Bean Seller
A New Worlds market scraper.
This must be installed on Windows as it uses the Windows api to do its stuff
Install Prerequisites:
Good writeup here:
Run Locally
Clone the project
git clone https://link-to-project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the scraper
python .\
When closed, by pressing q when prompted, this will crate a .json file with its scrapped contents.
Note: The game must be windowed, and set to 1920x1200.
1. Start New World, go to a market.
2. Open the market and select what you want scraped (select all markets, all items.)
3. Start the scrapper.
4. Press any key when prompted.
5. Scroll the market list to get the next section of items.
6. Press any key again.
7. Scroll all the way down to the bottom of the list.
8. Press 'w' to get the last two items.
9. Go to the next page of the market.
10. Start this list over from 4.
Things to do (that I probably wont).
Automate the manipulation of the market screen to make this completely hands off.
What to do with the json output?
I like to put it in and figure out what's going on in the markets.