Development Kit for the SoccerNet Challenge



Welcome to the SoccerNet-V2 Development Kit for the SoccerNet Benchmark and Challenge. This kit is meant as a help to get started working with the soccernet data and the proposed tasks. More information about the dataset can be found on our official website.

SoccerNet-v2 is an extension of SoccerNet-v1 with new and challenging tasks including action spotting, camera shot segmentation with boundary detection, and a novel replay grounding task.

The dataset consists of 500 complete soccer games including:

  • Full untrimmed broadcast videos in both low and high resolution.
  • Pre-computed features such as ResNET-152.
  • Annotations of actions among 17 classes (Labels-v2.json).
  • Annotations of camera replays linked to actions (Labels-cameras.json).
  • Annotations of camera changes and camera types for 200 games (Labels-cameras.json).

Participate in our upcoming Challenge in the CVPR 2021 International Challenge on Activity Recognition Workshop and try to win up to 1000$ sponsored by Second Spectrum! All details can be found on the challenge website, or on the main page.

The participation deadline is fixed at the 30th of May 2021. The official rules and guidelines are available on

How to download SoccerNet-v2

A SoccerNet pip package to easily download the data and the annotations is available.

To install the pip package simply run:

pip install SoccerNet

Please follow the instructions provided in the Download folder of this repository. Do also mind that signing an Non-Disclosure agreement (NDA) is required to access the LQ and HQ videos: NDA.

How to extract video features

As it was one of the most requested features on SoccerNet-V1, this repository provides functions to automatically extract the ResNet-152 features and compute the PCA on your own broadcast videos. These functions allow you to test pre-trained action spotting, camera segmentation or replay grounding models on your own games.

The functions to extract the video features can be found in the Features folder.

Baseline Implementations

This repository contains several baselines for each task which are presented in the SoccerNet-V2 paper, or subsequent papers. You can use these codes to build upon our methods and improve the performances.


This repository and the pip package provide evaluation functions for the three proposed tasks based on predictions saved in the JSON format. See the Evaluation folder of this repository for more details.


Finally, this repository provides the Annotation tool used to annotate the actions, the camera types and the replays. This tool can be used to visualize the information. Please follow the instruction in the dedicated folder for more details.


For further information check out the paper and supplementary material:

Please cite our work if you use our dataset:

      title={SoccerNet-v2 : A Dataset and Benchmarks for Holistic Understanding of Broadcast Soccer Videos}, 
      author={Adrien Deliège and Anthony Cioppa and Silvio Giancola and Meisam J. Seikavandi and Jacob V. Dueholm and Kamal Nasrollahi and Bernard Ghanem and Thomas B. Moeslund and Marc Van Droogenbroeck},
      booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops},
      month = {June},
  • Labeling

    Labeling "kind-of" visible actions for Task1-ActionSpotting

    Hi again,

    In certain scenarios, I'm sure there are cases when the moment an action occurs, it's not visible, but then after let's say 2s, the action is still in the process of occuring, and then it becomes visible. In these cases, would you label the action as "visible" or "not shown"? An idea I had was to label it "not shown" first, then after 2s when the action is visible, label the same action again but this time as "visible".

    Does the visibility label impact the training at all? Or just the metric calculation?

    Looking forward to your response. Thank you for reading!

    opened by Wilann 24
  • NetVLAD++ Model RAM consumption?

    NetVLAD++ Model RAM consumption?

    Hi SoccerNet Dev Team,

    I've managed to plug my own dataset into NetVLAD++, but am unable to train due to overloading my 32 GB of RAM.

    I have ~80 matches of ~50 minutes of badminton matches with ResNet-152 features sampled at 5fps. After loading my dataset, I have ~18/32 GB of RAM used. The program gets killed while loading the model. I'm confused why, as it's only ~5.5 GB as shown in the TorchInfo summary below. I believe I should still have ~8 GB to spare. Is this a feature of NetVLAD++ specifically? I noticed that in #28 experiments were done with 60-90 GB of RAM.

    Thank you for reading, and looking forwawrd to your insights!

    TorchInfo Summary:

    Layer (type:depth-idx)                   Output Shape              Param #
    NetVLAD_plus_plus                        --                        --
    ├─Linear: 1-1                            [5236, 512]               1,049,088
    ├─NetVLAD: 1-2                           [44, 14336]               28,672
    ├─NetVLAD: 1-3                           [44, 14336]               28,672
    ├─Dropout: 1-4                           [44, 28672]               --
    ├─Linear: 1-5                            [44, 3]                   86,019
    ├─Sigmoid: 1-6                           [44, 3]                   --
    Total params: 1,192,451
    Trainable params: 1,192,451
    Non-trainable params: 0
    Total mult-adds (G): 5.50
    Input size (MB): 42.89
    Forward/backward pass size (MB): 31.54
    Params size (MB): 4.77
    Estimated Total Size (MB): 79.20
    opened by Wilann 17
  • Annotation Tool for Actions - Remove

    Annotation Tool for Actions - Remove "halves", third class requirement, Events List not adjustable, json files extra information

    Hi again,

    I'm trying to remove the "halves" (1 or 2) in Labels-v2.json when using the Annotation Tool - I believe it has something to do with Annotation/actions/interface/ and self.half = 1

    I'm also trying to remove the need for a 3rd class, specifically I don't need Annotation/actions/config/third_class.txt. It seems that something must be changed in Annotation/actions/interface/ to allow this.

    After opening my video with the tool, it seems the Events List (right side) has shrunk and can't be adjusted (see image below). Is there a way to change the code to make this adjustment possible? Screenshot from 2021-09-09 13-18-56

    As always, thank you so much for taking the time to read my issue!

    opened by Wilann 11
  • Lots of Questions on CALF-Calibration

    Lots of Questions on CALF-Calibration

    Hello SoccerNet Dev Team,

    I'm currently in the process of reading your paper on CALF-Calibration, and the entire pipeline along with the results are very impressive. I have a (many) few questions on parts of the paper/code I'm confused with, and would really appreciate it if any of you could help clear up my confusion. I know I have many questions written below, and completely understand if you're unable to answer them due to the volume. Still, I would love to dig deeper into your work, and it would be amazing if you could help me do so. As always, thank you so much for your time, and I'm of course looking forward to your new discoveries!

    Note: As mentioned in my previous issues, I'm trying to use action-spotting in the context of badminton.

    1. Section 3: Calibration Algorithm Here it says "We base our calibration on the Camera Calibration for Broadcast Videos (CCBV) of Sha et al. [38], but we write our own implementation, given the absence of usable public code". I thought the public implement is here based on mentions from #19 and #32.

    1. Section 3: Our training process Since there's not a large enough public dataset of ground-truth calibrations, it seems you needed to use a student-teacher distillation approach. Why does this require this approach? It's also mentioned that you use the "Xeebra" from Evs to obtain the pseudo-GT calibrations. And in the CCBV repo in ./calibration_data/model.png I assume I have to swap this out for a badminton court for my application. And in ./calibration_data/dictionary.json, the data format is:
            "posX": 0.03973018142882254,
            "posY": 68.63033722968056,
            "posZ": -15.718964999679423,
            "focalLength": 4576.520967734781,
            "pan": 7.544952667759858,
            "tilt": 77.55662442882397,
            "template_id": 0,
            "calibration": [
            "homography": [
            "homography_resize": [
            "image": "/home/fmg/sources/mmeu/data/meanshift2/gmm/dictionary-four/dict-0000.png"

    I assume this is the format that "Xeebra Evs" product will write the data as? And I believe the model predictions are in the 1_field_calib_ccbv.json files?

    As a follow up to Q1, if you didn't use the CCBV code, have you open-sourced your student calibration algorithm?

    1. Section 3: Player localization It says for each frame, you use Mask R-CNN to obtain the bounding box, segmentation mask, and average RGB color of each detected/segmented person. When checking the 1_player_boundingbox_maskrcnn.json files, I see bbox, color and onfield predictions. Is onfield the image segmentation mask?

    1. Section 3: Player localization It then says "Then, we compute a field mask following [10] to filter out the bounding boxes that do not intersect the field, thus removing e.g. staff and detections in the public". Is this lines 233-237?

    1. Section 3: Player localization Following up on Q4, it then says "We use the homography computed by CCBV-SN to estimate the player localization on the field in real-world coordinates from the middle point of the bottom of their bounding box". Is this lines 260-273?

    1. Code Blob From #6 I gather that lines 240-257 is to transform the current frame into a top view representation? What's a "calibration cone"? Do you have an image of what it looks like?

    1. Section 4: Top view image representations From issue #32 I've gathered that lines 68-82 save the top view images, and I can just edit the save paths to keep them instead of overwriting them. You also read in images src/config/radar.png and src/config/model-radar-mini.png. What are these "radar" images?

    1. Section 4: Feature vector representations It seems that lines 89-130 load the model required to get the feature vector representations from the top view representations (depending on which backbone we want to use) and are compute & saved in lines 303-324?

    1. Section 4: Player graph representation Is this somewhere in the repo? I can't find the code where this at all.

    1. Other What do lines 276-286 and lines 289-297 do?
    opened by Wilann 9
  • How To Get Top Down

    How To Get Top Down


    I am new to using SoccerNet. Do you know what code I can run to get the top down views as PNGs? I have all the mkv files downloaded, and here is a picture of the files I have downloaded.

    Arth Bohra

    opened by arthbohra 9
  • [Annotation Tool Error]

    [Annotation Tool Error] "", ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'interface'

    Hi Silvio Giancola & SoccerNetv2-DevKit team, this is a great repo you have put together here, thank you so much for making it public!

    I came across this SoccerNet-v2 challenge - Tutorial #2 (live session) video from your YouTube channel. I'm following along in "02:18​ Demo 1: Annotation and visualization tool", and upon running, I've come across an error:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 4, in <module>
        from interface.main_window import MainWindow
    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'interface'

    My Steps:

    1. git clone-ed the repo
    2. Created environment based on 4 lines in Annotation's "Getting Started"
    3. Ran ./Annotation/actions/src/

    If there's anyone that could let me know if this is an error on my end, or how to fix this, I'd be greatly appreciated!

    (Note: Regarding the issue I opened a few minutes ago, it was a miss-click but I can't delete it - apologies for the inconvenience)

    opened by Wilann 7
  • Starting from scratch

    Starting from scratch

    I would like to know that using this kit, from where to start? Can I use the already trained model for the fine tuning? or I have to train from scratch using your features?

    opened by Tortoise17 6
  • how to run model CALF_Calibration_GCN on external video to get actions?

    how to run model CALF_Calibration_GCN on external video to get actions?

    I'm using model CALF_Calibration_GCN. I want to use U to get the action of an external video.

    opened by DogFortune 6
  • Making player bounding box code

    Making player bounding box code

    Hi, I read your Camera Calibration and Player Localization paper, and it was awesome work.

    So, I'd like to try to add "ball detection" process, since you detected players only.

    Unfortunately, I couldn't find a code which makes "player_boundingbox_maskrcnn.json" and "field_calibration_ccbv.json" files as output.

    Could you let me know where can I find the code?

    Best Regards.

    opened by fito-minchul 5
  • Questions Regarding Baidu Embeddings

    Questions Regarding Baidu Embeddings

    Hi Silvio, I have some questions about the baidu emdeddings, I wonder if you have any information about them. I couldn't find any information regarding these questions from either of their github repo or the published paper:

    1. Is the baidu embeddings already gone through PCA, or was it still a "raw" features? I noticed it's in Tx8576 dimension, which could probably mean they are still "raw", am I right about this?
    2. In your opinion, if I were to reduce the dimension, would it be better to have PCA reduce them, or have them go through a FCL like in the implementation of TemporallyAwarePooling?
    3. If they are still raw, do you have any idea what was the initial dimension before they are flatten to 8576? They used 398x224 video as mentioned in the paper, but it's not possible to reshape them to it. I was thinking maybe I could used them in video transformer based architecture (MViT etc) if I'm able to reshape them to the original dimension.
    4. Do we have any of their fine-tuned feature extraction code publicly available? I think not, but I'm just going to ask anyway in case you know any since their embeddings have very few public information available.


    opened by yur1xpp 4
  • Fine-tuning pretrained model for different class

    Fine-tuning pretrained model for different class

    How can i fine tune the "model.pth.tar" model for a dataset that has different output class? lets say the pretrained model("model.pth.tar") has 17 output class but i want to fine-tune it for a dataset which has 4 class.

    Originally posted by @skfaysal in

    opened by skfaysal 4
  • Replicating Baidu Transformer Method

    Replicating Baidu Transformer Method

    Hello, I apologise if this isn't the correct place to raise this issue. But seeing as there isn't a public repository available for the Baidu paper transformer method, I figured there would be more eyes (and willing helpers) here.

    I have been trying to replicate the results of the transformer method published above using the baidu soccer embeddings. Unfortunately, it seems that the network is unable to learn meaningful class distinctions and I suspect it is just always predicting the background class. In my experiments using a single dense layer only with the baidu embeddings performs better than when including encoders.

    The model summary is given below, I use BCE loss.

    Screenshot 2022-11-13 110225

    Below is the loss curve that I obtained with the LR as stated in the paper (5e-4), batch size 256 -- although I have tried several batch sizes. While the (training) loss does decrease and precision and recall increase briefly, average (training) AUC remains ~0.5. Validation loss also decreases, but all other validation metrics remain constant. When testing, a-mAP is essentially 0.

    While I have mainly used keras, I also modified the NetVLAD++ source code to make use of the transformer model (using this encoder and the positional encoder implemented here). Therefore, I could be sure that my results were not just a data loading issue. I used the following parameters for after implementing the transformer method as a pooling method in called "Baidu". Using these same parameters with pool=NetVLAD++ yields proper results.

    --features=baidu_soccer_embeddings.npy --max_epochs=50 --framerate=1 --window_size=7 --NMS_window=20 --LR=5e-4 --patience=10 --model_name=Baidu --pool=Baidu

    In particular, I added these lines to

    In init:

    if not self.input_size == 512:
        if self.input_size == 8576:
            self.feature_extractor = PositionalEncoding(8576)

    and at the end of the if/elif chain:

    elif self.pool == "Baidu":
        self.enc = torch.nn.TransformerEncoderLayer(8576, 4, 64)
        self.enc = torch.nn.TransformerEncoder(self.enc, num_layers=3)
        self.fc = nn.Linear(8576, self.num_classes + 1)

    In the 'forward' function:

    if not IC == 512:
        if IC == 8576:
            inputs = inputs.reshape(FR, BS, IC)
            inputs = self.feature_extractor(inputs)
            inputs = inputs.reshape(BS, FR, -1)

    and at the end of the if/elif chain:

    elif self.pool == "Baidu":
        inputs = self.enc(inputs)
        maxed = torch.max(inputs, 1).values  # also tried flattening
        inputs_pooled = maxed

    But the results are similar to those that I obtained with my own code, so I am not sure what the problem could be. While I am not applying mix-up augmentation as stated in the paper, and the training data is less than what they used, I expected the performance to be degraded as a result, but not that I would essentially get 0 a-mAP.

    Has anyone else tried to replicate the transformer method? I would appreciate any advice/insights in the name of reproducible research. The intention is to use the transformer method as a baseline in further research.

    loss auc

    Accuracy and recall plots show similar behaviour to precision below.


    opened by Paulkie99 0
  • Mismatch Players' Bounding Boxes

    Mismatch Players' Bounding Boxes

    I found that several game matches have a mismatch of the players' bounding boxes and possibly their calibration as well. The games with this problem were the following:

    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2017-03-04 - 17-00 AS Roma 1 - 2 Napoli
    italy_serie-a/2015-2016/2015-09-22 - 21-45 Udinese 2 - 3 AC Milan   
    italy_serie-a/2015-2016/2015-11-22 - 22-45 Inter 4 - 0 Frosinone
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-08-27 - 21-45 Napoli 4 - 2 AC Milan
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-08-28 - 21-45 Cagliari 2 - 2 AS Roma
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-11 - 16-00 AC Milan 0 - 1 Udinese
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-16 - 21-45 Sampdoria 0 - 1 AC Milan
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-18 - 21-45 Fiorentina 1 - 0 AS Roma
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-20 - 21-45 AC Milan 2 - 0 Lazio
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-21 - 21-45 AS Roma 4 - 0 Crotone
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-09-25 - 13-30 Torino 3 - 1 AS Roma
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2016-10-02 - 21-45 AS Roma 2 - 1 Inter
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2017-02-10 - 22-45 Napoli 2 - 0 Genoa
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2017-02-25 - 20-00 Napoli 0 - 2 Atalanta
    italy_serie-a/2016-2017/2017-04-15 - 21-45 Napoli 3 - 0 Udinese
    spain_laliga/2015-2016/2015-09-12 - 17-00 Espanyol 0 - 6 Real Madrid
    spain_laliga/2015-2016/2015-09-12 - 21-30 Atl. Madrid 1 - 2 Barcelona   
    spain_laliga/2016-2017/2016-11-19 - 18-15 Barcelona 0 - 0 Malaga
    spain_laliga/2016-2017/2017-01-08 - 22-45 Villarreal 1 - 1 Barcelona
    spain_laliga/2016-2017/2017-04-26 - 22-30 Dep. La Coruna 2 - 6 Real Madrid
    spain_laliga/2019-2020/2020-02-09 - 18-00 Osasuna 1 - 4 Real Madrid
    spain_laliga/2019-2020/2020-02-16 - 18-00 Real Madrid 2 - 2 Celta Vigo
    england_epl/2015-2016/2015-11-07 - 20-30 Stoke City 1 - 0 Chelsea
    england_epl/2015-2016/2016-04-09 - 17-00 Swansea 1 - 0 Chelsea
    england_epl/2016-2017/2017-01-03 - 18-00 Bournemouth 3 - 3 Arsenal                   
    europe_uefa-champions-league/2014-2015/2014-11-04 - 22-45 Arsenal 3 - 3 Anderlecht
    europe_uefa-champions-league/2014-2015/2014-11-05 - 22-45 Ajax 0 - 2 Barcelona
    europe_uefa-champions-league/2015-2016/2015-11-03 - 22-45 PSV 2 - 0 Wolfsburg   
    france_ligue-1/2016-2017/2017-04-18 - 19-30 Metz 2 - 3 Paris SG
    germany_bundesliga/2014-2015/2015-05-09 - 16-30 Dortmund 2 - 0 Hertha Berlin 

    For the rest of the games the bounding boxes match perfectly. I extract the frames by sampling 2 fps from a half game match by doing the following:

    ffmpeg -ss "$start_time" \
           -t "$duration_time" \
           -i "$half_match_HQ_video_path"
           -vf fps=fps=2.:round=down \
           -vsync 1 \
           -q:v 1 \

    I initially thought that I was incorrectly sampling frames from the videos, but I also tried with the official frame loader class FrameCV from the with no success.

    I am not quite sure what might be the problem, is there an appropiate way to sample the frames from the videos or are the bounding boxes or is the data wrongly labeled?

    opened by gorayni 4
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