An exploration of a fantasy world, to autobattle your way to ruling the demesne.


Not Quite Paradise 2

(no relation to NQP, I just like the name enough to want to keep it.)


Current position:

GitHub tag (latest by date ) Code style: black

Quality of last commit:

Check JSON and GH Actions Lint Python

Who dunnit?

Design, writing and code by Snayff.

Design and writing by PuddingChef.

Additional code by DaFluffyPotato.

Art by Aleksander Makarov.

What is it?

A world exploring, army recruiting, auto-battling adventure to take over the kingdom.





What're the terms? (license)

In short, code is free to reuse for non-commercial purposes but images are off limits in all contexts except playing this game. See here for the details.

Do you want to know more?

See the Design Document for wants planned, or the wiki for details on the world of NQP2.

  • Constrain Entity Positions

    Constrain Entity Positions

    Suggested Feature

    Constrain entities in a unit to a circular region. This will make it easier to track units and manage their interactions, it will also serve as a central point and location for the unit.


    1. Units have an area that defines where the entities can go.
    2. Entities cannot leave the area of the unit.
    3. Each Unit has its own area size.
    4. The area of the unit is displayed as a ring/circle.
      1. Have the ring around the player's units use a different colour to the enemy's units.
    5. The central point of the unit is used a the units position for purposes of targeting.
    6. The central point of the unit is displayed as a banner.
    opened by Snayff 11
  • Gamepad Support

    Gamepad Support

    Suggested Feature

    Implement gamepad support.


    • [x] Can navigate around options on screen using the stick or d-pad
    • [x] Can interact with UI elements with gamepad button (A for xbox?)
    • [x] Can cancel partially selected input with gamepad button (B for xbox?)

    Additional Context


    opened by Snayff 6
  • Fixed GitHub action for Python linting

    Fixed GitHub action for Python linting

    Fixed the GitHub action that automatically formats Python code using black and isort.

    • I used this as a template for the new workflow so I didn't use some of what was previously in the workflow file, let me know if there's something that I should restore.
    • I tested it on a fork before creating a branch here, so I believe it will work as long as the Workflow permissions are set correctly.
    • I purposefully put an import in the wrong order on this PR to test if isort will fix it.
    opened by douglascdev 5
  • Crash when entering combat

    Crash when entering combat

    The Bug

    The game crashes after entering combat on a new game.

    Reproduction Instructions

    Detail the steps to reproduce the bug.

    1. Create a new game
    2. Select any character
    3. Move to a combat location on the map
    4. The game crashes

    Expected behaviour

    No crash.


    Not necessary.


    • OS: Manjaro 21.2.1(Gnome)
    • Python Version: 3.9.9
    • NQP Version: 0.1.0 (develop branch)

    Log Output/Stack Trace

    Stack Trace:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/", line 26, in main
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/", line 58, in game_loop
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 96, in run
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 87, in update
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/overworld/", line 46, in update
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/overworld/elements/", line 50, in update
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/base_classes/", line 174, in _transition_to_new_node
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/base_classes/", line 208, in trigger_current_node
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 126, in change_scene
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/", line 205, in generate_combat
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 141, in generate
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 87, in gen_pathfinding_map
      File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 13, in set_map
        self.tcod_map = tcod.path.AStar(map_data, diagonal=0)
      File "/home/douglas/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/notquiteparadise2-u2fdlzlx-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tcod/", line 188, in __init__
        ) = self.cost.get_tcod_path_ffi()
      File "/home/douglas/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/notquiteparadise2-u2fdlzlx-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tcod/", line 151, in get_tcod_path_ffi
        raise ValueError("dtype must be one of %r, dtype is %r" % (self._C_ARRAY_CALLBACKS.keys(), self.dtype.type))
    ValueError: dtype must be one of dict_keys([<class 'numpy.float32'>, <class 'numpy.bool_'>, <class 'numpy.int8'>, <class 'numpy.uint8'>, <class 'numpy.int16'>, <class 'numpy.uint16'>, <class 'numpy.int32'>, <class 'numpy.uint32'>]), dtype is <class 'numpy.int64'>

    The log file has pretty much the same output:

    2022-01-06 22:27:50,100| DEBUG   | Logging initialised.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,100| DEBUG   | Debugger: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,110| DEBUG   | Window: initialised in 0.01s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,111| DEBUG   | Data: All commanders data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,120| DEBUG   | Data: All unit data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,125| DEBUG   | Data: All tileset data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,126| DEBUG   | Data: All event data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,127| DEBUG   | Data: All upgrade data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,127| DEBUG   | Data: All combats data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,127| DEBUG   | Data: All bosses data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,127| DEBUG   | Data: All skills data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,128| DEBUG   | Data: Config data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,128| DEBUG   | Data: Options data loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,128| DEBUG   | Data: initialised in 0.02s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,128| INFO    | Memory: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,134| INFO    | Assets: All images loaded.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,616| DEBUG   | Assets: initialised in 0.49s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,616| DEBUG   | Input: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,616| DEBUG   | RNG: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,616| DEBUG   | MainMenuScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,616| DEBUG   | RunSetupScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | OverworldScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | CombatScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | RewardScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | EventScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | TrainingScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | InnScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,617| DEBUG   | ViewTroupeScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,636| DEBUG   | UnitDataScene: initialised in 0.02s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,636| DEBUG   | GalleryScene: initialised in 0.00s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:50,645| DEBUG   | Game initialised in 1.34s.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,050| INFO    | Active scene changed to RUN_SETUP.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,750| INFO    | Seed set to 20220106192750.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,750| INFO    | Player chose ralnath as their commander.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,751| DEBUG   | Unit harpy(1) created and added to player's troupe.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,751| DEBUG   | Unit caveborn(2) created and added to player's troupe.
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,751| INFO    | Generating overworld...
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,751| DEBUG   | -> Ring 1 has 3 nodes; ['INN', 'COMBAT'].
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,752| DEBUG   | -> Ring 2 has 5 nodes; ['TRAINING', 'BLANK', 'TRAINING', 'INN', 'BLANK'].
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,752| DEBUG   | -> Ring 3 has 6 nodes; ['BLANK', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'TRAINING', 'INN', 'INN'].
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,753| DEBUG   | -> Ring 4 has 10 nodes; ['INN', 'COMBAT', 'INN', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'TRAINING', 'COMBAT', 'BLANK', 'COMBAT'].
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,754| DEBUG   | -> Ring 5 has 14 nodes; ['COMBAT', 'BLANK', 'COMBAT', 'BLANK', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'BLANK', 'COMBAT', 'COMBAT', 'BLANK'].
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,754| INFO    | -> Map generated. Rings: 6 | Nodes: filled:36, blank:8 | Connections: 10
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,754| INFO    | Run starting now!
    2022-01-06 22:27:52,763| INFO    | Active scene changed to OVERWORLD.
    2022-01-06 22:27:56,660| INFO    | Next node, COMBAT, selected.
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,943| CRITICAL| Something went wrong and killed the game loop!
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL| Traceback (most recent call last):
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/", line 26, in main    game_loop(game)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/", line 58, in game_loop
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 96, in run    self.update()
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 87, in update    self.active_scene.update(delta_time)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,946| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/overworld/", line 46, in update    self.node_container.update(delta_time)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/overworld/elements/", line 50, in update    self._transition_to_new_node(delta_time)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/base_classes/", line 174, in _transition_to_new_node    self.trigger_current_node()
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/base_classes/", line 208, in trigger_current_node
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/core/", line 126, in change_scene    self.combat.generate_combat()
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/", line 205, in generate_combat    self.terrain.generate(biome)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 141, in generate    self.gen_pathfinding_map()
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 87, in gen_pathfinding_map    self.pathfinder.set_map(self.pathfinding_array)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/Python Projects/nqp2/scripts/scenes/combat/elements/", line 13, in set_map    self.tcod_map = tcod.path.AStar(map_data, diagonal=0)
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/notquiteparadise2-u2fdlzlx-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tcod/", line 188, in __init__    ) = self.cost.get_tcod_path_ffi()
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,947| CRITICAL|   File "/home/douglas/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/notquiteparadise2-u2fdlzlx-py3.9/lib/python3.9/site-packages/tcod/", line 151, in get_tcod_path_ffi    raise ValueError("dtype must be one of %r, dtype is %r" % (self._C_ARRAY_CALLBACKS.keys(), self.dtype.type))
    2022-01-06 22:28:03,948| CRITICAL| ValueError: dtype must be one of dict_keys([<class 'numpy.float32'>, <class 'numpy.bool_'>, <class 'numpy.int8'>, <class 'numpy.uint8'>, <class 'numpy.int16'>, <class 'numpy.uint16'>, <class 'numpy.int32'>, <class 'numpy.uint32'>]), dtype is <class 'numpy.int64'>
    opened by douglascdev 4
  • Combat Animations

    Combat Animations

    Suggested Feature

    Units should transition between appropriate animations.


    • [x] When moving and under no other state an entity animates as Move
    • [x] When attacking the entity animates as Attack
    • [x] When an entity is on screen, before combat has started, they should animate as Idle.
    • [x] When hit the entity flashes white.
    • [x] When hit points become 0 or less the entity should animate as Death
    • [x] After completion of the death animation cycle the last frame of the death animation should be left at that position.
    opened by Snayff 4
  • feature/include_git_lfs_in_docs


    After first cloning the project, the resources I got were all broken. That was because I had not enabled git LFS, and there is no mention of that in the developer documentation, so this PR addresses that, instructing developers to install git LFS before trying to clone the repository.

    opened by douglascdev 2
  • Convert the Combat Scene to Overlay-Type Scene

    Convert the Combat Scene to Overlay-Type Scene

    Suggested Feature

    Rather than a discrete scene, handle the combat directly on the map.


    • [x] Spawn the enemy Units on to the map
    • [x] Handle combat on the map
    • [x] Return player units to their start position post combat

    Additional Context

    Likely to use 1 of 2 approaches:

    1. require changing the WorldScene to handle the enemy Unit's spawning and then their combat with the player's Units
    2. having the CombatScene as an additional active scene on the stack and hiding the player's units from WorldScene and adding them to CombatScene.
    opened by Snayff 2
  • Troupe Arrangement on Grid

    Troupe Arrangement on Grid

    Suggested Feature

    When arranging the Troupe utilise a grid.


    • [x] Troupe starts in room on grid.
    • [x] Troupe placement is retained between rooms.
    • [x] The player can select a unit and move their position on the grid.
    • [x] If the player moves a unit to a grid cell that already has a unit then those units swap places.
    • [x] support for keyboard
    • [x] support for gamepad
    • [x] support for mouse

    Additional Context

    Using a grid speeds up placement and enables use of a controller.

    Example: image

    opened by Snayff 2
  • Choose Destination Post Scene Completion

    Choose Destination Post Scene Completion

    Suggested Feature

    After completing a scene the player must choose which scene to go to next.


    • [x] Once a scene is complete the player is offered options to exit from between 1-3 directions. In each direction is a new room.
    • [ ] ~~The room in each direction is indicated (e.g. if the room to the north is an Inn then the Inn icon is shown)~~
    • [x] Once selected, the camera pans to the new room (which is of the specified type)
    • [x] New room choices are randomly generated.
    • [x] A player cannot go back to a previous room

    Additional Context

    Related #163

    opened by Snayff 2
  • Combat Placement

    Combat Placement

    Suggested Feature

    Enemy units are only placed on 1/4 of the screen. The player can only place on 1/4 of the screen, on the opposite side.


    1. For each combat, the player and enemy are each only to place units on 1/4 of the screen, on opposite sides.
    2. Placement areas are highlighted to indicate.
    3. The unit the player is currently placing is indicated.
    4. The player's placed units are indicated.
    5. Spawn all entities when unit placed so they all appear together, rather than popping them out when combat begins.
    6. Keep cursor at the same position after making a selection, i.e. placing a unit.

    Additional Context


    opened by Snayff 2
  • Unit Death and Injury

    Unit Death and Injury

    Suggested Feature

    When a unit dies in combat an injury is applies. 3 injuries and the unit dies and is removed from the player's troupe.


    1. When a unit dies in combat they receive an injury.
    2. A unit receives -10% to all stats per injury.
    3. When a unit receives 3 injuries they are removed the player Troupe.
    4. The player is informed at the first opportunity outside of combat that a unit has died.
    5. If a unit doesnt take part in combat they remove 1 injury.
    opened by Snayff 2
  • Units Inherit Commander's Stats

    Units Inherit Commander's Stats

    Suggested Feature

    Units add Commanders stats to their own


    • [ ] commander has some of the unit stats.
      • [ ] attack.
      • [ ] magic defence.
      • [ ] mundane defence.
      • [ ] penetration.
      • [ ] crit chance.
      • [ ] crit damage.
    • [ ] units add Commanders stats to their own

    Additional Context

    Gives more variety to commanders and allows more levers to use during play for e.g. items.

    Think heroes 3.

    opened by Snayff 0
  • Better Way to Navigate Menus

    Better Way to Navigate Menus

    Suggested Feature

    Currently, panels only have a concept of previous or next UIElement, so we can only navigate in that way, with the order being determined by order of creation (or addition to list).


    • [ ] panel has concept of where uielement sits in relation to others.
      • [ ] uielements can be in one of the 4 cardinal directions from another ui element
      • [ ] the relationship takes account of "wrapping around"

    Additional Context

    I wonder if we need to use a grid concept, with the ability to use blanks. This will make creation more complex, so will likely need some helper functions.

    opened by Snayff 0
  • Particles Support Transparency

    Particles Support Transparency

    Suggested Feature

    Have Particles support transparency.


    • [ ] colour given is 4 channel (R, G, B, A)
    • [ ] transparency shown when drawn

    Additional Context


    opened by Snayff 0
  • Expand StatEffect to Include `item_type` and `attribute`

    Expand StatEffect to Include `item_type` and `attribute`

    Suggested Feature

    StatEffect to handle more that just stats (maybe rename?). There are a variety of values we want to amend and we could either split into separate effects or use 1. As the functionality is really similar suggest consolidating.


    • extend StatEffect to allow changing:
      • [ ] resources (gold, morale etc.)
      • [ ] game rules (events per level etc.)
      • [ ] attributes (can be healed by self etc.)

    Additional Context


    opened by Snayff 0
  • StatsEffect Modifier to Accept a Stat to Derive From

    StatsEffect Modifier to Accept a Stat to Derive From

    Suggested Feature

    modifier need to accept another stat; if no stat given defaults to stat being amended


    • [ ] modifier can take a specified stat when using a %
    • [ ] the referenced stat is used to derive the % from (rather than the stat being ameded)

    Additional Context

    e.g. modifier: 20%attack would modify the targeted stat by 20% of the attack stat.

    opened by Snayff 0
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