Readers and converters for data from the ECMWF reanalysis models. Written in Python.
Works great in combination with pytesmo.
If you use the software in a publication then please cite it using the Zenodo DOI. Be aware that this badge links to the latest package version.
Please select your specific version at to get the DOI of that version. You should normally always use the DOI for the specific version of your record in citations. This is to ensure that other researchers can access the exact research artefact you used for reproducibility.
You can find additional information regarding DOI versioning at
Install required C-libraries via conda. For installation we recommend Miniconda. So please install it according to the official installation instructions. As soon as you have the conda
command in your shell you can continue:
conda install -c conda-forge pandas pygrib netcdf4 pyresample xarray
The following command will download and install all the needed pip packages as well as the ecmwf-model package itself.
pip install ecmwf_models
To create a full development environment with conda, the yml files inside the folder environment/ in this repository can be used. Both environements should work. The file latest should install the newest version of most dependencies. The file pinned is a fallback option and should always work.
git clone --recursive ecmwf_models cd ecmwf_models conda env create -f environment/latest.yml source activate ecmwf_models python develop pytest
Supported Products
At the moment this package supports
- ERA Interim (deprecated)
- ERA5
- ERA5-Land
reanalysis data in grib and netcdf format (download, reading, time series creation) with a default spatial sampling of 0.75 degrees (ERA Interim), 0.25 degrees (ERA5), resp. 0.1 degrees (ERA5-Land). It should be easy to extend the package to support other ECMWF reanalysis products. This will be done as need arises.
We are happy if you want to contribute. Please raise an issue explaining what is missing or if you find a bug. Please take a look at the developers guide.