Maha is a text processing library specially developed to deal with Arabic text.


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An Arabic text processing library intended for use in NLP applications

Maha is a text processing library specially developed to deal with Arabic text. The beta version can be used to clean and parse text, files, and folders with or without streaming capability.

If you need help or want to discuss topics related to Maha, feel free to reach out to our Discord server. If you would like to submit a bug report or feature request, please open an issue.


Simply run the following to install Maha:

pip install mahad # pronounced maha d

For source installation, check the documentation.


Check out the overview section in the documentation to get started with Maha.


Documentation are hosted at ReadTheDocs.


Maha welcomes and encourages everyone to contribute. Contributions are always appreciated. Feel free to take a look at our contribution guidelines in the documentation.


Maha is BSD-licensed.

  • Time: Add the ability to parse Hijri dates

    Time: Add the ability to parse Hijri dates

    What does this pull request change?

    Closes #27.

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    new feature highlight 
    opened by TRoboto 6
  • Added distance to dimension parsing

    Added distance to dimension parsing

    What does this pull request change?

    Resolves #15.

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [x] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    parsing highlight 
    opened by TRoboto 5
  • Introduce :mod:`~.datasets` module and the first dataset, `names`, with over 40,000 unique names

    Introduce :mod:`~.datasets` module and the first dataset, `names`, with over 40,000 unique names

    What does this pull request change?

    This PR introduces a new datasets module that offers an interface for all upcoming datasets. A new dataset, names, is released along with the module. It comprises 44,161 unique names with descriptions and name origin included for most names.

    Link to updated docs:

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [x] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    new feature highlight 
    opened by TRoboto 4
  • Add pyupgrade to pre-commit and upgrade to future-style type annotations

    Add pyupgrade to pre-commit and upgrade to future-style type annotations

    What does this pull request change?

    Upgrades to new type annotations style.

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [ ] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    opened by TRoboto 3
  • Deprecate and remove `datasets` module and host datasets on Hugging Face instead

    Deprecate and remove `datasets` module and host datasets on Hugging Face instead

    What does this pull request change?

    • Removes datasets module.
    • Datasets are now hosted here

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [ ] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    breaking changes deprecation 
    opened by TRoboto 3
  • Add the ability to parse names from text

    Add the ability to parse names from text

    What does this pull request change?

    Adds #24. Depends on #40

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [x] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    new feature highlight 
    opened by TRoboto 3
  • Add a deprecation system

    Add a deprecation system

    What does this pull request change?

    • Closes #23
    • Adds 3 deprecation decorators; for functions, for parameters, for default parameters.

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    opened by saedx1 3
  • Prepare for the next release of Maha (v0.3.0)

    Prepare for the next release of Maha (v0.3.0)

    This is an auto-generated PR to prepare for the next release of Maha. The following changes were automatically made:

    • Generated changelogs for release v0.3.0.
    • Bumped pypi version to v0.3.0.
    • Updated the citation information.
    opened by github-actions[bot] 2
  • Ordinal: Add support to `بعد` in ordinal parsing

    Ordinal: Add support to `بعد` in ordinal parsing

    What does this pull request change?

    Closes #48.

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    new feature 
    opened by TRoboto 2
  • Numeral: Add support for hierarchical parsing

    Numeral: Add support for hierarchical parsing

    What does this pull request change?

    Closes #25

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [x] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [x] tox passes
    new feature 
    opened by TRoboto 2
  • Prepare for the next release of Maha (v0.2.0)

    Prepare for the next release of Maha (v0.2.0)

    This is an auto-generated PR to prepare for the next release of Maha. The following changes were automatically made:

    • Generated changelogs for release v0.2.0.
    • Bumped pypi version to v0.2.0.
    • Updated the citation information.
    opened by github-actions[bot] 2
  • Update ci.yml

    Update ci.yml

    Check the support for python 3,10

    What does this pull request change? It checks if the library is supporting python 3.10.

    • ...

    Status (please check what you already did):

    • [ ] added some tests for the functionality
    • [ ] updated the documentation
    • [ ] tox passes
    opened by PAIN-BARHAM 1
  • Add the option to ignore Harakat when removing or replacing

    Add the option to ignore Harakat when removing or replacing

    What problem are you trying to solve?

    Currently, the cleaner functions do not consider two strings similar if they have different Harakat/diacritics, which is the correct behavior. However, it would be great if the user had the option to ignore Harakat when comparing strings.

    Examples (if relevant)


    >> from maha.cleaners.functions import remove
    >> output = remove("يُدَرِّسُ اللُّغَةَ العَرَبِيَّةَ الفُصْحَى", custom_expressions=r"اللغة")
    >> output
    يُدَرِّسُ اللُّغَةَ العَرَبِيَّةَ الفُصْحَى


    >> from maha.cleaners.functions import remove
    >> remove("يُدَرِّسُ اللُّغَةَ العَرَبِيَّةَ الفُصْحَى", custom_expressions=r"اللغة", ignore_harakat=True)
    >> output
    يُدَرِّسُ العَرَبِيَّةَ الفُصْحَى

    Definition of Done

    • It must adhere to the coding style used in the defined cleaner functions.
    • The implementation should cover most use cases.
    • Adding tests
    feature request 
    opened by xaleel 1
  • Wrong parsed name using name dimension

    Wrong parsed name using name dimension

    What happened?

    The name parser extracted wrong name likes : بي, شكرا.

    Example: text: أريد البحث في سجل الإنفاق الخاص بي [Dimension(body=بي, value=بي, start=32, end=34, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]

    I expect to extract the names on the name dataset only.

    Python version


    What operating system are you using?


    Code to reproduce the issue

    >>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
    >>> text = `أريد البحث في سجل الإنفاق الخاص بي`
    >>> extracted = parse_dimension(text, names=True)
    [Dimension(body=بي, value=بي, start=32, end=34, dimension_type=DimensionType.NAME)]

    Relevant log output

    No response

    bug parsing 
    opened by PAIN-BARHAM 0
  • Add feature to parse duration period

    Add feature to parse duration period

    What problem are you trying to solve?

    Parsing the duration from the text that has the difference between the two dates.

    Examples (if relevant)

    >>> from maha.parsers.functions import parse_dimension
    >>> output = parse_dimension('عن ربع نمو سكان العالم القديم والتحضر بين 1700 و 1900 ميلادي', duration=True)[0].value
    >>> output
    DurationValue(values=[ValueUnit(value=200, unit=<DurationUnit.YEARS: 7>)], normalized_unit=<DurationUnit.SECONDS: 1>)

    Definition of Done

    • It must adhere to the coding style used in the defined dimensions, duration dimension.
    • The implementation should cover most use cases.
    • Adding tests
    feature request 
    opened by PAIN-BARHAM 1
  • Adding the parser functionality to Processors

    Adding the parser functionality to Processors

    What problem are you trying to solve?

    Adding the parser functionality to Processors to parse different dimensions.

    Examples (if relevant)

    >>> from pathlib import Path
    >>> import maha
    >>> resource_path = Path(maha.__file__).parents[1] / "sample_data/tweets.txt"
    >>> data = resource_path.read_text()
    >>> print(data)
    الساعة الآن 12:00 في اسبانيا 🇪🇸, انتهى بشكل رسمي عقد الأسطورة ليو ميسي مع برشلونة . .
    طبعا بكونو حاطين المكيف ع٣ مئوية وخود تقلبات وبرد وحر وCNS وزعيق المراقب وألف نيلة وقر فتحت اشوف درجة الحرارة هتبقي كام يو الامتحان لقيتها ٤٢ والامتحان الساعه ١ فعايز انورماليز اننا ننزل بالفالنه الحمالات Hot fac
    يسعدلي مساكم ❤🌹 شرح كلمة zwa هالمنشور رح تلاقو (zwar) سهل و لذيذ (aber) ناقصو شوية ملح وكزبر #منقو
    مـعلش استحملوني ب الاصفر هالفتره 💛 #ريشـه هههههههه
    لما حد يسالني بتختفي كتير لية =..
    زيِّنوا ليلة الجمع بالصلاة على النَّبِيِّ ﷺ" ❤
    #Windows11 is on the horizon. What feature are you looking forward to
    Get vaccinate #savethesaviour
    Today I am beginning project on 10 days duratio #30daysofcod #DEVCommunit
    >>> from maha.processors import FileProcessor
    >>> proc = FileProcessor(resource_path)
    >>> parsed = proc.parse_dimension(time=True)
    [Dimension(body=الساعة الآن 12:00, value=TimeValue(years=0, months=0, days=0, hours=0, minutes=0, seconds=0, hour=12, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), start=0, end=17, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME),
     Dimension(body=الساعه ١, value=TimeValue(hour=1, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0), start=238, end=246, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME),
     Dimension(body=ليلة, value=TimeValue(am_pm='PM'), start=491, end=495, dimension_type=DimensionType.TIME)]

    Definition of Done

    • It must adhere to the coding style.
    • The implementation should cover most use cases.
    • Adding tests.
    good first issue feature request parsing 
    opened by PAIN-BARHAM 0
Mohammad Al-Fetyani
Machine Learning Engineer
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