Why I made it?
Since, I was legit fed up of NebbyBot's lag (not criticising it), I decided to make my own but in python and host it in replit. It took me around 2hrs at max.
How to use it?
- Download Python (3.8 or higher preferred)
- Clone or download the repo. (unzip if downloaded)
- Do cd Myuu-Anti-Shiny-Discord-Bot and then pip install -r requirements.txt
- Remove the file and the lines about keep_alive from
- Create .env file and put your bot token in it: TOKEN=xxxxxx
- Put the required channel ids in and run this file.
- Create a repl, clone this file or import it from github.
- Install the requirements.txt file.
- Go to secrets tab, create a secret with the name of TOKEN and put the Bot's token in the field.
- Put the required channel ids in file.
- Click on Run button.
- After the keep_alive server starts, use uptimerobot to keep it online for almost 24/7.
Current Features:
- Locks channel for everyone if a shiny or greninja-ash is found (30s locktime)
- Can only lock one channel at the moment.
Any upcoming features?
- Look at multiple channels.
- Anti - Starter killing
- Logging with embed instead of text.
- Lock channel for a particular role instead of everyone.
- Lock channels for Admins as well.