A Pygame application which generates mazes using randomized DFS (Depth-First-Search)-(Iterative implementation).
Randomized-DFS: This algorithm, also known as the "recursive backtracker" algorithm, is a randomized version of the depth-first search algorithm. Frequently implemented with a stack, this approach is one of the simplest ways to generate a maze.
- After the maze has been created, the user can play it and try to solve it if they want using the arrow keys.
- User can switch to easy mode or hard mode using the letters 'e' or 'h'. Easy mode will leave them with 25x25 maze while hardmode contains 50x50 maze.
- User can also let the program solve the maze with either DFS or BFS.
How to Use:
To create the maze - Press space bar
To play - Use arrow keys ( ↑, ↓, →, ← )
Switch to hard mode - Press 'h' key
Switch back to easy Mode - Press 'e' key
To solve it with DFS - press the left control key
To solve it with BFS - press the right control key
To clear the visualisation part - press the 'c' key.
- (note: If you want to see the process of creating the maze in a slower speed then feel free to change the speed - "time.sleep(0.05)" in line 228 ('dfs_maze_build' function).
- Choose the mode first (easy or hard) before pressing the space bar.(default is easy mode)
- 50x50 grid maze creation:
- User solving the 25x25 maze
- Solving the maze using DFS
- Solving the maze using BFS