Pytorch0.4.1 codes for InsightFace



Pytorch0.4.1 codes for InsightFace

1. Intro

  • This repo is a reimplementation of Arcface(paper), or Insightface(github)
  • For models, including the pytorch implementation of the backbone modules of Arcface and MobileFacenet
  • Codes for transform MXNET data records in Insightface(github) to Image Datafolders are provided
  • Pretrained models are posted, include the MobileFacenet and IR-SE50 in the original paper

2. Pretrained Models & Performance

IR-SE50 @ BaiduNetdisk, IR-SE50 @ Onedrive

LFW(%) CFP-FF(%) CFP-FP(%) AgeDB-30(%) calfw(%) cplfw(%) vgg2_fp(%)
0.9952 0.9962 0.9504 0.9622 0.9557 0.9107 0.9386

Mobilefacenet @ BaiduNetDisk, Mobilefacenet @ OneDrive

LFW(%) CFP-FF(%) CFP-FP(%) AgeDB-30(%) calfw(%) cplfw(%) vgg2_fp(%)
0.9918 0.9891 0.8986 0.9347 0.9402 0.866 0.9100

3. How to use

  • clone

    git clone

3.1 Data Preparation

3.1.1 Prepare Facebank (For testing over camera or video)

Provide the face images your want to detect in the data/face_bank folder, and guarantee it have a structure like following:

        ---> id1/
            ---> id1_1.jpg
        ---> id2/
            ---> id2_1.jpg
        ---> id3/
            ---> id3_1.jpg
           ---> id3_2.jpg

3.1.2 download the pretrained model to work_space/model

If more than 1 image appears in one folder, an average embedding will be calculated

3.2.3 Prepare Dataset ( For training)

download the refined dataset: (emore recommended)

Note: If you use the refined MS1M dataset and the cropped VGG2 dataset, please cite the original papers.

  • after unzip the files to 'data' path, run :


    after the execution, you should find following structure:

            ---> agedb_30
            ---> calfw
            ---> cfp_ff
            --->  cfp_fp
            ---> cfp_fp
            ---> cplfw
            ---> lfw
            ---> vgg2_fp

3.2 detect over camera:

- facebank/
    if more than 1 image appears in the directory, average embedding will be calculated
  • 4 to start


3.3 detect over video:

python -f [video file name] -s [save file name]

the video file should be inside the data/face_bank folder

3.4 Training:

python -b [batch_size] -lr [learning rate] -e [epochs]

# python -net mobilefacenet -b 200 -w 4

4. References


  • PRs are welcome, in case that I don't have the resource to train some large models like the 100 and 151 layers model
  • Email : [email protected]
  • training paras for mobilefacenet

    training paras for mobilefacenet

    Hi @TreB1eN ,

    I found this line in the file: conf.milestones = [3,4,5] # mobildefacenet but the milestones is not used during training, i guess that means learning rate is not decay. +line 225: seems like self.schedule_lr() should be called during training according to the paper for mobilefacenet.

    BTW, would you please share the training paras for mobilefacenet to reproduce your acc? batch size,init learning rate.

    Thanks for your help!

    opened by cvtower 24
  • Maybe a bug

    Maybe a bug

    Hi @TreB1eN , after reading the code, I found the follow codes may be a bug of your Arcloss. cond_mask = cond_v > 0 keep_val = (cos_theta - # when theta not in [0,pi], use cosface instead cos_theta_m[cond_mask] = keep_val[cond_mask]
    I think it should be : cond_mask = cond_v <= 0 . In fact, you implement a special Am-softmax with margin = mm, instead of ArcLoss.

    opened by JingyuanHu 14
  • I met some environment problem when I used  conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

    I met some environment problem when I used conda install --yes --file requirements.txt

    It's python3.6 on ubuntu16

    Solving environment: failed with current_repodata.json, will retry with next repodata source. Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): done Solving environment: failed

    PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

    • mxnet==1.2.1.post1
    • opencv_python==
    • easydict==1.7
    • scikit_learn==0.19.2
    • mxnet_cu90==1.2.1
    • torch==0.4.0

    Current channels:


    To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're looking for, navigate to

    and use the search bar at the top of the page.

    and it is the same problem on windows. could you help me?

    opened by liguoyu666 10
  • Some errors about image color

    Some errors about image color

    Hi, Thanks for your great contribute on this open source work! But I have a few questions! Firstly, I downloaded the from InsightFace Dataset zoo. Then I unzipped the data and followed your instruction to generate training imgs but I got such images! image image It looks like an issue about RGB channel and BGR channel. So i wonder whether its color is correct. Thank you!

    opened by lvvvmd 8
  • MTCNN problem

    MTCNN problem

    MTCNN code changes in this repo compared to original TropComplique repo have reduced accuracy. I have checked that by replacing, and, I can improve accuracy significantly. Applies to too.

    Any idea what could be causing this drop in accuracy?

    opened by kulkarniniraj 7
  • I get the acc 56% by 5 epoch which make me saaaaaaaaaaad

    I get the acc 56% by 5 epoch which make me saaaaaaaaaaad

    with epoch = 4 , batch_size = 256 , number workers = 3 , others parameter is the same as author. and with 4 GPUs training ms1m in my server . finally , get the accuracy rate = 56% , it's a very sad result. I don't know where I got wrong.
    I don't believe the cause is the such short epoch ~~~

    [email protected]

    opened by ruiming46zrm 7
  • Fine-tuning pretrained model

    Fine-tuning pretrained model

    Thanks @TreB1eN for the great work! I was trying to fine-tune on a small dataset by the pretraind model IR-SE50. In this process, I do not train the embedding model, but add the nn.Linear layer to do softmax classification.

    There are the related code. The input of nn.Linear is embeddings before normed.

    class Arcface(Module):
        # just fc, use ArcFace embedding model
        def __init__(self, embedding_size=512, classnum=28, pretrained=None):
            super(Arcface, self).__init__()
            self.backbone = Backbone(50, 0.6, 'ir_se')
            self.fc = Linear(embedding_size, classnum)
            if pretrained:
        def forward(self, input):
            embeddings, linear = self.backbone(input)
            logits = self.fc(linear)
            return embeddings, logits

    The forward part of Backbone is also changed as follows:

    class Backbone(Module):
        def __init__(self, num_layers, drop_ratio, mode='ir'):
            super(Backbone, self).__init__()
            assert num_layers in [
                50, 100, 152], 'num_layers should be 50,100, or 152'
            assert mode in ['ir', 'ir_se'], 'mode should be ir or ir_se'
            blocks = get_blocks(num_layers)
            if mode == 'ir':
                unit_module = bottleneck_IR
            elif mode == 'ir_se':
                unit_module = bottleneck_IR_SE
            self.input_layer = Sequential(Conv2d(3, 64, (3, 3), 1, 1, bias=False),
            self.output_layer = Sequential(BatchNorm2d(512),
                                           Linear(512 * 7 * 7, 512),
            modules = []
            for block in blocks:
                for bottleneck in block:
            self.body = Sequential(*modules)
        def forward(self, x):
            x = self.input_layer(x)
            x = self.body(x)
            x = self.output_layer(x)
            return l2_norm(x), x

    However, in the training process, the loss is downing very slow. The lr is 1e-3, and the optimizer is Adam.

    Epoch 1/20
    The train loss is 3.353309392929077, The accuracy is 0.0133928582072258
    Epoch 2/20
    The train loss is 3.2458348274230957, The accuracy is 0.2031250149011612
    Epoch 3/20
    The train loss is 3.152858257293701, The accuracy is 0.3125
    Epoch 4/20
    The train loss is 3.0687711238861084, The accuracy is 0.3504464328289032
    Epoch 5/20
    The train loss is 2.9923739433288574, The accuracy is 0.3638392984867096

    Could you give me some advice, or point out where my mistakes are?

    opened by yuhaoooo 6
  • No such file or directory: 'work_space/save/model_final.pth'

    No such file or directory: 'work_space/save/model_final.pth'

    Hi there,

    When I issue "python" there will be the following error message:

    $ python
    mtcnn loaded
    {'batch_size': 100, 'emore_folder': PosixPath('data/faces_emore'), 'test_transform': Compose(
        Normalize(mean=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5], std=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
    ), 'embedding_size': 512, 'face_limit': 10, 'data_mode': 'emore', 'ms1m_folder': PosixPath('data/faces_ms1m_112x112'), 'work_path': PosixPath('work_space'), 'log_path': PosixPath('work_space/log'), 'net_depth': 50, 'facebank_path': PosixPath('data/facebank'), 'net_mode': 'ir_se', 'drop_ratio': 0.6, 'vgg_folder': PosixPath('data/faces_vgg_112x112'), 'device': device(type='cuda', index=0), 'save_path': PosixPath('work_space/save'), 'min_face_size': 30, 'threshold': 1.5, 'model_path': PosixPath('work_space/models'), 'use_mobilfacenet': False, 'input_size': [112, 112], 'data_path': PosixPath('data')}
    ir_se_50 model generated
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "", line 31, in <module>
        learner.load_state(conf, 'final.pth', True, True)
      File "/home/robert/workingbox/InsightFace_Pytorch/", line 82, in load_state
      File "/home/robert/inf1/lib/python3.5/site-packages/torch/", line 356, in load
        f = open(str(f), 'rb')
    FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'work_space/save/model_final.pth'

    My system info as follows:

    OS: Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS x86-64
    CUDA: release 9.0, V9.0.176
    Python: 3.5.2
    torch: 0.4.1
    torchvision: 0.2.1
    mxnet: 1.3.1
    mxnet_cu90: 1.3.1
    tensorboardX: 1.4

    How can I generate or get the file "model_final.pth" ?


    opened by while-true-work 5
  • GPU memory required to train r100

    GPU memory required to train r100

    Thank you for your great work! However, I met a problem about limitation of GPU memory. Can you give me some suggestion about the minimum GPU memory required to train r100 ArcFace by your code?

    opened by JingyuanHu 5
  • data form for evaluating

    data form for evaluating

    how change" agedb_30, agedb_30_issame = get_val_pair(data_path, 'agedb_30')" for my own dataset (img fold and labels). len(agedb_30) = 12000, but len(agedb_30_issame)=6000, and sum(agedb_30_issame ) =3000, and is random. can you give some interpreation? thx.

    opened by foocker 4
  • Environment setting problem(POSIXPATH error)

    Environment setting problem(POSIXPATH error)

    I've clone this code and run pip3 -r requirement.txt

    But I met some problem due to invalid arguments

    os.path.join didn't support POSIXPATH

    my environment is ubuntu 16.0.4 python 3.5.1

    opened by ming1144 4
  • Bump pillow from 5.2.0 to 9.3.0

    Bump pillow from 5.2.0 to 9.3.0

    Bumps pillow from 5.2.0 to 9.3.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from pillow's releases.



    ... (truncated)


    Sourced from pillow's changelog.

    9.3.0 (2022-10-29)

    • Limit SAMPLESPERPIXEL to avoid runtime DOS #6700 [wiredfool]

    • Initialize libtiff buffer when saving #6699 [radarhere]

    • Inline fname2char to fix memory leak #6329 [nulano]

    • Fix memory leaks related to text features #6330 [nulano]

    • Use double quotes for version check on old CPython on Windows #6695 [hugovk]

    • Remove backup implementation of Round for Windows platforms #6693 [cgohlke]

    • Fixed set_variation_by_name offset #6445 [radarhere]

    • Fix malloc in _imagingft.c:font_setvaraxes #6690 [cgohlke]

    • Release Python GIL when converting images using matrix operations #6418 [hmaarrfk]

    • Added ExifTags enums #6630 [radarhere]

    • Do not modify previous frame when calculating delta in PNG #6683 [radarhere]

    • Added support for reading BMP images with RLE4 compression #6674 [npjg, radarhere]

    • Decode JPEG compressed BLP1 data in original mode #6678 [radarhere]

    • Added GPS TIFF tag info #6661 [radarhere]

    • Added conversion between RGB/RGBA/RGBX and LAB #6647 [radarhere]

    • Do not attempt normalization if mode is already normal #6644 [radarhere]

    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

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    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • How to train next

    How to train next

    model: mobileface device: NVIDIA 2080 * 1 dataSet: glint360K Based on the pre training model, continue training for about 30 days loss is reduced only in a few iterations after it is reduced, and then it is almost the same image image


    opened by momohuangsha 1
  • Bump numpy from 1.14.5 to 1.22.0

    Bump numpy from 1.14.5 to 1.22.0

    Bumps numpy from 1.14.5 to 1.22.0.

    Release notes

    Sourced from numpy's releases.


    NumPy 1.22.0 Release Notes

    NumPy 1.22.0 is a big release featuring the work of 153 contributors spread over 609 pull requests. There have been many improvements, highlights are:

    • Annotations of the main namespace are essentially complete. Upstream is a moving target, so there will likely be further improvements, but the major work is done. This is probably the most user visible enhancement in this release.
    • A preliminary version of the proposed Array-API is provided. This is a step in creating a standard collection of functions that can be used across application such as CuPy and JAX.
    • NumPy now has a DLPack backend. DLPack provides a common interchange format for array (tensor) data.
    • New methods for quantile, percentile, and related functions. The new methods provide a complete set of the methods commonly found in the literature.
    • A new configurable allocator for use by downstream projects.

    These are in addition to the ongoing work to provide SIMD support for commonly used functions, improvements to F2PY, and better documentation.

    The Python versions supported in this release are 3.8-3.10, Python 3.7 has been dropped. Note that 32 bit wheels are only provided for Python 3.8 and 3.9 on Windows, all other wheels are 64 bits on account of Ubuntu, Fedora, and other Linux distributions dropping 32 bit support. All 64 bit wheels are also linked with 64 bit integer OpenBLAS, which should fix the occasional problems encountered by folks using truly huge arrays.

    Expired deprecations

    Deprecated numeric style dtype strings have been removed

    Using the strings "Bytes0", "Datetime64", "Str0", "Uint32", and "Uint64" as a dtype will now raise a TypeError.


    Expired deprecations for loads, ndfromtxt, and mafromtxt in npyio

    numpy.loads was deprecated in v1.15, with the recommendation that users use pickle.loads instead. ndfromtxt and mafromtxt were both deprecated in v1.17 - users should use numpy.genfromtxt instead with the appropriate value for the usemask parameter.


    ... (truncated)


    Dependabot compatibility score

    Dependabot will resolve any conflicts with this PR as long as you don't alter it yourself. You can also trigger a rebase manually by commenting @dependabot rebase.

    Dependabot commands and options

    You can trigger Dependabot actions by commenting on this PR:

    • @dependabot rebase will rebase this PR
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    • @dependabot ignore this dependency will close this PR and stop Dependabot creating any more for this dependency (unless you reopen the PR or upgrade to it yourself)
    • @dependabot use these labels will set the current labels as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
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    • @dependabot use these assignees will set the current assignees as the default for future PRs for this repo and language
    • @dependabot use this milestone will set the current milestone as the default for future PRs for this repo and language

    You can disable automated security fix PRs for this repo from the Security Alerts page.

    opened by dependabot[bot] 0
  • Details of alignment by MTCNN

    Details of alignment by MTCNN

    I am working with CFP-FP dataset. When I use data that is provided by Insight-face I get above the reported accuracy. However, When I align CFP myself with mtcnn, the performance drops. Could you please provide information about the preprocessing?

    opened by msedebrahimi 0
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