of Visual Transformer

Code for our paper "On the Adversarial Robustness of Visual Transformers"

Paper link: https://arxiv.org/abs/2103.15670


Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

White-box attack test

To test adversarial robustness under white-box attack

python white_box_test.py --data_dir $DATA_DIR --mode foolbox --model vit_small_patch16_224
  • The --mode flag decides the evaluation approach:
    • --mode foolbox applies a single attack (default: LinfPGD) for evalution.
    • --mode auto applies AutoAttack for evaluation.
    • --mode foolbox-filter applies the frequency-based attack for evaluation.
    • --mode evaluate evaluates the clean accuracy.
    • --mode count counts the number of parameters.

Black-box attack test

To test the transferability of adversarial examples generated by different models

python black_box_test.py --data_dir $DATA_DIR

Adversarial training

Go to the training code:

cd training

Install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


python train.py --dir {OUTPUT_DIR} --model vit_base_patch16_224_in21k --method {pgd|trades}

You may set `--accum-steps {N}' for gradient accumulation in case that GPU memory is not enough.

  • datasets preprare

    datasets preprare

    I used the same as t2t_vit github (https://github.com/yitu-opensource/T2T-ViT) data prepare structure on white_box_test.py . and my command is python3 white_box_test.py --data_dir imagenet --mode foolbox --model vit_small_patch16_224 --pretrained True . But I got the awful acc .Below

    sample size is : 1000 clean accuracy: 0.0 % Model vit_small_patch16_224 robust accuracy for LinfPGD perturbations with Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.001 : 0.0 % Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.003 : 0.0 % Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.005 : 0.0 % Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.008 : 0.0 % Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.01 : 0.0 % Step 40, Linf norm ≤ 0.1 : 0.0 %

    Could u tell me why I got ? and what should I do? Tks u. :))

    opened by JIA-HONG-CHU 3
  • The use of pretrain weights in adversarial training

    The use of pretrain weights in adversarial training

    Hi @RulinShao , thanks a lot, for your impressive work. I'm trying to reproduce some of your experiments, I notice that in this repo you use timm for the pretrained version of vit-16. When I try to do the training process like you did in train.py, it seems that I fail with loading the pretrained weights of vit_base_patch16_224_in21k. The details of error : RuntimeError: Expected hasRecord("version") to be true, but got false.

    env: torch==1.9.0 torchvision==0.10.0 running on Colab

    I also tried older versions of torch, they all failed with loading pretrain weights with other error information like" Only one file(not dir) is allowed in the zipfile", it seems that the problem is about the compressed weights in zip format used in timm

    Could you please tell me the environment you use when implementing this work? thanks a lot!

    opened by caposerenity 3
  • white box attack for auto-attack

    white box attack for auto-attack

    hello , I want to ask what is the auto-attack setting in the white box, because the result of running the default value in vit_small_patch16_224 is different from the result of your paper.

    my command, python3 white_box_test.py --data_dir imagenet --mode auto --model vit_small_patch16_224

    my result, sample size is : 1000 clean accuracy: 73.8 % Model vit_small_patch16_224 robust accuracy for AutoAttack perturbations with Linf norm ≤ 0.001 : 28.4 % Linf norm ≤ 0.003 : 1.2 % Linf norm ≤ 0.005 : 0.0 % Linf norm ≤ 0.008 : 0.0 % Linf norm ≤ 0.01 : 0.0 % Linf norm ≤ 0.1 : 0.0 %

    tks for reply.

    opened by JIA-HONG-CHU 2
  • Adversarial Training

    Adversarial Training

    Hi @RulinShao, it's a quite solid work. But I have some questions about adversarial training. (1) In your paper, you used ViT-B/4 but here I only see vit_base_patch2. So, your adv-training model is still ViT-B/4, right? (2) In your code, I feel little bit confused about eval. What's the purpose for it? You mean model.eval()? If so, then model.train() is applied. Can you give an explanation for it? https://github.com/RulinShao/on-the-adversarial-robustness-of-visual-transformer/blob/ff8e3b7ffadd5f6776205d1b1e2b705a75bebb57/training/train.py#L45-L46 (3) In the paper, you downsampled the weights for patch embeddings and what're the codes for such operation? I only see the modification of patch_size . https://github.com/RulinShao/on-the-adversarial-robustness-of-visual-transformer/blob/ff8e3b7ffadd5f6776205d1b1e2b705a75bebb57/training/timm_vit/vit.py#L283-L286 (4) CIFAR-10 data resolution is 32 and the model in your command line is vit_base_patch16_224_in21k . Such large patch size for CIFAR-10 could highly do harm to acc%. Did you use such model to do the experiments? I only see the results of ViT-B/4 in the paper. BTW, you always keep datasize in 32 instead of upsampling 224, right? Did you try to upsample CIFAR-10 to 224 and use patch size 16 for adversarial training?

    Thanks for your help!

    opened by Yeez-lee 2
  • timm data loader for the ViT models

    timm data loader for the ViT models

    Thanks a lot for your interesting work!

    If I see it correctly, the script white_box_test.py uses data loader defined in the function white_box_test.get_val_loader for the ViT models obtained from timm. It uses default ImageNet values mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225].

    It seems that timm documentation suggests a different set of transforms for data preprocessing: https://rwightman.github.io/pytorch-image-models/models/vision-transformer/

    The difference seems to be that it rescales the images to the size of 248 and uses mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5] for normalization.

    When I use their input transform I obtain larger clean accuracy for transformer models than the one provided in the paper. It looks similar to the one provided in the paperswithcode page: https://paperswithcode.com/lib/timm/vision-transformer

    Perhaps adding the transforms from the timm package to the code could help in evaluation.


    opened by yatsurama 0
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